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The Difference a Little Marijuana Makes

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I don't want to come across as some pot head because that certainly wouldn't describe me at all. Nor do I want to encourage people to do anything illegal.

I am a middle aged professional that would classify himself as an occasional, actually very infrequent, user of marijuana. I have to say, however, just one or two small hits of the green and my aneros session is incredible. Super- o's within minutes and incredible feelings for hours. Without any pot, I can have pleasurable sessions, but never to the same level. With pot I am rocking, while without it I am basically some guy with a piece of plastic up his rear end. It is that much of a difference.

What is most amazing is that now whenever I just smoke a little, those wonderful aftershocks just start happening, not only am I slightly high, but I am continually having these orgasms aneroslessly. I am sure there is quite a grin on my face. Talk about rewiring!

I am surprised that on the various marijuana user forums there aren't areas dedicated solely to Aneros use. They are such a perfect match.

I would like to hear about other's similar experiences.

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I am a real pot head summer time as a full time student I can't do much during school.

I smoked with my gf just before taking a sun bath. As I was laid, I felt the prostate and was able to get a boner without anything else than muscle contraction like I would with the aneros. The sensation was pretty intense and building but I was interrupted by my gf.

Weed seems to enhance a lot the sensation down there but in an other hand I don't know if I ever got any orgasm with weed. I can't seem to remember exactly what hapenned or reproduce it sober.

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I agree.....

I was completely blown away by an accidental discovery.

I was using a Helix Syn and Progasm from time to time early on in this journey.....not really learning too much.

One night in bed after a little pot [edible as I don't smoke] I was gently fiddling.... a slow 1 finger rub ...... decided to give up and relax into the body buzz.

I had a strong pleasurable wave pass through my abdomen, followed by another and another. Things got out of control pretty quickly when I rolled onto my right side. Pleasure waves, prostate orgasms pushing out loads of fluid, instant rock hard erections immediately before body trembling super orgasms. Continued throughout the night... in the morning there was a dinner plate sized tide mark on the sheet as I'd been on my side all night. I was a wreck.

There was some kind of conscious connection between thought and muscle contraction. I could see my prostate and massage it as if I were touching it..... crazy weird stuff.

What's crazy is I can replicate this but only with a little pot, while I've had plenty of amazing sessions with the MGX and Eupho all my best sessions have been Aneros-less

Pot has always been a way to meditate, and see the good things in my life that are clouded or obscured day to day, to connect with the 'Inner Me' and somehow it seems to connect me with my subconscious mind. It also may help that I am a reasonably good hypnotic subject?!

The best I can do on my own is a few P Waves... trying time and time again without any real progress.

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For years, 10 in fact, I've been reporting just what you say above. Though I do have occasional great success w/o weed by far my most profound experiences are with it. Just two tokes will do it, like you say, barely enough to feel high. They transform me into a wholly eroticized being and my sessions are amazing.

if i take more than two tokes i enter into a stunning virtual world where i experience unimaginable erotic adventures as if they were real.

for imbibing, i recommend the VaporGenie.

i absolutely love the combination of weed and the aneros (or aneros-less).


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Yes to the Genie. Another device that has a learning curve. Magic Flight Launch Box is another great choice. Vaporizing definitely is better method.

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I had a lovely experience yesterday (day 2 with program), where I had a small toke before a session. I was laying down and experienced a couple of p-waves that blew my mind.

I agree that aneros and herb are a very nice combination.

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Hey, I thought this was my little trick! The sessions are definitely better for me with 2 hits of hash. Like you I don't smoke much, but I do like to combine Aneros sessions with THC. My most intense sessions have been while mildly high. I'm not sure why, but it's not my imagination. The difference is huge.

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Last night, I had a small toking session before going to bed. As my mind turned towards fairly erotic memories, my hands began wandering accordingly. I didn't end up riding, but I kept my hands on my perineum and needless to say, things went really well. I ended up gasping and even sweating a little, which is saying something considering I don't sweat a lot. No other session has been like this, particularly without a little 420. I'd say in moderation, it could be quite good. 🙂

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Marajuana is absolutely wonderful without the aneros and it is a great help when trying to step back and just let things happen. I rarely have a aneros session without it. Easy for me because I smoke every day. I have noticed that even though it feels great I have a tough Time really losing control and letting the toy take over. So my question is this. I wonder if adding shrooms to the mix would help out. I have never tried them but from what I have heard losing control is not a problem. Just a thought. Anyone had any experience with this? I do think that while experimenting with this we should all proceed with caution. I don't even know if there is such a thing as a safe dose of shrooms. But if you think about it it could be a wild ride!

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I think I had some kind of magic mushroom in the '70's and didn't die, but with all the other things I ingested (mescaline, LSD, woodrose, MDA) I can't say for sure. But I do know that magic mushrooms, in higher doses, are toxic; that's what makes you hallucinate. I don't know what the effect of ingesting mushrooms and weed will do for you and your aneros sessions but I would do some research first about the effects of different mushrooms. If weed isn't allowing you to lose control and have orgasms, I doubt that the combination of weed and mushrooms will do it, but I don't know for sure. I would be careful and take a very small amount of mushrooms to see the effect they have first.

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Taking marijuana with mango increases the potency!!!
(There's lots to be found on the internet about the influences of different terpenes on the effect of mj)

Psilocybin and Aneros I haven't yet tried. What I have done is Super O with Aneros beforehand and then remove it, ingest the psilocybin and start doing the ksmo so by the time (approx 30 minutes later)the psilocybin starts working I'm cumming in another dimension;)

It's been noted above that psilocybin is a poison, I disagree, it's ld50 is also very mild. But the dose will influence the type of effect it will have. A high dose will lead to dissolution of the ego, while a low dose will arouse more than even mj can. I've had some amazing mo's using the ksmo on moderate doses of psilocybin.

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"But I do know that magic mushrooms, in higher doses, are toxic; that's what makes you hallucinate." Sounds like something I may have heard from the stoned dude I woke up next to, and have remembered it to this day. Thanks for the information about this and the mango. I love mango.

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My reply is not meant to crash the thread but i would like to ask you people something...what effect would m have with pain...sounds great that it works well with the aneros!!

hope to hear from some of you!!

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I've never smoked marijuana. I just wanted to recommend Damiana Tea. It's completely legal almost everywhere (illegal in ONE state of US, and a derivative product is illegal in UK). I've been experimenting with damiana for about 2 weeks, and it has great relaxing properties as well as being an aphrodisiac. Specifically, it improves libido and blood circulation in penis, balls and clit. The effect is not permanent, though, and subsides once you stop taking it.

The peak is after about 2 weeks. You should see measurable difference after even one or two cups (I the same 1-2 teaspoons for brewing several cups - this stuff is strong, not suitable for drinking at work if you're, say, a programmer). Specifically, your cock should be a bit engorged even when flaccid.

The reason I haven't posted about this before is because I still need more data, for example to rule out placebo effect. But I have yet to have an average aneros session after drinking damiana.

I've never heard about someone demolishing a door in his workplace after drinking damiana.

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Where does one purchase Damiana Tea?

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"Damiana is an invigorating aphrodisiac which at higher doses is said to produce a mellow, relaxing high."

It's available in herbstores. There are a few in my city. You might have to google and order it.

The latin name is Turnera diffusa
Turnera diffusa, known as damiana, is a shrub native to southwestern Texas in the United States,[3] Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean

By the way, Contraindications:

  • Not to be used while pregnant.
  • Animal studies suggest that damiana has hypoglycemic actions.
  • People with low blood sugar should be monitored more closely for this
    possible effect.

  • might cause insomnia

If you put the latin name in a search engine, you can find this within 2 minutes:

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I tried it once on shrooms - couldn't for the life of me work out how to get the damn thing in ...

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I've tried it several times with a couple generous tokes recently - it does definitely make me more relaxed and I can feel the Aneros-on-prostate sensations happening sooner. But for whatever reason, it also has a slight numbing effect on me as well. I find I don't get as aroused and I don't seem to get as far along in my sessions after the initial shortcut.

Could easily just be the strain I'm smoking (I'm not an expert and have only used pot occasionally throughout the last few years).

Anyway, I think it's a useful tool that I'll continue to explore with the Aneros, but so far at least my all-time best sessions have been without it.

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I've tried it several times with a couple generous tokes recently - it does definitely make me more relaxed and I can feel the Aneros-on-prostate sensations happening sooner. But for whatever reason, it also has a slight numbing effect on me as well. I find I don't get as aroused and I don't seem to get as far along in my sessions after the initial shortcut.

Could easily just be the strain I'm smoking (I'm not an expert and have only used pot occasionally throughout the last few years).

Anyway, I think it's a useful tool that I'll continue to explore with the Aneros, but so far at least my all-time best sessions have been without it.

I've found if you smoke too much at one time it can impact your ability to concentrate/remember enough to hold contractions as much as you would when 100% sober. So it's a bit of a balancing act (or just powering through I suppose) and I'd suggest lowering the dose v. what you might take if you were just looking to get fucked up and watch cartoons.

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