The Art Of Breathin...
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The Art Of Breathing

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All right guys, I have been Super Orgasmic for quite some time now, but I feel as though I have something that holds me back that I am wondering if you had any feedback on. It is really a simple problem actually that I just can't seem to master. When my Super O's start, I become absolutely breathless! I cannot seem to get my breathing in synch with what is happening. This inablility to get it working together seems to hold me back. I guess I might be concerned as well that to stop breathing while this intensive event is happening might not be the best for me.

I have heard guys talk about getting to a level where their breathing becomes relaxed and calm while the Super O takes over. I have not reached this level. The orgasms that I am experiencing are quite intense! I just feel as though if I am able to pull this together, things will get even more interesting.

I am just looking to see if anyone has had this similar issue and what they were able to do to get passed it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Yanks in the crowd. A good day to the rest of you.


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OK, what I am about to say contradicts what I have read from many other posts here, so I could be wrong here, and maybe others simply have mastered something I haven't.

I have found almost any form of focused breathing to be a distraction in most cases. It's true! Sometimes deep rhythmic breathing has helped build arousal. But every time I start thinking about my breathing, I stop focusing on other things and this leads me away from a super O. I notice that during a super O, my breathing is really shallow and calm. If I try to even start deep breathing at this point, my focus shifts away from the super O causing it to subside.

I realize many others here have talked about how breathing is what lead TO the super O, and I realize what I'm saying contradicts this, so I don't know. I just know this has been my experience. Maybe I've simply not mastered this yet.

I will say I've had one exception to this -- There was one experience I had about a week ago which I haven't been able to repeat, where I was pushing out my abdominal muscles and breathing deeply. This lead to an orgasm that was more focused in my abdomen -- it was very different from the normal super O's I've been having. Unfortunately my bladder was full and I had to go to the bathroom and had to end it too soon and was not able to repeat it again ever.

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Hey BF,

Thanks for your response. I too think that there is no "textbook" way to this experience. What I wanted to know more about was your comment:

I notice that during a super O, my breathing is really shallow and calm.

The fact that your breathing is calm is a stage that I have yet to get to but want to. My breathing is more gasping. That coupled with your heart beating like crazy has got to be bad for the system!

Has your breathing always been shallow and calm or did you work up to that? Do you recall any particular thing/event that got you to that point?

Thanks Binary, I have enjoyed your posts.


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Are you confusing breathlessness with a tightening of the abdominal muscles? The reason I ask is because when I get close to a traditional penile orgasm my abdomen tightens up leading to ejaculation (sometimes prematurely). I had been working on my breathing which helped, but it finally dawned on me that the real issue was the tight belly. So I bought a great little book titled "Unwinding the Belly" Not only did the authors Allison Post and Steven Cavalier teach a self massage technique for relaxing the belly, they also teach you to integrate full, deep diaphram breathing. The techniques have helped me across the board, but particularly in controling my muscle reactions to impending orgasms. I started the program prior to getting the Aneros, however the relaxation of the abdominal muscles and full breathing are still paying dividends when in prostate mode.

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Hi BegE,

It seems to be every muscle in my body tightens up, not just the abs. There have been times when I was Super O'ing so intensely that I would get a charlie horse in my legs. I can certainly appreciate the moment of a traditional orgasm when you become breathless, but that lasts just a few moments and is no big deal. During a Super O, it lasts too long to go without breathing and like Binaryfellow mentioned, there is a distraction to thinking about it. It sounds as though the book that you mentioned was helpful to you.



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I've got to say, it is very interesting to see other's experiences and compare them with my own.

To answer your question, my breathing has always been shallow. I don't think I've ever had a super O where I was gasping for air or my heart was racing. In fact, I would consider those things a major hindrance to getting there.

For me, a super O is about intense relaxation and peace -- I even thought that was a key for me to get there. What you describe however, is the absolute opposite.

Now, before the super O, I find myself sometimes tensing up in anticipation. I try not to do this though, as it seems to make it harder to get there. If I ever catch myself tightening any muscle (and it does happen!) other than my pc/abdominal/rectal muscles I immediately try to loosen up completely and let go -- this really does seem to help as it's much more difficult for me to get there if I'm "hanging on" in anticipation. Relaxation is the key.

During a super O, I loose any desire to tense up. It's like, I realize that I'm there on top and it's happening, so I can finally relax and enjoy. Actually, during long super O's I'm usually too worried of killing the bliss to make any movements at all -- and this is sometimes a bad thing as the feeling dies if I'm not actively focusing and holding the pc contraction that got me there. Also, Sometimes my legs will be bent in an awkward position, and the soreness will eventually catch up and the super O will end.

I'm not really qualified to tell you what to do as each of us have our own path, but I think maybe you're getting too excited? Now, I realize excitement isn't exactly something you can contain but try to focus more on relaxation and releasing any tension. I don't know if that'll help but that is what I do.

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I think that tensing up is a natural reaction to the orgasmic process. Deep breathing is a well used tool to relax the muscle tension. One thing I have noticed during Aneros sessions is that they are physically taxing. I find myself contorting into all kinds of positons and using muscles throughout my body. This is when the daily yoga/stretching routine really pays dividends. I also practice qi gong and meditation on a pretty regular basis. I try to treat an Aneros session as meditation, quieting the mind and concentrating on breathing from the very beginning. The idea being not to guide the outcome of the session, but to let my body naturally react to the Aneros. Of course, as the sensations build and orgasm approaches, the meditative aspect pretty much goes out the window as raw, primal processes take over. However the yoga and associated breathing excersises have become somewhat second nature and still are useful throughout the Aneros session.

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