The Aneros Hangover...
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The Aneros Hangover Effect & Nausea

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Hello All,
I've been a regular user of The Eupho Trident and Helix Trident for a couple of years now, I'm 47. But lately I've been having a problem that makes my wonder if I can really use this much anymore. In the beginning, I had some really great experiences, but now the situation seems to be different. After few hours, and especially the next day, after a session I feel nauseated and generally unwell. It seems the more intensely pleasurable the session was, the more lousy I feel the next few days. I may seem generally fine, but after I eat something, I feel like I'm going to get sick to my stomach. At first I thought it might be the Eupho, so I switched back to the Helix, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I also thought maybe it's the lube I was using, Boybutter, and switched to Coconut Oil, but that also didn't seem to help. Sometimes after a session, it can be mild, other times, much worse. It makes it very distracting going into a session knowing I might end up paying for it the next day like having a few too many drinks of alcohol. I also tried making sure I was hydrated, but I can't say that made a noticeable difference either.

Has anyone else experienced this and what could be going on? Is this a kind of payback for the endorphin high? Is there something I should be doing different or is my physiology just not compatible with this?

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I don't know about your case, but I have a spastic colon and no gallbladder, which causes bile to back up into the stomach. Antacids will only make it worse because bile is base and stomach acid is not the problem. It makes me feel rough sometimes. It's usually triggered by prolonged anxiety, but I have to be careful about contracting too much or too hard to keep from feeling bad.

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So I like the term "Aneros hangover". I'm not sure if that's in common use or something you coined here, but it's a good term. I don't think there is any one specific thing that causes this, rather it's lots of little things.

During an orgasm there's a lot of innervation of the sympathetic nervous system. This "fight or flight" response naturally causes tremors, bowel motility, mild nausea and vision changes. The best way to counteract this effect is to practice deep breathing exercises throughout the session. Learning to avoid letting these effects overwhelm you is an important part of the rewiring process. It's okay to stop if things get too intense.

Along these same lines is clenching or forcing things. No matter what you read anywhere... even here on the wiki, it will not lead where you want to be. Not only does this undermine your deep breathing exercise and lead to an excess of anxiety building up; It also causes staining of the shoulders and neck that will lead to tension headaches. If you do the breathing right, it will override the desire to clench.

The next thing that can contribute to problems is not using enough lube or allowing the lube to dry out. Think of the last time you were really constipated. You probably had nausea, maybe a headache or pain in the shoulder or chest. Just like constipation, the Aneros does irritate the lining of the colon a bit and this is referred to other body locations. The best protective measure is an abundance of lube. At least twice as much as you think you will need.

The last thing is kinda gross but it needs to be said. Sometimes I hear stories of people getting severe nausea and vomiting or even fevers after using Aneros. I'm certain that this is due to cross contamination. Put the device it in and leave it in. Assume that your hands are contaminated as soon as you pick up the Aneros. Don't touch your face or mouth at all during a session. Wash the device and then your hands in that order after taking it out. Taking a shower after is a good way to wind down and make sure you aren't contaminating anything.

This post was modified 5 years ago 3 times by Lendari

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@lendari I'll have to consider some of this advice. Unfortunately, the specter of feeling unwell after a session is quite a distraction. The more intensely great the ride, the worse off I can feel the next day or two. I don't remember this happening at all when I first started using the thing, only more recently has it shifted to more dud sessions and this odd side effect. Not sure why things changed. It's almost like my body has gotten used to, and even annoyed by, the effects this device can bring.

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@shinobi , yes, I've been through this once or twice in my 4.5 years of prostate play.  I  recognize the symptoms and it means my prostate needs a break.  I discontinue all activities for a week or so and things usually fall back in place.


Good luck and good vibes to you.

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I don't get an unpleasant effect, but a strange one, especially after a good session. I feel like I'm on  autopilot, or in slow motion. Maybe it's just super relaxed. I haven't tested but I suspect my reaction time goes down. Which is fine because I don't drive. A rather pleasant feeling overall.

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I know exactly what you mean. My cure to this has been pretty simple, stimulate my prostate less. I also find cutting down on the porn has helped me lol


I love prostate play and it's super easy to get carried away and find myself having intense sessions 5+ days a week and it can end up leaving me exhausted and a little sick the day after tbh. I just take a week or two off and then only once a week or so instead


One thing I've also tried and can recommend is lowering your intensity but going for longing sessions. Or just throw in a plug all day, which I LOVE. I have a double plug it's kind of unique you can check out that link to see what I mean. It's way more intense cause it's sort of long and the two bumps mean that it never actually slips out... had an awkward situation where a steel plug straight up feel out in my pants in public!!

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An update to my original post. I stopped using Boy Butter as a lubricant and switched to raw unrefined coconut oil. This seems to work a lot better and now lately with my last sessions, there has been no more nausea! or at least very little. Usually find after a session, the next day is a different kind of "hangover" a more feeling of being tired and needing to recharge. Usually cannot do another session the next day, I need at least a few days or more to reset.

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@shinobi I was going to suggest switching lubricants, I find KY works best for me, I've had some nasty side effects from using some brands. Yuk!

Glad you're back in the saddle!


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