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The 90% Mental Component to Rewiring Success

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Recently in a thread entitled "Aless Session Better Than Aneros Session" @rumel stated with regards to ALESS:

"I've long maintained that the Aneros journey is more than 90% a mental exercise so once you've developed the physical skills to effectively control and manuever your muscles with the Aneros in situ, you've also got the tools to recreate similar conditions Anerosless. Obviously attitude, arousal, and opportunity play into this scenario as well."

I am progressing on my journey into a place where I realize @rumel is so correct in this 90% mental business in his wisdom and leadership on this board directing men to rewiring success.

So I feel it is important for us guys who know what @rumel is talking about, to put into print for the rest of the Aneros community of learners and persons at whatever state of their journey some factual methods of what we do mentally to cause the build up to dry Os or Super Os or any O other than the traditional wet O that we learn as boys that becomes so ingrained in our lives as males with penises and the ability to make them spurt. As we all know, aneros rewiring is not about the traditional Wet O of our boyhoods and adult lives as men.

Maybe this has been discussed in other threads, and if so, @rumel, as you so often do, please link those threads into this thread for our review and study to advance us further down the path of orgasmic rewiring. We men appreciate your saintly attention and guidance, not to mention the time you invest into other men seeking to revolutionize their orgasmic abilities.

Since I brought this up, I will start by giving my mental methods to increase orgasmic pleasure which leads to a dry O and the small number of super Os I have experienced.

For me, mental and physical relaxation is key. @rumel covers that in attitude, arousal and opportunity. If I am stressed or watching the clock or have alot of professional mind noise and obligations on my mind, I had best wait for that to clear and for me to be in a better and more relaxed state of mind in every facet of my life. Privacy and time to/for self pleasure are also key to how good a response I will get from my aneros/aless experience.

But mentally, here are the things I use along with relaxation and the things mentioned. To clear the mind noise or any mental distraction, I will tell myself, "No thinking--only pleasure." That focuses me on my body giving me orgasmic pleasure that manifests itself in a tingle or an orgasmic feeling which I mentally sieze up and focus on mentally encouraging that pleasure to build. I also employ words like "Bliss, Give me Bliss," when the pleasure starts to build. Also, "Ecstacy, Give me Ecstacy."

One sure way to kill the progress of any orgasmic feeling or build up is the idea of trying to control it or direct it a certain way. To that idea, I employ the mental phrase, "Take the lead pleasure; relax body and let it take the lead. Let it do what it want to do. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy the pleasure. Let the pleasure broaden..........Let it become whole body......."

I will stop at this point and will open myself to any critique if what I am doing to advance to a dry O or any non traditional O makes sense to anyone.

If so, please add your mental methodology and suggestions for success based on what you do in this 90% mental game. I have more, but need to introduce this and see where it goes among more successful practitioners who can give us all tips they employ to advance to a successful non traditional O.

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@Turnrow thanks for the complimentary attributions but please don't attribute any 'saintly' approbations to me, I'm mainly parroting back to the forum the distilled wisdom from literally thousands of members posts and the knowledge of the gurus who preceded me.

As we all know, aneros rewiring is not about the traditional Wet O of our boyhoods and adult lives as men.

So true, rewiring requires a paradigm shift in thinking about what constitutes an orgasm, about what constitutes pleasure, about what constitutes 'maleness'. Having the audacity to open your mind to an alternate thought process about your own pleasure is essential. @Cockadoodle ’s thread Penis, NOT, @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State all address this paradigm shift in thinking. @neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire" is another thread which touches upon this aspect of the Aneros journey.

For me, mental and physical relaxation is key... If I am stressed or watching the clock or have a lot of professional mind noise and obligations on my mind, I had best wait for that to clear and for me to be in a better and more relaxed state of mind in every facet of my life. Privacy and time to/for self pleasure are also key to how good a response I will get from my aneros/aless experience.

Exactly right, @darwin nailed this in his thread relax, relax, RELAX. On the mental side of this, it is a lessening of the brain's executive control network in favor of the default control network.

But mentally, here are the things I use along with relaxation and the things mentioned. To clear the mind noise or any mental distraction, I will tell myself, "No thinking--only pleasure." That focuses me on my body giving me orgasmic pleasure that manifests itself in a tingle or an orgasmic feeling which I mentally sieze up and focus on mentally encouraging that pleasure to build. I also employ words like "Bliss, Give me Bliss," when the pleasure starts to build. Also, "Ecstacy, Give me Ecstacy."

This is an example of self programming, using positive affirmations which can be especially effective when in a receptive mental state (please see Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state?).

One sure way to kill the progress of any orgasmic feeling or build up is the idea of trying to control it or direct it a certain way.

Yup, that was a primary thought in my thread "Just Let Go !".
Good Vibes to You !

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Years ago, I was a student of a Buddhist sect in Atlanta wholly for the purpose of learning how to clear my mind and let go. It is a wonderful way to get rid of stress, anxiety, and everything else, as humans that we seem to dwell upon that does not make a bit of difference.

I had not meditated in years, but when I found out about aneros I realized the importance of letting go right off.

anyone going down the prostate massage path would do well to take a class or two in meditation and letting go. The monks were a bunch of interesting guys to be around to, and they didn't give a damn if you took up their religious beliefs or not as to encourage someone to do something a certain way was counter to their beliefs that everyone is entitled to wherever their personal journey takes them. it was an experience of a lifetime.

Taking a class in meditation = quick path to success with aneros. IMO

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@Turnrow, Good to see you here with your thoughts on the mental component to rewiring success.

You may remember that I had a major breakthrough in my Aneros sessions in mid September 2016 when I experienced several days of Super-O's and MMO's. That one experience enabled me to relax and let go in my sessions thereafter.

I believe the 90% mental component to rewiring success is what I call Aneros horniness. When I am horny for my Aneros devices, I am guaranteed successful sessions. I have developed certainly since September 2016 what I call an Aneros consciousness. Just thinking about my Aneros devices and what they do for me enables to focus on my parts of my anatomy that the Aneros stimulates, namely my prostate, anal canal and musculature, perineum, and bunghole.

Also I seldom have Aneros sessions at night. But many nights in bed, I diddle my nipples in soft, daft fashion, and often trigger Super-O's or produce times of sweet dalliance near the PONR!

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In the last several months I have made a breakthrough in my journey - the ability to relax more than I ever have before. What helps me is focusing on my breathing and noticing any little sensation that might occur. I used to get very strong muscle contractions in my abs and other muscle groups. These still happen but I am able to let them pass and continue to focus. This has taken a LONG time to achieve. Last week I had my most amazing orgasm so far. I was relaxing in bed and began to have Aless p-waves. These built up to a nice orgasm that lasted a few minutes, then things calmed down. Then another series of p-waves started and built up to another orgasm that lasted longer. This went on for about 35 to 40 minutes. I didn't count the number of orgasms. I didn't want to interrupt the process by distracting myself. My Aneros sessions are still very pleasurable. I have them 1 or 2 times a week. But my Aless sessions have increased in frequency and intensity. Relaxation has been the most important element. The best advice I can give is find out what works for you. The rewards are worth the effort.

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I've been going Aless for about 1.5 months now, and it's really helped my body awareness, as far as how much I tend to clench my pelvic floor, whether PC or anal muscles. Now that I know what I've been doing I can get some involuntary anal contractions pretty easily, and as other people have discussed, am starting to be able to move "energy" to other parts of my body. It certainly makes for an interesting journey!

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