Testicle rewiring?
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Testicle rewiring?

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I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this. My testicles don't give me any pleasure and appear to be only there to cause discomfort and pain, though my nipples were once the same way and now are a vast treasure trove of sexual pleasure. I was curious if there is a sort of testicle rewiring and if so, if anyone has any tricks or techniques they'd like to share. For those of you who already have testicles that respond well to a bit of play, what are some of the things you do that feel good?

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Have not experienced any issues in that area - no blue balls or pain! Have been rewired with my nipples to experience lots of varied pleasure! My testicles have grown larger due to semen retention I guess!

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Interesting question... I can't say my testicles are rewired in the same sense as my prostate, because I have always gotten incredible amounts of pleasure from my testicles, well before my prostate re-wiring. The only difference is, now, like stimulation anywhere on my body, I am able to turn it into orgasmic pleasure. That is, I now have distinct peaks of pleasure that feel like orgasms. When I read that your testicles bring you pain and discomfort, I smiled, because that is what mine bring me too. But I am masochistic. I get extreme amounts of pleasure from the discomfort or pain of my testicles, or any sort of pain for that matter. My testicles have always been very fickle. Some days they give me tons of pleasure, some days they give me none. I get a lot more pleasure however when someone else is playing with them, and thus I am more aroused (more aroused=blueballs=increased sensitivity). This has to do with the surprise factor, the sensation of not being in control of something that can potentially really hurt, and does really hurt sometimes (though my partners say they never go at it very hard, even though it feels really hard to me, and I am far from the realm of ballbusting, which is incredibly violent). When they do give me pleasure, it is wild. My partner will gently caress them, massage them, squeeze them, prod them... it activates nerve ending all over my body, and if a partner sucks/licks/bites my skin (anywhere on my body, but my neck and armpits and breasts and legs and feet and... oh heck, anywhere!) it throws me into a state of ecstasy. I drool, I scream and make noises worthy of horror films, I see colors, I writhe... it can be like a minutes long orgasm, sometimes lasting 10-15 minutes. Throw in my helix into the mix and it is even crazier. I avoid having my penis touched during this time, as that sort of switches the pleasure off. Often I have to stop because I can't take the pleasure any longer. Otherwise, when I ejaculate I love having my partner squeeze my balls. During sex, if my partner grabs my balls, I risk ejaculating immediately, it is so strong. When I am alone, my testicles are only really fun when I have a toy in. At that point they are as sensitive as they are with a partner, BUT there is the lack of surprise/unpredictability and domination that I get when a partner is involved. It is like trying to tickle myself-- it's just not the same. But they still give me pleasure and are fun to play with. I do tie up my balls often when I am having toy-in prostate orgasms, and it leads to unbelievable amounts of tension and pleasure, as I get really hard and the rope adds to the tension of everything down there. Suggestions I have, based on my experience, are to let your partner play with your balls when you aroused, if you have a partner, and avoid touching your penis ahead of time or during. If you don't have a partner, just try everything you might try with other parts of your body. Touch them gently. Maybe try only playing with your testicles, and not your penis. Or play with them with a prostate massager in. You can tie them up to isolate them from your body and increase sensitivity, though please be careful and read all about how to do it first so you don't hurt yourself. A rope and a larks head knot is the simplest and safest way to do it.

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In the last couple of sessions that I have had it seems that my cremaster muscles have gone into overdrive. I can feel my testicles rotating around in the scrotum and it feels pretty good.

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Never tought about these muscles having a direct link with pleasure. Did you do something particular to "activate them" or it just happened ? My balls are just "there" and don't really play a part in my sessions, I might have to look into that. 


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Posted by: @zentai


Never tought about these muscles having a direct link with pleasure. Did you do something particular to "activate them" or it just happened ? My balls are just "there" and don't really play a part in my sessions, I might have to look into that. 


I didn't do anything to activate them, they just started going crazy at certain times. Tightening and moving around, rotating the testicles. Sort of a faint tingly feeling.

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Posted by: @reddog152
Posted by: @zentai


Never tought about these muscles having a direct link with pleasure. Did you do something particular to "activate them" or it just happened ? My balls are just "there" and don't really play a part in my sessions, I might have to look into that. 


I didn't do anything to activate them, they just started going crazy at certain times. Tightening and moving around, rotating the testicles. Sort of a faint tingly feeling.

I'm under the impression that they should do that any time you are being aroused - doesnt for me - and this might be varicose vein issue near testicles etc. So maybe a medical reason?

Medical info I happened upon suggested that slowly rubbing hands on the inside of your thighs should cause movement of testicles. Not done this to myself as of yet.


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Hey, @lonewolf8 , WELCOME back!  Nice to see you back on the forum!


Good vibes to you.

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I wanted my balls to hang lower, and bought a stretcher parachute.  The balls are starting to get a nicer hang, the one thing (using a pound of weight) I have noticed with stretching, the sensations have improved, with that improvement my time with Aneros has also improved. A little weight with good tension, and very slight kegels, and I start to throb all over... 

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