Tempo Much Differen...
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Tempo Much Different from Peridise?

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I love my Peridise, especially the larger of the beginners set. It really does a number on me, in part because it frees me to manually massage my perineal area. The Tempo looks beautiful, stainless steel and all, but I wonder if it is noticeably different than the Peridise, being so similar in size and the like.

I'd love to hear some advice or reviews from users who have had success from both. Thanks.


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It's actually much bigger than the biggest Peridise, and considerably heavier than it, as well.

It requires very little lube (Vaseline works well for me), and seems to be much more aggressive, due to its heavier weight, which causes it to be more unstable and inclined to slip out more than the Peridise.

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@Badger has covered the essential physical differences and for me, these are major. Lube adheres differently to these two tools. That, combined with the different mass and subtle differences in balance yields a different 'ride quality' particularly at the start of the session.

I find that the largest Peridise stays well centered in my canal with some Cowpers contact and a continous focus on my anal canal and both sphincters. Tempo on the other hand opens the session with it's 'point' at the base of my prostate with some localized force on my penis crus and pudential nerve bundle. This gives Tempo more penis focus and increases the HFWO tendencies. As my session develops Tempo seems to slide about and the initial discomfort resolves into pleasure.

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Yes when tempo gets going it is a bigger thump in the ass. With the lube warmed up its like silk moving in your ass, its so smooth! Dont drop it on your tiles in the bathroom it will break them. I have never had a peridise or the tempo come out even when walking around with them in,but then i am a tight ass :)Vaseline is good quick and easy especially if you dont get much privacy. It is quite heavy I would not want anyone to throw one at me. So dont pissoff your wife 😉

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Is it safe to assume that due to the limited number of responses that neither the Peridise or Tempo is a favorite of the more experienced crowd?

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@Gilman, I reckon the limited number is due to the fact that to respond to your question you need to have experience with both. I don't own a peridise but I do own a tempo, and definitely floats my boat.
It has an uncanny ability to fool me into feeling full at the same time it's small enough to be mobile. As @rook said, it does kiss the prostate during normal use but if it works it's way all the way in (sometimes with a little help;)) it bangs me like jackhammer giving great anal orgasms, I'd recommend one at the drop of a hat.

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I'd say that Tempo is my personal favorite of the line, and I do prefer it to the peridises, for 2 reasons. First, it is by far the easiest for me to insert and remove. Second, it is so silky smooth and comfortable (unlike the white plastic models with their sharp poorly-cast seams). My only complaint is that it is a bit too heavy for my taste...although it seems to be that heaviness that many seem to like best about it. I can understand the benefits of the heaviness, but I find that it makes it a poor choice to use during partnered sex (which is why I originally purchased it). But like I said, it is still my favorite. Everyone is different, so your mileage may vary.

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@Giman I would consider myself well experienced but if you mean more like aneros Jedi for want of a better name then this question gets asked over and over. Would you not get tired of answering the same thing time and time again?pitty search functions are all sorts of fuckedup but then there we go it is, so the quest is asked time and time again. @Bunk is right too not everyone has both.

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