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Tantra / First Super-O / Yoga Resources

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I figured I would write to this forum when I had my first super-o, although two years ago when I started using this thing I never imagined that I would write what I am about to. There is an amazing awakening to tap into with this thing!

So as for the first super-o I had a couple weeks ago... I've never had a shaking, arcticwolves type of super-o, more the seas of calm super-o. If you were watching from the outside, it might be hard to tell that anything is happening at all really. The only movement is the aneros slowly and gently caressing my prostate, completely on auto-pilot. And of course the quick breathing, and my heart that felt as if it was about to beat out of my chest. As for sensations, it feels like my whole pelvic region is filled with a white light energy, and this energy moves up the spine, filling the whole body. I hallucinated music that wasn't there, and completely lost track of time. It must have lasted a few of minutes at least, but I could have sworn that I laid there in complete and utter bliss for hours. I realized that wasn't the case after I got up and looked at the clock. Made me feel like this guy: 😯 I was having these types of experiences all along, but not this strogly until just recently. I always thought that the super-o was going to feel like an orgasm without ejaculation. It sounds like for some on this forum, that is very real, but its just not the way it happened for me. I think imaganing and focusing on traditional orgasm like feelings is part of the reason it took me this long to have a major breakthrough with this thing.

And what is this fantastic energy?? I'm kind of surprised more people on here aren't talking about the spiritual side of this chunk of plastic. Ok hear me out. I got the aneros because I had an experience on a river rafting trip in the Grand Canyon where I felt like I was going to have an orgasm when I wasn't even masturbating, and I felt like I needed to figure out what that was. Two years ago, I would have labeled myself as a nutcase for talking about chakras and Kundalini (after which the K-Tab is named). But after reading all kinds of things on hatha yoga and tantra yoga, I've come to realize that the experiences the yogis talk of are the definite description of the experiences that myself and others on this forum are having. Not just in yoga do people experience this energy, also Buddhist, Taoist, Zen, Sufi, Christian mystics. They all speak of a spiritual energy. Prana, Chi, Holy Spirit, call it what you like, but it is all the same. If you've gotten this far without thinking I am a nutcase, please take the time to check out aypsite.org. It is a fantastic resource on how to raise kundalini energy safely and effectively. I like to use the aneros less and less often now and usually use meditation and breathing methods. I save it for special nights only when I feel like this guy: 😈

Tips - ejcaulate less; save your sexual energy! Once every fourth or fifth day I have found works wonders. Check out aypsite.org if you have any spiritual inclination, or even if you don't. You will find great breathing excercises and meditations for daily practice to awaken kundalini energy. swamij.com and allgoodthings.com are good references as well. Sorry for the long winded post and let me know if find things there that pique your curiosity.

"The body was designed for ecstasy, and even a small taste is enough to convince the skeptic." - yogani

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Hi Lurkish and welcome to the Forum after all this time! You certainly sound like you have had quite an awakening. I hope you stick around to help others along based on your experiences.

What were you doing in the Grand Canyon that sparked such a response?

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Hi there,
This is my first post on this forum after years of lurking.
I am an owner of an Aneros Helix for a couple of years now and since I got the device in my mail I never had any luck of discovering the ever-elusive non-ejaculatory orgasm.
Until I read this post and followed the link provided by the OP.
I had discovered that the breathing technique is paramount in getting some reaction from the prostate.
I tried the Breath of Fire technique and immediately lost control of my body. My breathing went from slow to really fast uncontrollably and I was in ecstasy. My legs and genital region were convulsing and I made a sound as though I was crying.
I am glad that I didn't throw away my Helix after years of failed attempts.
I never knew a non-ejaculatory orgasm would feel this good.
I hope to experience a more powerful orgasm than I had today. I don't think I experienced the super-o just yet but at least I'm on the right path.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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Hi Dorian, To be completely honest, I'm not 100% sure if what I had was a super-o either, at least not in the sense of some of the descriptions I've read, but the feeling of Kundalini rising up the spine qualifies in my book. After looking at the ties between Kundalini and aneros, is the super-o simply a phenomenon of Kundalini rising? Can I get some more experienced users to weigh in on this? Buster? In any case it was freaking phenomenal, and it sounds like your experience wasn't bad either.

As for the Grand Canyon, I was lying down resting the tips of my fingers on my cock. I was feeling pretty horny, but I couldn't jerk off because we were doing a night float (very close quarters) on the calm section of the river right before Lake Mead. At least one person has to stay awake to make sure you don't bump into anything. So there I was wishing I could jerk off, and I started counting my breaths because I thought it might help me fall asleep. Then I started feeling this sexual energy filling my body, and for some reason it seemed like I could send it through my fingers and down into my cock. I thought I was going to have an orgasm, and I knew that if I did, it was going to blow any other previous orgasms away, buut sadly it never happened. I've tried a few times, but haven't been able to do it since. I'm still not really sure why I felt that strange new feeling, but I wonder if the canyon itself has something to do with it. I'm starting to believe that we can absorb prana from some of earth's most amazing places.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention about one thing that got me thinking about the ties between yoga and aneros from aypsite.org... The author recommends paying attention to breathing while sitting in a cross-legged position with your heel putting pressure on the perineum. Then you very lightly flex your anal sphincter to bring sexual energy higher up into the rest of your body. There's a bit more to it than that, but it got me thinking when I first read it. Great stuff!

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Hi Lurkish!

Congratulations on your recent successes! (you too Dorian!)

I have read here in the Forum and felt almost ALL the feelings
you describe in your post!

In my opinion you ARE experiencing Super-Os of various kinds!

As has been said here by Brian, myself and others, we are ALL
different and we are going to experience Super-Os and ALL kinds
of "Dry Orgasms" in various ways!

Yours sound like maybe a little more spiritual than some others???

You might want to check-out KSMO as well! It is a little more
cerebral way to access the garden of earthly delights! Tell Jack
that I sent you . . . they are very nice people there!

Later, Hlaser99

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Congratulations and thanks for the awesome link! I'm going to start using that website in my practice. 😀

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Hi Lurkish, and thanks for your wonderful description of the Super-O!

I have been hanging around this forum for some years (!) now, though never posted before. Thanks for all your super-helpful and informative posts, you are a fantastic bunch! I had my first Super-Os - and *many* of them - as a prepubescent (using mostly the "climbing the pole/whatever"-technique).

During puberty my penis got in the way (no offence, penis) and I seemed to "forget" about the Super-O, or thought they were just really strong penile orgasms from when I was new to the experience. The last couple of years have been AMAZING, rediscovering my abilites, though I haven't had a full body experience (which I used to have as a kid) yet. Many mini-O's and Super-O-crossovers though!

I have been speculating about exactly the same thing as Lurkish, that yoga, zen, chi, chakras, meridans, "third eye", "body energy" etc. is all really the same thing. But my interpretation of what this means takes a different perspective. I don't see it as anything mystical. From my perspective, when "energy" "flows" through my body, some kind of mystical energy doesn't *actually* flow through me. My nerves and by brain makes it *feel* as if energy is flowing through me. Why does my brain do this? I don't have an exact answer, but what I know for sure is that my brain is capable of amazing things. It can make me feel happy, sad, hungry, paranoid, confused, tingly, horny, it makes me dream, wonder, fantasize... And I believe all sensations/feelings/emotions eventually can be explained from an evolutionary view, though they may not necessarily be positive or relevant for modern human. And some of them may be accidental by-processes or emergent properties of other processes.

What I also know is that animals need to have sex to reproduce, so a sexual drive evolved. The Super-O may seem a little extreme, but so may many other feelings and sensations (they can even go completely amok).

Perhaps (actually likely) some ancestor of modern humans weren't smart enough to know they should even *have* sex. So the sexual drive had to be extremely strong? Or perhaps our brain and nervous system is simply able to provide more pleasure than we really need. (This is only speculation of course.) But what I DO know for sure is that my brain can easily make me feel more angry, sad, or whatever, than I can possibly imagine I actually need!

I think it's sad this subject is so overlooked by the media, the public, and science (though I haven't actually done a thorough search for any scientific papers on it...). They seem unaware or uninterested. Maybe they are thinking "yeah.. very horny, fantastic orgasm, we know", while not really grasping the *intense* pleasure it can provide (for free!) because they haven't experienced it to a full-blown end themselves? And those who have, acknowledge it for what it is (the brain can give us amazing orgasms, cool enough!), but keep it to themselves for privacy reasons?

And the people who end up "investigating" it are the spiritual or religious who will give it different meanings depending on their beliefs. (And when it comes to such an intense and personal experience as the Super-O I have no problem with that..).


Since everyone else here have been so helpful and shared so many stories and tips, I'll wrap it up by describing what does it for me:

It is really simple: relaxation and horniness. When they combine perfectly I reach a Super-O. Additional external stimulation of my nerves (skin, p-tab-area, prostate, etc.) may help in the process.

There are many relaxation techniques.

When it comes to horniness, I find the tingly, "curious" horniness I experience when I imagine something like: "It's summer, I'm walking through the forest down to a small pond where two beautiful girls from work are nude bathing... I think I'll stay right here and watch them for a while before joining in..." to be FAR more effective than imagining the sexual act itself. So for me it is more about the excitement, expectations and fantasies. (Though just before reaching the Super-O this sometimes changes.)

This turned out to be a long post (blame it on the several years with no posts to get things off my chest 😀 ), if you made it this far, thanks for reading.


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merci ,merci,merci,merci,merci,merci,merci,merci 😆 😆 😆 😆

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This is a really great post and thanks to you new guys for this info. I'm thinking I haven't had a super O yet as I was expecting it to be just like a traditional orgasm with the ejaculation just like Lurkish described and just maybe that is the wrong way of thinking.
I have been on a roll the last few weeks and after a year of painfully slow, but steady progress, suddenly things are going great guns. I had a session today and would consider it my best session ever. I had wave after wave of wonderful pleasure sweep over me and I experienced many of the things that are claimed to happen during a super O
I had shaking and uncontrolable moaning and my prostrate felt like a burning ember - just like in the cd and for the first time I really lost track of time.
Just maybe I did have a super O and did not recognize it. whatever it was...... it seems like every session is one step better than the previous.
I plan to check out the links provided and incorporate this into my session. thanks again

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Hi Sanity,

Coming from a scientific background (electrical engineer by trade), I used to think everthing had a scientific explanation, even if science hasn't found it yet. It seems though that some of these ancient traditions have such a handle on the feelings we've been experiencing while our modern scientific medical community is clueless. I do think it is sad as well. I just added a new cadaceus avatar there on the left and I think they are clueless about its meaning too. The ancient greeks knew.

Anyway, I hope I didn't come off too strong on the whole spiritual kick thing; it wasn't really my intention, although going back and reading my old post it looks like it. It seems to me though that if anyone is looking for an explanation for what they are feeling, and science is offering no answers... those links might help. I think for me the aneros provided enough of something so different and amazing that it offered enough of a suspension of disbelief for me to take a look at some ancient traditions. Is it simply the brain, who knows? Modern science still has a long way to go and they may uncover something yet.

Perhaps (actually likely) some ancestor of modern humans weren't smart enough to know they should even *have* sex.

hmmmm I've got to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to get at here, but it reminds me of a White Stripes song.

"And all them big jungle cats get it
And I bet your little dog gets it
And every bird and bee in the jungle, too
And everything in the ocean blue
They just happen to know exactly what to do
So why don't you?"

Oh, I forgot to mention Karl Jung, the Swiss founder of analytical physcology. He came around to the tantra yoga way of thinking on a trip to India and presented to his peers on it. Lost his sanity? Anyone's guess.

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Loved your post and I am glad you made it. Even though I am not a "spiritual" person, i love hearing other people interpretations of their experiences. And to say that people are having something akin to a religious/spiritual experience with this device is an amazing testament. And you did not come off too strong with the "spiritual kick thing", I would love to hear more. I have not had a spiritual experience with the Aneros, but I have not had a "Super-O", I'll let you know when I get there. 😉

Also, your post was an inspiration for some long-time lurkers to finally post in the forum. So there must be a lot of people that are experiencing the same thing you are. And for the rest of the lurkers, I wish you would introduce yourself and be part of the dialog too. The more you give, the more you get.

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What he said ^^^^^^^


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Yes Buster! Hi!

Lurkish, Sanity and all, what a great bunch of people and posts in this thread!! You might want to respond and/or comment further in the "Spirituality" interest Polls in the Community polls section of the Forum.

I've (we've; mrs. a and I) have explored these areas periodically over the years and I am still working on sorting and documenting in my blog: http://www.aneros.com/displayblog.php?id=3544

Sanity, your youth experience is interesting and I hope we might be able to chat in the Open Chat on some weekend it's available here. I have posted about my youthful prostate practice origins in the blog. Hope you all continue in dialogue here and consider starting your journey's blog log here too!

all the best on your journeys


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Thanks everyone for posting by the way. I definately should have searched around more on the forum before saying I'm surprised people haven't been talking about spiritual aspects. Artform, Plantation, BigE, Billy11, Pan I think are on about the same page just to name a few that have posted recently and I'm sure I'm leaving a bunch out.

Oh hey plantation, aypsite.org is in French! http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pratiquesavanceesdeyoga

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I want to join the other responders in thanking you for your thoughtful post. I don’t believe you are “…a nutcase…” at all. You have articulated well the profound effect crossing over to the Super-O can have on many men.
I believe one of the reasons there is not much discussion about the spiritual side of this energy release is enculturated fear. There is a latent fear that discussion of spirituality may be closely allied with religious teachings or dogma and we all know how globally divisive such doctrines have become. But as you have correctly noted, this energy is truly pan-religious, non-sectarian and most importantly it is generated, owned and individually controlled by each of us. No governments, churches, friends or foes can deny you the power within yourself.

I would like to point out that the Forum’s most respected contributor, ‘Brian Mayfield’ coined the phrase “Tantric Training Wheels” in reference to the Aneros massagers use on the journey toward the Super-O. I think Brian was letting us all know beforehand the implications of this experience (the Super-O) with that simple phrase.

Another reason for a dirth of spiritual discussion is many male egos are uncomfortable discussing topics which are emotionally charged, touchy-feely, New Agey or too abstract to speak about authoritatively. Spirituality embraces the intangible, non-linear, non-rational modes of creative thinking. This is quite contrary to our more common western scientific way of thinking.

Still another reason, IMHO, for the lack of discussion of the spiritual implications of the Aneros massagers is the focus of this Forum. The primary focus of this Forum is providing information, tools, tips and techniques to enable men to optimize their chances of crossing over to the Super-O. Until one is able to experience the altered state of consciousness that the Super-O can afford, the notion of its spiritual implications remain largely hypothetical and remote. Once one does cross-over, this Forum, naturally, becomes less useful as the new paradigm of thinking will take each of us into new realms of being and personal growth. Once a guy learns most of what can be taught here, there is little reason for him to stick around just to repeatedly relate his ecstatic states. That would just become boring to himself and others, wouldn’t you rather be experiencing these orgasms than writing about them? After all like ‘yogani’ says “The body was designed for ecstasy…” not writing (or typing). 😆

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It’s taken me some time for me to organize my thoughts on this topic as it is intertwined with a lot of my personal Journey. A huge question I have wrestled with during my stay here on Earth is the concept of God and Life After Death. The moment you die, you either move on to some new level of existence, or … there is nothing. These are the only two possibilities. (Yes, I also am an Electrical Engineer and yes, I am very comfortable in a binary world.)

What I clearly perceived Sanity to say in his post was that evolution has given humans tools to cope with the survival of the species. Some may seem like overkill, but anything that is good and helps perpetuate the gene pool, then that’s OK with Mother Nature. In fact, he had the audacity to postulate that there is really nothing special going on here. The brain is complex, and the Aneros product just takes advantage of an exception in the brain’s sexual circuitry. No big deal. Nothing to get all mystical about. Just exploit it and have a good time.

On the other hand, Lurkish posts of spirituality. The way I think of spirituality, I usually pin it to the hope that there is some continuation of existence after we have crossed the plain of mortality from this earthly realm. Otherwise, why be a good person, or citizen or father? Time is short, do what feels good – there aren’t a lot of consequences for being selfish if there is no higher moral authority than yourself.

Isn’t it funny that evolution has given us consciousness? Because we have consciousness we are the only animal that is aware that we are going to die. Did evolution make are brains so complex with so many different impulses/emotions/drives so that we wouldn’t think about death all day long?

So this topic kind of brought it all back into perspective for me again. Spirituality vs. Chaos. I don’t know if the Super-O is going to shed a whole lot of light on the question, but it’s one of the avenues I’m exploring to push the envelope of my status quo ability to gather information from my traditional senses. As Rumel points out, this forum and this challenge is a way station to dozens of other destinations – some of them may be in the links in the first thread of this topic!

Thanks for the excellent discussion.


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don't want to go to far into a thread that is heading towards religion. guaranteed degeneration.

the one thing i will say is that while the word "spiritual" does derive from "spirit" which probably originated with the idea of an afterlife, i think there are tons of people now who see spirituality independent of belief in an afterlife. the equation you make: "afterlife = all spirituality and morals" only holds for people who believe that equation. for many others, spirituality and morals can exist quite comfortably in a non-theistic world. it is a common misconception that "atheism = no morals/no spirituality." but, that is very far from the truth.

i am bringing this up because this forum does have much to do with spirituality (and sexuality, and love, and lots of things) but it does not therefore need to be about religion or an afterlife, and, in practice, is not.


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Points well made and points taken.


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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

You are quite right to keep us aware of and wary of the religion trap. The etymology of the word spirit actually derives from the Latin word spiritus, literally, breath. Any association to an afterlife is through religious dogma. The #1 definition in my dictionary is “an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms”, IMHO, the Aneros massagers usage fits well within that definition.
Given the word’s basis of “breath” I think we can say it is very much associated with the living as opposed to the dead. I believe we may all have our individual formulas/equations for what constitutes spirituality and that is probably the way it should be. We can certainly keep religion out of the discussion without harm to any one’s theology.

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I am with you guys. I love talking about and exploring the "spiritual" side of this because there is one for me. But as soon as the conversation turns to religion, I check out.

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Hi J4, Darwin, Rumel. This topic really blew up since I last checked it. I think I should clarify a couple things.

From Rumel's first post:

There is a latent fear that discussion of spirituality may be closely allied with religious teachings or dogma and we all know how globally divisive such doctrines have become. But as you have correctly noted, this energy is truly pan-religious, non-sectarian and most importantly it is generated, owned and individually controlled by each of us. No governments, churches, friends or foes can deny you the power within yourself.

Wow. I'm speechless. Well said.

Another reason for a dirth of spiritual discussion is many male egos are uncomfortable discussing topics which are emotionally charged, touchy-feely, New Agey or too abstract to speak about authoritatively.

I think you're probably right here, but when grown straight men are comfortable sharing experiences about sticking something up their butts for sexual pleasure (don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with it and love doing it), is this really too much of a stretch? I'd hope not.

Still another reason, IMHO, for the lack of discussion of the spiritual implications of the Aneros massagers is the focus of this Forum. The primary focus of this Forum is providing information, tools, tips and techniques to enable men to optimize their chances of crossing over to the Super-O. Until one is able to experience the altered state of consciousness that the Super-O can afford, the notion of its spiritual implications remain largely hypothetical and remote.

Before I took a look into the yogic traditions, I had really only experienced some light prostate orgasms and a few p-waves (which I now interperet as the flow of prana). This was enough to convinvce me that something amazing was right around the corner.

Furthermore, I believe that that yogic and buddhist traditions do provide information, tools, tips, and techniques to enable men (and women) to optimize their chances of crossing over to the Super-O. After trying it, I think meditation worked to clear obstructions that were keeping the energy from flowing through me. Only after meditating in the mornings and evenings every once in a while for a few months did I experience what I think was the phenomenon of Kundalini rising up my spine. I equate this to the super-o. The first super-o I had, which was the one I described earlier, was without the aneros, but I have had a couple similar ones since with the aneros. Just figured I'd throw that in there.

From Darwin's post:

i think there are tons of people now who see spirituality independent of belief in an afterlife. the equation you make: "afterlife = all spirituality and morals" only holds for people who believe that equation. for many others, spirituality and morals can exist quite comfortably in a non-theistic world. it is a common misconception that "atheism = no morals/no spirituality." but, that is very far from the truth.

Word. I think I am in this camp.

So now it seems like we're getting into the question of what is spiritual and what's not. Is the sexual energy related to a 'super-o' spiritual in itself? Hmmm. This is where I wish I knew more about or was more experienced in these matters, so please take what I am saying next with a grain of salt. I think it all depends on how the energy is applied. If we use it to try to better ourselves (being happier, calmer during the day) as I've heard other users talk about, I might call that spiritual.

This is where things get really nutty. So what if we could take this energy and circulate through our bodies all day? Then you begin to get good at it and you can raise Kundalini energy (identical to super-o?) whenever you feel like. Then you get even better and become accustomed to having kundalini energy surging through you all throughout the day to where it feels like you are in a constant orgasmic state all the time. This pours out as divine love to those around you. Maybe even leads to or helps with spiritual enlightenment (which is also truly pan-religious and non-sectarian) at some point. Sounds pretty far fetched, but many different individuals spanning several different belief sets claim it's possible. Many religions will try to sweep the sexual aspect of it under the rug, for obvious reasons.

Where am I going with all this? Just the faint idea that in some far fetched existence this might be possible has definitely helped me feel this energy. Low levels at first, and as I read more about it, and try new things with yoga I keep getting more and more intense experiences. I am absolutely nowhere near the level I've read about, and I'm still not sure the constat orgasmic state leading to enlightenment is even possible, but I'm sure willing to try. Its pretty fun in the process, too. I've definitely come off strong on the whole spiritual kick thing now, but I don't think its very far off topic. And if it helps anyone out with aneros or with daily life, hey I think that's great.

Thanks for listening to my two cents (long though it may be)

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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

I think what you are discussing is the essence of Tantric teachings. Learning to harness Kundalini energy, channel it through the chakras for spiritual growth, leading to enlightenment.
IMHO, you are also quite right that yogic and Buddhist traditions can be useful in enabling men and women to cross-over to the Super-O. Yoga teaches us how to have healthier bodies and meditation allows us to calm and focus our minds. Buddhist philosophy allows us to let go of attachments and expectations thus freeing us to experience the “now” completely.
I don’t think there is anything “…really nutty” about those ideas at all. Those concepts have been in use for thousands of years making life better for an untold number of people, there is no reason to think it can’t better our lives as well.

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I am loving the direction of the conversation here!!
These are things that the Aneros got me thinking about, mainly Tantra and Meditation. But Lurkish has taken it much further than I ever thought about! I think enlightenment and persistent orgasm does not sounds far fetched at all! I mean, how could you not be enlightened in that state of mind?
For what it is worth, I never had any luck with the Aneros until I took my sessions in a different direction with meditation. Control breathing and slipping into a "zone" is what flipped the switch on the Aneros for me.

Furthermore, I believe that that yogic and buddhist traditions do provide information, tools, tips, and techniques to enable men (and women) to optimize their chances of crossing over to the Super-O. After trying it, I think meditation worked to clear obstructions that were keeping the energy from flowing through me. Only after meditating in the mornings and evenings every once in a while for a few months did I experience what I think was the phenomenon of Kundalini rising up my spine. I equate this to the super-o. The first super-o I had, which was the one I described earlier, was without the aneros, but I have had a couple similar ones since with the aneros. Just figured I'd throw that in there.

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Hi there Lurkish rumel and others
I must concur that the "spiritual" aspect of MMOs are becoming apparent to me after many many months of practice.
There were transient moments of feeling spiritually connected to the universe during my calm seas events initially.
Recently I have been using ksmo and tantric methods to move or imagine moving " energy through the chakra zones" and the durations of feeling connected are getting longer and lasting beyond the orgasm phase and into normal daily life.
There is no doubt that these are physical experiences and that the mental processes experienced are very real.
Perhaps the words to express them accurately do not exist yet.
I am grateful to all the sources of free advice I have come across I'm my quest for pleasure that have additionally made me feel more connected to humanity and the universe as a result of my experiences.
And yes,as was so aptly put,the aneros helix and peridise were my training wheels not so long ago
Peace to all

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Great Gathering Gang!

In case anyone has missed the earlier postings of Pan's link to Michael Winn's "The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm" article, here it is: http://www.healingtaobritain.com/p67magazinequestforspiritualorgasm.htm

Since we have at least two electrical engineers in this gang, has anybody read The Body Electric: Electromagetism and the Foundation of Life by Robert O. Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden? I think it holds part of our story here too.

The more recently added dimension is the quantum effects networking in consciousness and other neurological signalling levels. Again, Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind and Shadows of the Mind are key texts! University research labs around the world are now getting positive results and documenting these quantum level signalling effects in living tissues.

Visualizing these possibilities encourages more "openings" and more multi-level responses with or without the training wheels, I find.

Even more is the sense of direct signalling with the millions of independent life-forms that generate our energies in each of our cells: our mitochondria. Ya gotta luv 'em!

Tao, Tantra, Kundalini reached into these treasures centuries ago, nurtured and treasured them. They are recognized as life force energies and as such the poets through the ages have sung the link between sex and death. I have just added a new entry "Sex and Death" at my blog here: http://www.aneros.com/displayentry.php?id=412

When Joni Mitchell wrote and sang: "We are stardust! We are golden! And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden...", she was in the first sentence speaking as both a poet and scientist! Our bodies are built of stardust literally. This cosmic reality spirituality is independent, and yet the foundation, of any creed, theism, or religion without altering or insulting the core of any faith. James P. Carse's book The Religious Case Against Belief is very helpful in this.

We (and any other advanced life-forms) are, in a whole-body whole-being way, the universe making itself self-conscious and celebratory stardust reflecting upon itself and the wonder of it all.

all the most vibrant electrical and quantum enlightening voyaging all


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Well anyway I downloaded these entrainment CD's from ebay. $15 of course per the instructions I am only using the first one for right now. If you get these make sure you read the instructions, for example if you have a history of epilepsy don't use them or talk to a doctor first. Well they have a refund policy. So anyway you put them on listen to it and it is rain drops with a tone in the background. The tone is a frequency that corresponds to brainwaves. So when you listen and stop thinking ( key point) it brings you into that brainwave state. Some use this for meditation, you could use it for prayer. If you use it for 15-20 minutes in the middle of the day you'll come out of it feeling like you had 4 hours of sleep. The recording is actually for 61 minutes. You can purchase similiar products from others for about 4-5Xs the price. Okay so here is what I did, I listened WITH HEADPHONES at night time and inserted my Helix and then I forgot about it. I focused on the sounds and within 10-12 minutes it brought me into deep relaxed state. From there I started gentle slow and small contractions. During that hour I could feel the wave throughout my whole body and then I brought the orgasm into the wave and had the most complete full body dry orgasm I ever had. It was a sexual pulsing throughout my whole body. Now when you don't ejaculate you get this afterglow that can last for 24 hours. BTW when I made love to my wife the next night my orgasm was like a nuclear explosion. It is called Sound Mind it has 1 track that you use for 4 months then an intermediate one, then an advanced. They ask you not to skip the first one so just follow the instructions. I don't make any comission from this but it really worked. BTW I know they say don't touch your penis but I, use the spot just underneath my head as a pressure point. So if you are having trouble try this without stroking.

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