Taking off the Tant...
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Taking off the Tantric Training Wheels

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Yesterday was a day off from work and I was vaping weed all day. good times.
That night I was watching some porn and decided to try an anerosless session.
The porn was too distracting (I never learn) and turned off the lights and lied down.

To my surprise things got exciting pretty quickly.
Lots of massive "p-waves" and some subtle climaxes.
The funny thing was during the session I was thinking "I can't wait to report this
achievement on the aneros forum! haha.

I had two separate anerosless sessions. And then I was too tired to have a third.
It was very good BUT not as strong as a sessions with an aneros.

Questions: Can anerosless sessions be as strong as aneros sessions?

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I believe that Anerosless sessions can be quite
enjoyable! Once you have exercised the various inner workings through Kegel training a whole new experience awaits and can be quite awesome! Not to say Aneros isn't equally enjoyable but there is definitely room for both! Working the inner and outer sphincters with or without Aneros can take you on quite an enjoyable ride! Experiment and you will discover lots of ways to excite you!

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One suggestion I can make: I don't approach an Anerosless session the same way as a regular session. In fact, I don't usually do it in the same place. Frequently, I am sitting at home or in a car when I start to feel some pleasant p-waves. Just keep light kegels going (nobody else has to know) and feel the sensations. Of course, they may not be as strong as in a regular session; it is a more subtle, sublime feeling. You may want to throw-in a fantasy or two into the experience.

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Its almost an apples and oranges situation for me. My less sessions are slower and more mellow and resonant, I think of them as chimes. My aneros sessions are loud and hard like a suction pump that makes the floor boards under your feet thump as the pump works. An Aneros session is hard, insistent and gripping while a Less session is subtle and beguiling. Hard to put in words, but both very different for me.
