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Surgical procedures to achieve Super Orgasms

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The Neuroscience of Pleasure article at HuffPost

I know what you're thinking: What does it feel like for a human to have his or her medial forebrain reward circuitry stimulated with an electrode?

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Fantastic find ! For some reason, the part that stands out the most for me is this one : 

"At its most frequent, the patient self-stimulated throughout the day, neglecting her personal hygiene and family commitments. A chronic ulceration developed at the tip of the finger used to adjust the amplitude dial and she frequently tampered with the device in an effort to increase the stimulation amplitude. At times she implored her family to limit her access to the stimulator, each time demanding its return after a short hiatus."

This really drives it home... Yet I think Super-Os, at least sober ones, do have some self-regulating features where it would be impossible to go this far. I don't believe you would be able to continually get aroused in normal circumstances to the point where you could orgasm all day long, day after day.

I also think the experiences that were done most probably created real Super-O states, as the results would not make sense otherwise. Surgical Super-Os can *actually* be done. Wow... But do they come with the more "spiritual" elements ?  

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     Wow! I think I called it. Thank God youd need a neurosurgeon to have it installed. lol

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Think I called it right,society would collapse from the addiction issues alone. Imagine how much you’d do it if it happened at the touch of a button. We’d be fucked.

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Posted by: @ggringo


Perhaps the surgery would have to be on the brain (like installing an on-off switch activated by inserting a finger in a light socket)... LOL Im just being silly here

@ggringo was the closest when it comes to implementation. 

We now know that brain implants in pleasure centers are a pretty bad idea... I can't believe this was actually tried on humans. It does show that humans will react no better than rats when confronted to automatic Os... 


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Posted by: @zentai

@ggringo was the closest when it comes to implementation. 

Wow, when you shoot in the air, sometimes you hit something!

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Your shot in the air was quite precise ! 

It really does make sense. The feelings from a prostate implant could get lost in transit on the way to the brain, or take the wrong path.  We already know that prostate play does not automatically creates super pleasurable feelings, unless the signals get dispatched to the right places. After all, the same signal can mean " I feel like I need to pee !" and "I feel like I'm coming !" depending on where you are on the path. 

Having the signals go directly to the right part of the brain bypasses all the "pesky issues" of needing to actually develop a system to turn prostate stim into pleasure signals, and also bypasses all internal safety mechanisms.  Lovely... 

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Posted by: @zentai

We now know that brain implants in pleasure centers are a pretty bad idea... I can't believe this was actually tried on humans. It does show that humans will react no better than rats when confronted to automatic Os... 

Guys, this is closer to a reality than you might think... consider Elon Musk's proposal for Neurolink. If Neurolink Corporation gets approved all the dire consequences you can imagine could come to pass. It is going to take some pretty strong willed people to resist the temptation to exploit/abuse the potential this technology may offer. I am not sure our human race is ready for that challenge, I know I'm not.

It is important to remember that human beings are little more than clever monkeys who learned to make and use sophisticated tools for good and ill.

Good Vibes to You!

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It would leave the un-implanted to scavenge for all the good stuff, hehe.

Kinda crazy how well it would work as a real societal collapse event. The technology exists and it's already 50 years old. I'm certain it could be turned into a rather routine surgical operation, or maybe there is a non-invasive way to achieve the same outcome ? Like this : Demolition Man.

Any form this technology could take would be suspicious to me : implant, headset, chemicals, microwaves, advanced hypnotic programing, etc.

People should hurry up and jump into this brand new field : Super-O Ethics. Get in right at the start, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. As always, I'm just half joking. It is not okay to point your Super-O ray at random people or hack into their implant...  Another example that is a no-no : Matrix O-Cake.

At some point we will likely go through the whole trilogy... that would make quite the PhD thesis : 

The Matrix movies as an allegory for Super-Orgasmic rewiring, the head jack being a representation of prostate device insertion.


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Great point ! Neurolink could sink us a species if used for pleasure. There is already enough old data from the article @helical posted, plus what we know from the Super-Os to see where this would go... After all, it takes some experience with Super-Os to really grasp/grok that HuffPost article.  

Personally, I know I can't handle the automatic Os in a responsible manner. I don't see myself as particularly strong willed, yet I don't think it really matters. I bet 99% of individuals would break at some point, as you are basically fighting the strongest, most primal biological drive. I, for one, am much weaker than millions of years of evolution. Everyone walking around with a pleasure implant is a true nightmare scenario.

But I would also think that it would quickly become obvious that this is not a great idea after the first trial subjects became pleasure zombies, which would hopefully stop widespread use. Or would it ? 

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I said on another post,we can visit the next place,but we cannot stay. You yourself have written about the problems you had using thc to outstay your welcome. We aren’t advanced enough to wield such power,maybe our super o machinery has a purpose further on in our evolution. Some of the enlightened found a way to have a sneek peek. After all,massagers were made for health but discovered pleasure. The magic wand was for muscle rehab until a couple of women wondered what it’d be like pressed against their clits. Neither guarantees anything unless paired with the right mindset…

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Yeah, I think at some higher levels, you're supposed to get in, get your lesson or inner knowledge or bit of enlightenment, then get out. This does not mean that lower levels cannot be used for health or recreative purposes as much as we want, but using "the next place" or the "outer realms of Os" as a cheap thrill is pushing things into addiction / obsession.

Thinking you have full control in these states and can just stop is quite a risky idea, even when things went south curiosity was much too strong to just end a session, then I wanted to experience all the endings, then I wanted to revisit them, then... Anyway, you know where I stand on the subjects, but even if I spend all my free time jumping around warning people, in reality I know that once you get there, things will have to run their course until you are done with the experience and emerge on the other side. I can't really imagine someone just shrugging their shoulders and backing off at this point. 

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Sorry guys this isn’t proof of anything. The experiment on rats is not an experiment on humans. Two people have had this sort of implant and became addicted. Does that mean 100% of people will become addicted? Or will only 2 out of a trillion people become addicted, and chance had it that those two were chosen for these experiments? Probably somewhere in between.

Drugs already exist that give us insane amounts of pleasure. People choose not to take them for various reasons. Heroin is surely wonderful stuff (I’ve had of similar drugs, eaten opium poppies, never injected heroin though and don’t plan on it). MDMA is an orgasm for 5 hours.  Meth is probably loads of fun. But there are many reasons why the greater part of society doesn’t become addicted or even try these drugs. One reason is the worst-case-scenario becoming a deterrent for non-users. Most people won’t try heroin because they have a (false) idea that it will lead to overdose and death in a public bathroom after blowing through savings and friends and family.  Yet ask any heroin user and they will tell you how damn good it feels.  Also plenty of people can take drugs in a reasonable way, and thus avoid crippling addiction.

If you show someone who doesn’t have a brain implant an image of a starving unkempt implant addict, there is a good chance that person won’t have any desire to even try an implant. Throw in the fact that governments would probably crack down on the practice, make it illegal and scare people away from it, and it would remain borderline in the same way injecting heroin is.  Collapse of society? I don’t think so. A new sort of drug that is more or less abused and probably criminalized? More likely.

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Posted by: @rumel

It is important to remember that human beings are little more than clever monkeys who learned to make and use sophisticated tools for good and ill.

Cue theme song to 2001: A Space Odyssey

Richard Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathustra

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Posted by: @divine_o

Sorry guys this isn’t proof of anything. The experiment on rats is not an experiment on humans. Two people have had this sort of implant and became addicted. Does that mean 100% of people will become addicted? Or will only 2 out of a trillion people become addicted, and chance had it that those two were chosen for these experiments? Probably somewhere in between.

You're absolutely right, this is not 100% certain proof. Our main issue is that these experiments were so unethical that there is probably very little additional human testing results to work with. There's a bit more data, see below.

 We have a sample of two, and in both cases, they would hit the switch like crazy unless restrained. Unless a neuroscientist comes forward to confirm that human and rat will react in the exact same way in this scenario, I agree that this is too little information to make a serious call (again, see below) 

Posted by: @divine_o

MDMA is an orgasm for 5 hours.  Meth is probably loads of fun. But there are many reasons why the greater part of society doesn’t become addicted or even try these drugs.

MDMA abuse causes issues, while meth is so addictive that few people can only use it once. And as you said, heroin is closely tied to the idea of dying alone with a syringe in your arm. And all that stuff is illegal. So as you say, this does tend to discourage most people from even thinking about trying them. Which I personally think is a good thing.  What I think we can agree on is that there is actual, real risk associated with these drugs. 

The pernicious thing about the implant, is that at first, I don't think it would have lots of bad physical side effects, plus no risk of overdosing or withdrawal. As you pointed out, context would make a huge difference. Is this an illegal back-alley surgical procedure, or some new "cure" for depression with professionally adjusted settings you cannot temper with, but which people find a way to hack ?  These are very different scenarios.

Again, like you I don't see a realistic scenario where millions of people wake up with their new implant and start clicking the button like crazy and everything collapses. But the fact that your teeth do not rot and that it does not kill your organs would make it pretty popular. I'm pretty sure that you could make it several months of use-abuse before things started to go bad, if they did. Assuming the surgical procedure is super safe, I think lots of people would go for it assuming they could handle it. 

I'll have to go back hunting for it because I did not save the link (bad me ! no dessert !), but I saw an article earlier stating that only 18% of people would desire a brain implant giving sexual pleasure if this was available. So maybe this would not be such a big hit. 

Also found more info about the woman in the study, with more links to follow : Woman addicted to her brain implant. 

Also, another link here, This is about more research in the 50's :  

"Heath discovered that by activating the septal region, he could induce a rush of pleasure that subdued violent behaviours in by some of his patients. And when given their own pleasure switch, patients were able to manage their mood swings.

One patient clocked up 1,500 doses in a three-hour period, but overall, they showed surprising restraint. (Unlike rats that underwent the same procedure, which self-administered to the point of exhaustion)." 

This all very interesting... 

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There are numerous Aneros users. The problem is most of them are not achieving the intended result. The implant is the solution to that problem. No mess, no cleaning up no lubrication, it would have many advantages.

The prostate implant would generate such an intense super o that there would be no need for the user to keep pressing the button. It's also important to remember that just as with a traditional orgasm it is not possible to have repeated unlimited orgasms. There is always a limit. A person that dared to press the button multiple times would ultimately suffer a heart attack anyway so that would be a risk which the patient would need to understand before the surgery.  

The implant would be controlled electronically and the user would be advised to initially begin by setting the device at a low level or calm seas. Then gradually they would work their way up to the super o. Many users might even find this level too much. So the risk to society that has been mentioned is a bit over the top. The cost of the procedure would make it unaffordable for many of us anyway. Yes there is potential for abuse but that is the responsibility of the user

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Posted by: @charlessmith

user would be advised to initially begin by setting the device at a low level or calm seas.

I’m sure they’d listen hahaha “don’t have the big one,have the little one instead” Best comment ever! 😉

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Nice hearing back from you ! You definitely started a very interesting discussion, hehe. 

Posted by: @charlessmith

The prostate implant would generate such an intense super o that there would be no need for the user to keep pressing the button. It's also important to remember that just as with a traditional orgasm it is not possible to have repeated unlimited orgasms. There is always a limit. A person that dared to press the button multiple times would ultimately suffer a heart attack anyway so that would be a risk which the patient would need to understand before the surgery.  

It does not work quite like that, maybe in an RPG or science-fiction setting, but in reality, physical exhaustion is pretty much the limit to Super-O duration. You might *think* you're going to have a heart attack, but I don't see at happening. It might even be part of the rush for some users who get to rough seas regularly, but that's another discussion. I don't think anything beside a timer or forced schedule would prevent implant users from hitting the button as often as they desire. Think of some kind of subscription service with the implant being ON only during specific intervals, and probably with an intensity cap. 

Posted by: @charlessmith

Then gradually they would work their way up to the super o. Many users might even find this level too much.

"Gradually" would probably be 48 to 72 hours, if that. Then I think a lot of people would play with the dial between 75% and 90%. Which brings us to another great point : 

Posted by: @charlessmith

[...] by setting the device at a low level or calm seas.

That could be a brand-new thread, but in the context of our implant, it really fits with the intensity % dial.  Are calm seas really at a lower intensity % than rough seas ? Calms seas can be very mentally intense. How are they situated in relation to one another ? I think they run in parallel. A fellow Super-O researcher and I had a try at drawing a Super-O map and it ended up being a 3D thing, yet I don't think it really captures how the different states mesh together. It might be impossible to do. 

Posted by: @charlessmith

There are numerous Aneros users. The problem is most of them are not achieving the intended result. The implant is the solution to that problem. No mess, no cleaning up no lubrication, it would have many advantages.

Aless is what you're looking for, then, not an invasive surgical procedure. I agree that people not achieving their Super-O goals is a problem. The solution is better understanding of how progress is made and better training and exercise programs. From there it's practice and self-awareness.

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Here's a related animation that popped up when I was looking up addiction mechanisms : Nuggets.

I think it's a good illustration of how things work in the brain when the pleasure centers are overly stimulated. 

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@zentai It loses its sense of self as only the nugget has shine anymore, til darkness engulfs all.  The harder and harder crashes illustrate the trap very well, too.

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