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Super T on the pathway to Super-O

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Hello friends...I have had the Aneros for about 9 months now but due to life's hectic schedule and whatnot haven't been able to use it very frequently, and have not really made any progress in getting to the super O.  I have a few times gotten involuntaries of mainly large muscle groups and a few involuntary kegel type movements as well, but I think those literally were from me wanting it so badly after long sessions going nowhere that I held contractions until my whole body started shaking out of exhaustion. Unfortunately no pleasurable waves came along with these sessions or spasms.  Lately after a few failed sessions I went ahead and masturbated to experience the super T as I have mainly stayed away from any penile stimulation as suggested.  These feel better than regular orgasms, but unlike what is described in the wiki, I have very strong contractions but minimal flow of semen if that matters without powerful spurting or increased volume, but they still feel good, so no biggie there.  I do feel my prostate swell and make contact with the aneros and it feels nice and different than regular ejaculations without the device inserted.  My questions is 2 fold I guess


(1) Is it okay to do superT sessions after failed sessions on the journey to super O? Or is this just continuing to keep "wiring" the traditional way and put me farther away from getting to super O? 

(2) Could a superT be a good thing on the journey to prostate awakening? The reason I ask this, is that after these failed super O sessions that I end with a superT, the next day I notice my prostate feels, "alive". Just for one day or one half day, it glows a bit and feels warm and I notice it, even with a bumpy road or something while driving. I do NOT feel this way if I don't have a super T and just take the device out dejected after 2 hours of nothing sadly. 


Looking for any thoughts on this, and any help or tips would be appreciated. Thanks 

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I had the same thing you described when I first played with my aneros. My whole body went crazy, and this was just the first day! But for awhile, I would masturbate at the end of each session, and for me, I feel it didn't hinder anything. And between when I got my aneros, and had a super O, it was only about two or three months for me. I feel you just need to do what feels comfortable. Everyone has a different journey and experience


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My suggestion would be after you experience the traditional orgasm with the aeros still inserted, focus on the feeling of your prostate.  Just imagine it in your head, and try to laser focus all your thoughts on what you are feeling in that area.  Don't try to alter change, or create the feelings, just focus on them.  You may notice tension starts to build again as it might for you prior to orgasm, and you might notice a feeling of giddiness in your stomach as that builds.  The ability to just allow those feeling to grow without forcing them, without forcing contractions, is what will lead to your first PO.  This same technique (after having already had many PO's) is what led me to my first super-O.  Now I have super-O's after every traditional orgasm and the first leads into the next.  Good luck!

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No,stop having super-t’s,jacking off and ejaculating. The goal is to separate orgasm and ejaculation. Nature has you heavily wired into the two being pretty much one.

You rewire to the point where you can by-pass the ejacualtion reflex and orgasm multiple times,for longer,bigger. If this is not the goal,what’s the point? Super-t a good time? Sure. Super-o MMO is a better time. 

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Posted by: @helghast

No,stop having super-t’s,jacking off and ejaculating. The goal is to separate orgasm and ejaculation. Nature has you heavily wired into the two being pretty much one.

You rewire to the point where you can by-pass the ejacualtion reflex and orgasm multiple times,for longer,bigger. If this is not the goal,what’s the point? Super-t a good time? Sure. Super-o MMO is a better time. 

I am just rephrasing what Helghast just said, in hopes of driving home a key principle.  Orgasm and ejaculation may feel like the same thing, but they are two things that we have learned to chain together.  A primary goal should be to break this chain; to gain experiential knowledge of orgasm without ejaculation.  Once this is realized, the mind is free to explore and expand the infinite subtleties and character and power of orgasm.  The things you will learn in this second phase will quite literally blow your mind.  Be excited.  Dive in!

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Posted by: @archieaneros

(1) Is it okay to do superT sessions after failed sessions on the journey to super O?

Only you can decide what's 'OK' and what's not, there are no strict rules here about how you proceed with your learning journey. However, years of members posting do indicate the learning process toward prostate based orgasms is facilitated by refraining from penile stimulation. Please read @cockadoodle ’s thread Penis, NOT for a little insight into this concept. It takes a paradigm shift in thinking about what an orgasm is (please see What's an Orgasm?) and how to obtain this different type of orgasmic experience. Super-T orgasms are wonderfully pleasurable but pursuing that behavior only reinforces the neural paths toward ejaculatory events which may delay your ability to reach the more pleasure rich intensity of sustained prostate based orgasms.

Perhaps you should also re-examine your attitude about what constitutes "...failed sessions...", there may be some subconscious factors acting to repress your response. Re-framing your attitude in a more positive, adventurous way may be all it takes to make substantial progress.

Posted by: @archieaneros

(2) Could a superT be a good thing on the journey to prostate awakening?

While it is perfectly logical that your prostate may feel more alive following a Super-T due to its intense stimulation, I'm rather neutral in my opinion of this being either positive or negative for one's learning. It may be a bit positive in that it makes you aware of the pleasure enhancement to ejaculatory orgasms prostate stimulation makes possible, but... It is that very enhancement which makes the lure of pursuing that path overly appealing for many men and may lead them to become entrenched in Super-T behavior without ever breaking through to the multi-orgasmic realm of prostate only based orgasms.

Some men have learned how to have their multiple prostate based orgasms in sessions and then will finish off a session with a Super-T, others are so completely satiated from the multiple orgasms they experience from their Anerosessions they have no desire for an ejaculatory ending. There's no 'right/wrong' or 'good/bad' answer here, you just have to determine what works well for you.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks everyone for your thoughtful replies, I appreciate the years of experience and will heed the advice.  I am not trying to be too hard on myself and the wording wasn't great with the "failed" sessions.  I do have the goal of trying to learn how to separate orgasm and ejaculation and to find alternate pathways to orgasm outside of traditional penile stimulation (having the SuperO!!!).  I read the posts from others in amazement about what this process can look like when mastered.  I do think it will be a long, arduous road for me, and patience is not one of my strong suits, so I will need to really lean into letting something "come to me" instead of pushing hard to get to the finish line.  I hope to open myself up enough over the next coming months and years to get to my goal and awaken my prostate and re-wire myself to alternate routes of erotica and pleasure.  I think weighing all the advice I will try and stop doing the super T stuff, while attempting aneros sessions, and maybe only use it with the wife with the intent of penile stimulation from the beginning, such as with sex or oral.  I feel there is a lot of wisdom in the men on this forum, and appreciate everyone's input here. Thanks again. 

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I hope to open myself up enough over the next coming months and years to get to my goal and awaken my prostate and re-wire myself to alternate routes of erotica and pleasure.

That is my approach. I have mostly refrained from porn, as I was a heavy user. I actually listen to audio erotica before/during a session, just for a change in stimuli.

I've only been at this for a month, but my first dry O's were when my wife was giving me a blowjob. I might break consensus and say that early in the journey of a hardwired porn-consuming penile-stimulated man that some penile stimulation may be necessary for arousal for a short time.  Abstaining from ejaculation for a while is also a massive help: ultra high arousal is key.

Let your mind run wild, and get lost in the session: fantasize about some really dirty stuff, and lock your thoughts on it, lol. I focus on what the Aneros is doing, but fantasize that SOMEONE is doing it to me. That has been a booster for my progress.

I am hoping that once I can make this happen reliably I can focus on shifting my focus to other parts of the body or even Aless orgasms. 



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