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Super-O with other products

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I’m not sure if this is allowed since this is an aneros forum, but I’m curious if anyone who has become rewired to have super-o’s with aneros or even aless has been able to have super-o’s with other products as well.

I used vibrators and prostate massagers before, and they felt great from a super-t standpoint but never got me to the prostate MMO bliss that aneros has. But now that I’m “rewired,” I might try one of the non-aneros vibrators again to see what happens. Has anyone else had success with this?

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No luck with vibrators but I have an Njoy Curve wand that can put me in a coma. It is just long enough to slide through the sphincter at the Sigmoid colon and OMG- it's lights out!!!!

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@Maximus1217 I for sure have had several Super Os with other toys!! In fact, the very first prostate induced hands-free orgasm I ever had was for sure a Super O and it was brought on by a quite subtle glass g-spot dildo...that was being handled by my wife! After that night, my first use of Aneros gave me prostate O after prostate O and they were for real Os but not Supers. So, I tried the glass dildo again and while I could not bring myself to orgasm through it alone, I stopped using it and put an Aneros in (I can't remember which one this was 4 years ago) and I had a Super O within a minute! I have a Zini Janus and I have lots of Os from that and have had Super Os from it too, but not many and not often.

I can finally bring myself to a prostate O and a Super O with almost any g-spot oriented dildo I have now. It takes both relaxation and feeling "calm" and determination, dexterity and strength to "keep going" to make it happen. Unlike the Aneros, where you can just not move a muscle and the toy will move on its own, causing a reactive orgasm to happen, you have to manually move a dildo, so when I get to the point of no return in my ass while fucking myself with it, I'm not relaxing and letting go, so I have to really concentrate and use mental energy to make myself feel like I'm not doing something that physical so that my body feels like I'm "relaxed." Sounds confusing, because it is! That's why I can't do it all the time, and I don't try to make it happen unless the feeling is right and I "know" if I go at it I can make myself have an O from a dildo.

Vibrators can bring me to Os and Super Os, but maybe just once. After one or two, it's too numbing and I have to go back to a regular toy.

And, my wife pegs me from time to time and every time she does, I have more orgasms than the time before! I told her if she was a man with a real cock she'd have all the ladies falling at her wife knows how to use her hips!

I think you will have success if you let yourself go and try to be as experimental as possible. That's what I do and that's my philosophy: keep trying new things. It's like lifting weights. If you stay at the same weight you won't grow and advance. I feel the same with anal/prostate stimulation. If I stay with the same toys and the same circumstances, I plateau and things get boring. Spice it up and go for the GUSTO 😉

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