Super-O, enlightenm...
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Super-O, enlightenment, near death experience, and buddism

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I am intrigued how many of these experiences have similarities.  I have been asking myself what all of these have in common.  They all seem to be achieved by mindfulness or being in the present moment and out of the frontal lobe.  They all seam to cause a perception of energy flowing through get the body.  I do not think that prostate play is at the core of enlightenment.  However, there seams to be the possibility of triggering kundalini awaking while focusing all of you energy towards the prostate in a mindfulness state of mind.  The prostate is next to the kundalini shakti ( I think the it is the base chakra, correct me if I am wrong.)  while pleasuring our prostates we are in a mindfulness state while turn our focus to the kundalini shakti (same area of the prostate.). We then try to move that energy (p-waves for prostate players.). For those who have read book like the multiorgasmic man, may have tried to channel that energy up their spin to the crown shakra.  If done successfully, you may have experienced pure bliss or a full body orgasm.  Some have expressed crying and laughing as a result of a super-O.  I think you may have inadvertently trigger kundalini awaking.  Buddist refer this to enlightens. This can have negative effects such as lose of self or ego.  I thought enlightenment was nirvana all bliss all the time but after some reading that it is quite the contrary.  If can cause some mental anguish initially.  This may sound foreign to most.  However, I am intrigued by the similarities and how they relate. Many books have been written on enlightenment and how I think we should make the decision if it is something that we seek. Some accidentally stubble upon it by a near death experience or a super-O that send them into a laughing, crying, out of body experience.  This change how you view the world and have positive or negative consequences but one thing is for sure that you will different after it.  This is a powerful thing and we should get spiritual guidance if that is what you think because if done wrong it can result in kundalini syndrome and can be described as mental health issues.  You may need to seek a shaman, guru or healthier to help the mental anguish this can trigger.  I am intrigued by all of this.  I have had super-o (Aneros definition), I do think that some experience of what they describe as a super-o is actually experiencing kundalini awaking, this seam to be when people laugh cry and have out of body experiences.  If makes sense that we inadvertently uncover these phenomena by spending 10-20/ week focusing on the current moment and channeling energy around our body and seeing what will happen.  This is to start a conversation.

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I have little background with meditation, yoga, plant medicine and reading some books related to spirituality, and philosophy. I'm very fascinated by this subject. I think it is all interconnected.

To me aneros journey is very similar to a psychedelic states, because I have to move towards ego dissolution which focuses me on resolving my trauma and releasing emotions, it is very similar to psychedelic, and ecstatic states that described in religious books.

Maybe Aneros company can fund some studies, and doctors can collect data with EEG and MRIs during the experiences. But I think they will get results that would describe it as a seizures. Because technically you overload and rewire your nervous system.

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