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suggestions for listening materials?

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I know people listen to stuff to keep them in a zone, and just as something to keep the outside world from distracting, which is my need. My neighbors are loud and obnoxious at all hours.


Still, I want to know what seems best. I don't believe in the woowoo stuff of specific tones opening your 3rd eye and that stuff, but for the sake of others, post everything you have and how you utilize it.

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Posted by: @triangleman

... I want to know what seems best. ... but for the sake of others, post everything you have and how you utilize it.

IMHO, the best way to use audio resources is with wireless headphones. While "" is highly subjective, over the years members have mentioned certain audio resources they found useful in their individual journeys. Years ago I created a thread called Aneros Aural Accompaniment - WIKI listings? in which I tried to list many of those audio resources. Other members have also posted their suggestions in that thread as well. Subsequently I have tried to keep that thread updated.

May I also suggest you take a look at the music selection list in the threads The Aneros Audio Experiment & The Erotic Audio Challenge for additional ideas.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @triangleman

Still, I want to know what seems best. I don't believe in the woowoo stuff of specific tones opening your 3rd eye and that stuff, but for the sake of others, post everything you have and how you utilize it.

... but the woowoo believes in you ! Binaurals are great for what you want to do, you can use some of them as a kind of less boring white noise to cover distractions. I'm not sure they're going to decalcify your pineal gland but I find them to have a very real effect on me and my sessions, especially when there are ramp ups or build up in the patterns.

Do check the thread @rumel suggested, it's full of great suggestions and surprises.

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I just don't trust binaural beats. These things CAN change your brain but, who's making them? Someone just throwing some rhythms together and saying it cures depression?

Seems like too much risk of damage to me.

Google "Sonic Erotica". I get turned on listening to women masturbate. They've got quite a few of these to listen to.


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I'm more worried of some erotic hypnosis producers that slip things in the background like "I only listen to mistress SnooSnoo, I will buy all of mistress SnooSnoo's recordings" and such.

From my own experience, I don't think that binaural beats will cause any permanent change, but who knows ? I bet there's a grand total of 0 serious studies on this, and as you say, anybody can make this stuff. What I always do with any audio material is to give it a good listen outside of a session, if anything doesn't feel right, to the trash it goes. I encourage everyone to do the same and to only use material that they trust. 

I found an article that says binaurals are safe for toddlers, the following one states that they could give some adults seizures. Bottom line, they're not essential to a session, and since not using them won't hurt your progress, there's not really any downside in avoiding them if you're not certain they're safe for you. 

On the other hand, moaning women are always a safe bet ! Also check r/GoneWildAudio , some surprisingly good stuff there. Moaning men also, for those interested. 

Anyone had negatives experiences with binaurals and/or lasting effects from them and could share ? 



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The headphones make a big difference. If you're looking for a particularly comfortable pair, bluetooth SleepPhones are ace. Or noise-canceling headphones, though they are expensive and cumbersome.

As for listening materials, it depends on the aim.

For relaxation and simply blocking out the world, I like the sound of raindrops or a THUNDERSTORM, heheh. Any naturally recorded sounds really, waves, a jungle, etc.

For arousal, audio-porn stories. Something to get the imagination going. There's a wide selection on Reddit here. (As was already mentioned)

For something that your body can respond to, keeping things interesting. Your own preference in music can do that. Things like bold, slowly building classical compositions work for me. Or songs with weird pacing/reverb/noises like most of the tracks on Superorganism's first album.
Some movie soundtracks too, they are often designed to elicit a reaction by design.

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Listening to some hypno material helped me a lot with learning to really let go.

FYI you can find my reports and some links here:

Cheers, Mart

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