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Hello! I've known about aneros for a few years now due to my searchings for a male version of a female orgasm. Although I've unfortunately never actually bought an aneros due to reasons such as money, I have read on the aneros forums about anerosless sessions and so over the years that is what I been trying to do.
A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and was laying in ready to just fall back asleep. I was going in and out of what felt like a lucid dream. This happens sometimes when I just wake up from sleep and try right away to go back to sleep. Its like I am falling asleep and entering my dream, but then snap back out. After this was happening for a little, something that never happened before has happened. I was falling into a dream like state where I was concious, such as a lucid dream, and very quickly my whole body started to get a rush (I dont even think there were any contractions, just some kind of rush like a giant stretch). This rush felt similar, but a lot more powerful compared to what I sometimes get when trying to do an anerosless session. My anerosless sessions arent all that great as I am still rewiring (and I dont have the help of an aneros).
This rush that I got lasted only for a second...why you may ask? Because I felt like I was suffocating! Its like that feeling of being trapped in a dream. My body got scared of the suffocating feeling and quickly tried to break out, ending the rush. Right after I broke out, its like I went right back in for another second and got the same rush, but due to the same feeling of suffocation, my body broke free again.
I was then awake and in shock as well as pissed off that I was possibly so close to experiencing a super O.
I am here now asking the experienced users if they have ever experienced this before and what it may mean. Do you feel like you are suffocating during your sessions? I read that during an aneros session people go to a different state of mind. Do you ever feel like you are suffocating in this state of mind?
My head was under the blanket, but I dont think that was the cause of the suffocation. It was like my body just didnt want to breathe.

Thank you for any help!

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You really should get an Aneros. Even if you're dirt poor, it's worth saving up for. They usually have sales around holidays, which helps alot. Or you might find one really cheap on Amazon or eBay. I got an MGX (not a knockoff) on Amazon for around $25.

Anyways, I'm not sure what you're experiencing, but it sounds like sleep apnea. I used to have it pretty bad until I lost weight. If I went to sleep with any food in my stomach, or slept on my back, I'd quit breathing the minute I dozed off. That would wake me right back up. Sometimes I'd wake up from a deep sleep, instantly wide awake and take a deep breath. It's a very scary feeling. If it's bad it can be downright terrifying. Even life threatening. If any of that sounds like what you're experiencing, you should see a doctor.

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Good advice @wandering _smoke. I've never had the suffocating sensations you described @Silentpleasures or heard of them here associated with aneros play. My field was sleep medicine before I retired so I'm familiar with all kinds of parasomnias. Soffocating is one of the worst fears humans can have. Myself I've sometimes woken up with a gasp feeling like I'm suffocating or just stopped breathing. It's like that falling feeling you get when falling asleep and wake up startled. It's completely normal and not life threatening. If you've had the suffocating feeling often, know that you snore, or your bed partner has seen or heard you stop breathing in your sleep, I would see a slepp medicine doctor to be checked out.

I've heard of guys wiring themselves without aneros by doing anal play or fingering their prostate. Here's a discussion of that: I think eventually you'll want a aneros device. Best wishes.

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Hi @euphemistic. I never went to a specialist, so I was never formally diagnosed. I know it takes machines and whatnot, to monitor you overnight to get a real diagnosis, but I'd like your opinion. Do you think I had sleep apnea? One thing I didn't mention were the worst attacks, which scared me in to losing weight. At it's worst, I would occasionally wake from a deep sleep and still not be able to breathe for a couple seconds. A couple times I felt like I was going to pass out again before I could take a breath. ...I'm down to a normal weight now, and haven't been woken up by it for a long time. So I'm not worried about it anymore. But since you are/were a professional, I am curious to know your opinion. If you're willing to give it.

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@Wandering_smoke, I'm not a MD just a lowly technician but I kinda know what they would say. Sometimes losing weight or changing your sleep position will resolve your apneas if they are obstructive. If you're not having apneas and your sleep partner hasn't heard you stop breathing, good. However, you could still have some partial apneas called hypopneas or upper airway resistance syndrome. The only way to find out is to be tested. They have home sleep tests now that are not too obtrusive. The MDs usually say If you have high blood pressure, high pulmonary artery pressure, morning headaches, ED, GERD, excessive sleepiness for instance, see a sleep specialist. Hope this helps.

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