still havent found the super-o lve been looking for, however lve had some interesting sessions..
now lve been around a while reading etc and asking questions at my own pace, after all too much information at once means l wont be as relaxed as l should be while sifting through it on my sessions, however my current topic of interest is the perineum, now lve seen allot of diagrams suggesting a general area by nothing specific.. some say its about an inch from the anus but other diagrams show it virtually below the nutsack which is somewhat confusing..
however l was curious, l have been exploring the general area, as suggested to find the "sweet spot" which l havent found yet, however l have noticed that in the general area around where the nutsack starts l can feel the shaft and l can also move it at will, if l go back further than that area lm unable to feel any movement, so the question is, is that the area lm looking for to place the p-tab? lm not entirely sure l can get it to stay mainly as its further than ld expected and the on the short side (and l dont want to modify my aneros's any more as l had to replace previous ones due to modification failures).
I think our perineums are the entire area from our scrotum to anus. It's an area rich in nerves and worth exploring. As you found out our penis root is behind the scrotum and can easily be felt when we're erect. I don't think that's the fabled sweet spot though. I haven't found that spot yet but my understanding is that it's about an inch or so fron our anus. Also I think the p-tab is designed to hit our prostate from the outside so there's a double stimulation of the prostate going on with the rocking of the aneros. Please correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. The perineum though is definitely one of my best erogenous places and I can personally testify it is such also for a lot of men who I've known
I got to O's, aneros and aless before I ever felt anything at the perineums. In fact my last session was the first time ever I've noticed anything pleasurable there. Had a sort of tingling I felt during and after O's.
Prior to my recent re-wiring sucess I spent time trying to locate it, even tried the sharpie pen thing suggested on a post about 30-40 days ago. Never had any success finding it, any attempts to try did not feel good. Finally was able to get O's without the perineum stimulation (or at least anything I could feel).
For some this seems to be a very important area to make progress with aneros usage. For me it was not.
I think my re-wiring of the prostate also caused a re-wiring of the nerves at the perineum, I may be backwards compared to others.
obviously its easier to feel the root area (as euphemistic put it) when erect, however given the past few years and looking into kegels (l keep forgetting to do them regularly) lve found l can flex the area just behind the scrotum and make it move at will (holding the flex is a little harder).
its the only place l can feel movement, every other movement lm able to make seem to revolve around pulling in and out, tho the issue lm finding is the p-tab might be too short to reach the area without pulling the aneros further forward.
however to be more precise lve grabbed an image from google to give you an idea of the area l can feel moving when flexing which is circled in red (which l can feel even when not erect, and l dont have to waggle to move the area), and lm just wondering if l should try to place the p-tab in that area (see link below for image).