SR and frequent Ane...
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SR and frequent Aneros use. Oh my goodness!

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Been practicing SR for quite a few days, not sure how many, and have been using my many Aneros models rather frequently. No super-o but "O" my goodness the effects I'm having! The biggest effect so far is that in the last two days I've expressed seminal vesicle fluid after urination. I do the usual PC contractions to get rid of the last drops of urine and then I feel like I need to void more. Out comes good globs of vesicle fluid. Such a wild sensation. This is usually followed by the sweet suffering of Blue balls. I'm not much into pain but the but the sensation keeps me focused on my genitals and longing for whatever comes next. My balls also had an unusual warm feeling today too. I'm soooo tempted to paint the walls but want to hold out. Maybe I'll experience a wet dream which I've never had to my knowledge. Excited to see what happens next.

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I've had some great sessions during an abstaining streak. It's not every session, but wow some of them. I think I had my only pure anal orgasm from a session when I was abstaining. I can definitely recommend it as an experiment to anyone who hasn't tried it yet (I didn't try it for years).
It's not something I can sustain long-term though... the "fullness" makes me horny all day, and that eventually becomes annoying and distracting.

Posted by: @reddog152

Maybe I'll experience a wet dream which I've never had to my knowledge. Excited to see what happens next.

I've never had one either, even after abstaining for weeks. I think my body just absorbs everything, and what it can't absorb comes out in my toilet. I almost never have sexual dreams either, so that probably doesn't help matters. I wish there was a pill you could take or something to induce one, because I'm not torturing myself for months to get one.

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Wet dreams likely decline with age. I might have 3-5 per year. It’s a shame,because it’s such a rich experience. One of my most favourites didn’t involve sex at all,it was all about me chasing her. I actually woke up with a knot of disappointment in my stomach because I didn’t actually get her lol.

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I have never experienced a wet dream! I have had intense sexual dreams, I have woken up mid-sex with my partner, I often declare my love effusively to my partner in my sleep and sometimes wake up in the middle in an extreme endorphin rush (I have done this with my last 3 love-filled relationships).  BUT NO WET DREAM! Not even after 14 days of no masturbation.  Perhaps after the 21 day mark, but I haven't made it there, and probably can't at this point in my life.

I have never pushed out seminal vesicle fluid when I pee, but if I push too hard while pooping then it happens, especially during semen retention.  It doesn't feel good or bad though.  I have actually figured out ways to prevent that, by contracting my abdominal muscles instead of my pc muscles when on the toilet.

It doesn't result in blue balls. For me blue balls comes from SR+sex+no ejaculation.  I usually like the sensation and play with the pain by having my partner rub my balls. However I recently had the worst blue balls of my life after four days of semen retention, plus edging manually and through sex with my partner.  On day 4, my birthday, we had tons of sex, involving tens of minutes at a time of non-ejaculatory orgasms for me, and this multiple times throughout the day.  After the second to last session, I started getting excruciating generalized abdominal pain that radiated out from my balls.  After 45 minutes or so it subsided, and I ejaculated soon thereafter...

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I actually expressed some more seminal vesicle fluid today after urination. Three big drops of it into the toilet and then I collected some more in my palm, enough to fill my palm up a good amount. There is no pleasurable sensation when this happens but it is intriguing to me. Of course I had to taste it. Hard to describe the taste, definitely not sweet and salty like precum.

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I'm glad you're trying out SR, I've found it to be a great help to my progress!  I found the first 2 weeks to be the hardest hump to get over, but if you can do that then you can go for as long as you want.  Interestingly enough I've not had blue balls or wet dreams, maybe I'm recirculating the energy more effectively that I previously thought?  I want to say that the biggest benefits for me were that my erections were easier and more frequent, and also that the ladies were starting to take notice of me more, a real self-esteem boost! 
