Squirting A LOT Of ...
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Squirting A LOT Of clear fluid

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When I use my hand to move my aneros back and forth it rubs against my prostate.  In a matter of minutes my prostate starts to feel like it's super sensitive and then I will squirt out large loads of clear thick ish fluid. Its a large amount as well. Probably 2-3 table spoons. Does anyone else experience this. Also I know this isn't how the toy isn't supposed to work. I've had multiple super orgasms before doing regular contractions. 

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Posted by: @ramalex903-com

When I use my hand to move my aneros back and forth it rubs against my prostate.  In a matter of minutes my prostate starts to feel like it's super sensitive and then I will squirt out large loads of clear thick ish fluid. Its a large amount as well. Probably 2-3 table spoons. Does anyone else experience this. Also I know this isn't how the toy isn't supposed to work. I've had multiple super orgasms before doing regular contractions. 

Is the fluid slightly globular and slightly opaque? I rarely express this after a bowel movement. I believe it's seminal vesicle fluid.

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@reddog152 Not really. It is translucent. Look pretty much like pre-cum. (But I'm not sure becuase I barely ever have pre-cum)

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Probably a good bet that it is from the vesicles since I don't think the Cowper glands have the volume that you describe. 

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I wonder if its internal rosy palm squirt effect. I have recently taken up squirting and what you describe sounds like it. Maybe you should try the rosy palm externally, It s like a mixture of cumming and peeing at the same time, except the fluid is clear. 

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I once had a big discharge of clear thick fluid... it was so strange. I had been abstaining from ejaculation for a while, and decided to edge a bit. Before I even got close to any edge at all, this clear fluid started pouring out in one continuous stream, running down the side of my dick. No contractions, no orgasm. The quantity was surprising too, like a pretty big ejaculation. The other strange thing about it, was how sticky it was. Normally I don't consider my semen to be sticky, but as this liquid dried, and where it had thinned out, it was almost like glue. Presumably this was caused by the fructose? (which according to a wiki article, comes from the seminal vesicles)

I also notice this liquid in smaller amounts, during pooping, when I've been abstaining for a while. It always has that sticky quality.

Anyway, just thought I'd share... it's still the 2nd weirdest thing I've ever seen come out of my pee-hole.


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Posted by: @ramalex903-com

When I use my hand to move my aneros back and forth it rubs against my prostate.  In a matter of minutes my prostate starts to feel like it's super sensitive and then I will squirt out large loads of clear thick ish fluid. Its a large amount as well. Probably 2-3 table spoons. Does anyone else experience this. Also I know this isn't how the toy isn't supposed to work. I've had multiple super orgasms before doing regular contractions. 

How long didn't you masturbate before it? 

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@cassy0110 Like 5 minutes

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 Night before last I had my first physical orgasm with aneros in. And it was a squirt orgasm. I kinda pictured in my head rubbing my cock head vigorously, as you would to try and squirt.  It was long drawn out contractions, like a normal orgasm except streams of clear fluid like peeing. And the sensations leading up to it were a cross btwn. really having to pee and I'm gonna cum. It was quite awesome.  Cumpletely hands free. I contracted so hard my aneros shot out my ass all the way to the edge of the bed. A new first in my Book of Aneros 

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I layed in the warm pool and stroked out one of the best T.Os ever

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When I experience this type of release, I am usually flaccid. Still very pleasurable, just not spurts like a normal ejaculation. It seems to make a difference which massager it is to me.

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I’ve had this pre-cum dripping out of my penis since puberty I was always embarrassed about it. My mother always thought I was jacking off in my underwear. I’m 55 years old and I asked my urologist about this pre-cum and he says don’t worry about it is perfectly normal it’s just I have an exceptionally large amount of drip all day long. He says most men don’t have that feel lucky that I do and it their to move the sperm during sexual intercourse, but it says I have an over active seminal vesicle gland on the side of my prostate my wife’s tell me I should wear a tampon and call it a man pon.  Many times if I see a hot woman walk in front of me, I could feel it dripping tell my wife I just came in my pants and she laughed.So my question is, does any guys have had this issue over my year I’m not embarrassed about it anymore. I just wanna learn more about it.




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@newtoy    "Man pon"... that's clever and funny!  No, not much pre-cum during my sessions.  


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Posted by: @newtoy
I’ve had this pre-cum dripping out of my penis since puberty I was always embarrassed about it.  ...I just wanna learn more about it.

I believe what you are describing is not seminal gland emissions but rather Bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands emissions. These do respond to erotic thoughts and are indicative of arousal states in men. There is a user poll -> How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce? you may like to view to see what your fellow members have to say about this.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel thanks rumel.   My wife says a man thinks about sex every seven seconds hmmm I think she right. Maybe that’s why I leak like I do.

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If the fluid is voluminous, slippery, clear and watery, it is likely seminal vesicle fluid. Put towels on the bed, there can be a lot of it.

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Yes every session it’s always a bonus when it get a squirt vs the normal flow
