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Spiritual journey

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Further to my posting about being blocked I have been told something interesting which may be of interest to others. You don’t have to believe it of course.

I wondered if I had opened my third eye. I saw a psychic friend who told me that I had not only opened my third eye but my heart, throat and crown chakras, and described bright violet light pouring out of all of them particularly the top of my head. She commented that she didn’t know how on earth I had managed to do all that and of course I couldn’t really tell her so I just made something up about meditating. She even mentioned that I could now experience out of body phenomena if I wanted, and her guide will be helping me go further if I want to. I could feel her guide stood right next to me as we talked.
I lost my voice immediately after the super-O that must have done all this, it’s still not fully come back, and have become much more aware of spirits around me, so it sort of makes some sense. I’m also feeling more confident, and I have never had so many nice comments and compliments made to me as I have in the last week.

It might be rubbish of course but it’s very difficult to dismiss, I can’t ignore what I am experiencing.

I think it could explain why I am still blocked on the super-O front. Very reassuring that something positive has happened and I now feel that although I am not obviously progressing anywhere at the moment in that respect, I’m sure that I’m adjusting and progressing in other ways, and my body will be ready to resume its aneros journey soon. I still don’t fully understand what is happening but I’m sure it’s all part of a bigger spiritual journey, and I have got so much more to experience yet if I open myself up to it. 😀

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There generally isn't much discussion of this nature on the forum. I suggest you at least Google and read about chakras.

Without going into a great deal, even if you are firmly planted in Western medicine, the energy centers of the various chakras correspond to major glands in our endocrine system. Glands, hormones, internal secretions, mood and mind altering. Not much different when we are experiencing sexual feelings, urges, and drives. In fact, the perineum and prostate (Aneros pressure centers) are the locations of two major chakras, the root and sacral.

I feel the whole super o experience is connected to the chakra energies in our bodies being released through the massage of the Aneros, directly stimulating the glands and nerve centers of our sexual organs.

Of course, the mind controls all...but what controls the mind?

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@smudgefish, I've found that the journey we get is not always the one we expected. I can't even describe what I'm going through now. Best wishes on finding your way. When you say you've lost your voice, are you literally speechless?

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I had some beautiful moments on the aneros journey but it really blossomed when I took up energetic orgasmic meditation or E.O.M from the Bliss-Energetics teaching as this deals specifically with energy orgasm .
It sounds like the erotic energy has opened some of your centers which is great as you have did this in a non forced way and achieved through bliss what some meditators take years to achieve.

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@shyzen Thanks for that information I will look into that. You sound as if you know something about this, and I can't ask anywhere except here, so I am fascinated to know why so many of the upper chakras are now open, yet simultaneously the lower ones (excuse my slightly simplistic terminology) are suddenly closed. I feel that it's a balancing issue and in time I am going to find out.Do you thinks it's worth trying to move energy around, I have thought of trying that in meditation but I'm not sure that I might not end up just closing off the other centres by taking energy away from them. At the moment I am meditating on maintaining energy in the upper chakras. I'm a real amateur and slightly nervous that I don't have a clue what I am doing and could make it worse so I'm treading very gently.

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There are quite a lot of men here who enjoy the energy sharing experience of Aneros use, myself included. I came at this with little to no understanding of the chakra centers and how they function, but I have learned a lot over the years with the mentoring of several men here.

This journey is full of amazing experiences - way beyond what I expected at the beginning. It has taken me places I never knew existed or deemed possible.

Glad you are part of this brotherhood.

Take care!


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At the moment I am meditating on maintaining energy in the upper chakras.

For what it is worth:
Don't neglect the lower chakras, especially the base one and the second one. Your energy flows up from the base (root) chakra. They have triggered your higher experiences. Bruyere in her Chakra work found that many westerners shift their lower chakras up and out of alignment because of the 'genital' denying puritan beliefs.So in your great experiences keep all the chakras active. This should help keeping your feet on the ground while expanding your spiritual experiences.
I suggest you base your work on your higher chakras on the energy flowing up from the lower one.

Root Chakra: Vital energy flow. Feeling safe. Realistic and appropriate trust.
Sacral Chakra: Sexual enjoyment. Positive image. Strength of Intention.

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@isvara Thank you. Last night I felt that something was unblocking, a sort of exciting sexual tingling again in my pelvis. I relaxed and amplified it and on several occasions felt myself sinking into an orgasm again which actually felt different, more exciting, and purer that what I have felt before, but it just wouldn't quite fully happen, but it felt way better and as if something was moving at last, 99% there, not quite yet 100%.Psychologically I have moved on because that was a very positive session last night even though I didn't yet orgasm, now if feels as if I am progressing in lots of other ways that will ultimately lead to more orgasms, a few days ago a session without orgasm was the end of the world for me. I feel like I desperately need an orgasm to release some energy but that's more of a physical sensation now not a psychological yearning, I feel that I can wait.

I think I made a real breakthrough yesterday in realising that guilt is playing a big part in this block (to do with the root chakra I understand), I did not realise just how much guilt I am carrying, I'm a doctor after all my whole working day is wracked with guilt and inadequacy, not to mention my private life. My mental thought last night was 'I am going to enjoy myself and not feel guilty' and something changed and started to light up again. I will keep working on the sacral/root chakras, and guilt, it seems to be the key, or at least one key.

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GOT IT! Reading further I have found out about 'Kundalini Syndrome' and it pretty much describes what I have been going through. It refers to an unexpected Kundalini awakening (or more to the point one you are unprepared for), which is what I think I might have had, the good news is that I am working through it and the prognosis is good. Some very good advice online.@isvara what you were hinting at about being grounded and bringing the energy down to the root is correct. In fact most people advise complete abstinence from any meditation or spiritual activity to allow things to balance out again, to relax, and to do grounding work.

I am certain that the reason I remain unable to enter orgasm any more is that I am scared of it subconsciously and actually even slightly consciously because of what has happened. I am frightened I am going to unleash more Kundalini energy and I'm not ready for it. I suppose the only way to handle this is to wait until I am ready, not sure when that will be though. I am going to keep trying every now and then as I understand it this will not do any harm and will continue to strengthen my root chakra. I'm doing lots of gardening, meditation purely for relaxation, and lying on the ground in the grass which is actually quite nice and good for grounding as long as no-one sees you doing it.

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