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Sore back after ses...
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Sore back after session?

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I've had a bad back for years (multiple fusions and laminectomies), so it may be just that, but I'm wondering if anyone else gets a sore lower back after a session?

I REALLY enjoy sessions, but I dread the day after!

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I too have a bad back but I don't think its my Aneros device. I tried a rest period to see if the pain / stiffness went away but it remain about the same. I think its my posture and sitting around that causes my pain.

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After a rest period, the pain recedes, in-fact, I think that area feels slightly better than before the session.

I've had pain in my back (located sort of back farther from my kidneys) since my last lumbar surgery about a year ago - NSAIDs help, but it's always there, sessions temporarally aggravate it. I have a theory that the pain that I'm feeling is mostly muscular, that sessions are working-out muscles that were involved in the surgery & not being exercised in PT, & that this is a good thing. You know, no pain - no gain?

But I do wonder (especially the day after) whether I may be harming anything.

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Have you tried taking any supplements like Glucosamine?

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@Panoguy sorry to hear that. I have noticed a bit of low level after pain if I over extend a session. I am sure it is muscular. May I suggest that you devise a strategy to not overdo it if that is what is happening. I found that if I could keep reminding myself that the next session will result in orgasms too, then I get less caught up in the 'have another' mentality during the current session. The multi orgasm response makes it hard to be disciplined and walk-away, but doing that and limiting myself to 3x weekly with daily kegling (sometimes resulting in an aless response, sometimes not) seems to have cured day after pain. Previously i was a daily Aneros user, but have purposely stopped that and am happy with where I am at now. After all, many years of orgasms await, so there is no sense in trying to max it out in any given session.

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