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some possibly useful information l want to verify (might help others)

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lve been doing allot of research over the years since l started, and while lve been very grateful for the information here lve not always found it so easy to understand in respects to working out the workings of my own body as my interesting sessions have been hit or miss.

anywho, l came across a site earlier (which l stupidly forgot to save the link of) that gave some new information that l had not come across here.. or at least not as clear as that site made it out to be.

now, finding the sweet spot lve always assumed the perineum was just inbetween the anus and the nut sack and given random approximations of its location, but from what l gathered from what l read earlier the area is around the penis bulb area just in front of the cowpers area (l assume this as l was comparing what was said to diagrams to make sense of what l was reading which l have linked). basically put "the p-tab rests right in the center of the perineum, on the bulb of your penis" going by diagrams lm assuming this area is pretty much where the shaft pretty much ends so to speak and would be the area to look for the so called "sweet spot" please correct me if lm wrong lm just trying to make better sense since up till now lve just placed the p-tab all around but never really sat down and specifically looked for that area so to speak.

also, going by what l read on the same site lve likely been working the wrong muscles ever since l started lol, l keep on hearing everything about PC muscles but lve likely not understood really what they are and well l havent really seen anything describing things as well as ld hoped but in so many words it was described as "the muscle you contract when you make your erection bounce" and from what it went on to say is that it was pretty much the same muscle area that contracts while ejaculating, so lm wondering if this is what is meant by PC contractions, because that simplifies quite a few things that lve been wondering about since l started using my aneros :p

lm just wondering if anyone could verify this information as lm finding it easier to understand than some of the technical terms lve read here.

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@Auroken, I feel that the instructions and information is too general. As far as I have discovered the PC muscle is a generalized name give to the pelvic floor muscle system. The target muscle should be the BC muscle which equates with the inner penis bulb. Generally I think it hast to be identified with an erection as you say it moves or lengthens the erection. Females also have this muscle and I think it is very small and just in front of the vagina (edit: each side and up to clitoris). Now I am not medically trained but sometime ago I came across a detailed description of the BC muscle, it's location and its function. I have a diagram of it. It seems as if many folk don't get to isolate it and strengthen it. As we never speak of it I have tendered to forget it. Thank you for reminding me get get to work with it again.
Caveat - if I am wrong, well, disregard!

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would be pretty interesting to acquire more information on this, ld like to know if lm looking towards the right area on both tab placement and with regards to working the right muscles.

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@Auroken, the explicit diagram I got was on the open web but is now locked away in a membership site. I am not sure I can post it as it is no longer publicaly available. Let me see if I can find the site. The person posting was making the point that it is muscle that is over looked because of the PC generalization. I personally think there are a number of minor muscles associated with the B/C and prostate that have huge potential but need some very sensitive awakening. I don't think strenuous Kegels would be the way. But then I may be fantasising, or wishful thinking. *-:)
Edit: added
Not as detailed as I would like but gives the general idea. I can sort of connect with it without having an erection.
You may be right, the sweet spot being the "notch", that is, the end of the BC muscle.

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Really glad for this discussion. Thanks guys. @AneRico you definitely can tone that muscle. It seems to take me forever to isolate it (I started looking for it while reading the Male Multiple Orgasm book) so I don't get the time to do it that often. If you are sitting or lying on your back, and it is the one I am thinking of, it causes your scrotum to bounce or pull up toward your cock. You can get it twitching which feels great but for me it is always trial and error while slowly working over the PC muscle.
I completely agree with the comments in the post. I spent the first couple months focused on the rectum thinking it was the PC muscle. It wasn't until I read that the PC muscle was more like a hammock that I started to have better results. I visualized a hammock suspended from 2 points. One point was my anus/rectum and the other point was the PC muscle that closes off urine flow/makes the cock bounce and ejaculate. Then I imagined the Aneros was like a bowling ball suspended in the hammock and I practiced moving it back and forth/up and down the hammock by slowly alternating between a gentle PC contraction and a gentle rectum contraction.
Although the rectum/anal pulsing is wonderful, I continue to feel more focused progress toward new experiences with the PC muscle and that muscle that makes the balls jump and twitch.
Thank you all for this post. It has me refocused after a 2 week break. Today my prostate was twitching as I watched television so I guess it is time to feed the beast 🙂

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I am truly fascinated, perhaps amazed. There seems to be a huge denial of the key penis muscle. Perhaps it is our Puritan influence, or perhaps the name. Perhaps it might be an idea to call it the BCE muscle to remove the religious connotation! As far as I can see the BC(?E) muscle is the muscle that forms part of our penis. It would be good if we dared to find and focus on this muscle as well as the general PC muscles. It can be difficult to locate but it makes it harder in in our quest we keep referring to it in general terms. Once we can locate and identify the BC muscles I think we will find there are a number of minor muscles that make it up which seem to be connected to the prostate, at least that what if feels like. I do not have any diagrams of the top side of the BC so I am flying blind, however as all parts of our body are interrelated and connected the top of the BC should lie against the prostate and the functions of each relate to each other in urination, erection, ejaculation and orgasm.
Sorry about this but I think it would be helpful to call a spade a spade and not earth moving equipment.
PLEASE take this with a grain of salt. If it is not helpful just disregard it as an old man's dementia!

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It is always very good to study diagrams of our anatomy which center upon a man's prostate and the areas surrounding that organ. I appreciate very much both @Auroken and @isvara sharing with us diagrams of the PC and BC muscles central optimal sexual function in the male.

I share right now with all of you the Wikipedia article on the seminal vescicle which shows the prostate and auxiliary organs in clear relief. So wherever I have an Aneros session, I enjoy visualizing in my mind how each Aneros model works over my prostate. I find all this very arousing.

In the first six to seven months in my Aneros journey, I used to do the Kegel Exercises religiously. I found the Progasm models well-suited for the Kegel Exercises. But since then I use them just briefly in sessions focusing upon how well they have ridden me.

Really glad for this discussion. Thanks guys. @AneRico you definitely can tone that muscle. It seems to take me forever to isolate it (I started looking for it while reading the Male Multiple Orgasm book) so I don't get the time to do it that often. If you are sitting or lying on your back, and it is the one I am thinking of, it causes your scrotum to bounce or pull up toward your cock. You can get it twitching which feels great but for me it is always trial and error while slowly working over the PC muscle.
I completely agree with the comments in the post. I spent the first couple months focused on the rectum thinking it was the PC muscle. It wasn't until I read that the PC muscle was more like a hammock that I started to have better results. I visualized a hammock suspended from 2 points. One point was my anus/rectum and the other point was the PC muscle that closes off urine flow/makes the cock bounce and ejaculate. Then I imagined the Aneros was like a bowling ball suspended in the hammock and I practiced moving it back and forth/up and down the hammock by slowly alternating between a gentle PC contraction and a gentle rectum contraction.
Although the rectum/anal pulsing is wonderful, I continue to feel more focused progress toward new experiences with the PC muscle and that muscle that makes the balls jump and twitch.
Thank you all for this post. It has me refocused after a 2 week break. Today my prostate was twitching as I watched television so I guess it is time to feed the beast 🙂

Wow, @beegee6! You have given us some powerful meditations on how to exercise and tone our PC muscles in a delicate and subtle way. I am going to have to copy down what you have written in my notebook for further reference!

I have noticed in the last several months, certainly when I added by the Peridise Full Set and the Tempo to my sessions that not only are my PC and BC are well-toned but also they feel like big rubber bands which give me awesome control over my Anerosing. Now I focus upon my shallow, subtle breathing which powers my Anerosing these days.


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seem like i have heard someone on here speak of a front and back PC muscle that can be controlled separately. I guess if the PC muscle group is hammock shaped that would make sense, one muscle in the front and one in the back. Good discussion.

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