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Some help please ASAP!!!

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Okay, so last night was my first time I had some kind of minor pleasure waves thingy it felt like the room was turning--a little like going to bed drunk. I had other pleasure feelings before but less intense. It wasn't an orgasm though, at least I dont think so. And I left the thing in the entire night (nothing eventfull hapened and I removed it in the morning).

Anyway, here's why i'm freekin out: the whole day today I'm having this constant feeling on my prostate. It's an obvious loud awareness of it. almost like its being pinched or cupped--its hard to describe.
Sometimes its pleasurable and twice it built up to give me a huge hard on but then faded away.
In any case, its weird and its constant.

WTF is going on?

Thank you for any help guys,

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Call it "next day butt buzz" enjoy!

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So I'm assuming everyone's "enjoying" these NDBBs?

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Sounds nice! Relax and enjoy it!

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I have a Progasm inside me right now. I'm thinking of laying down in bed, falling asleep and seeing if he can work his magic.

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When I first started with Aneros, I had prostate buzz for 3 days straight. In the car, in meetings, everywhere, constant.
Don't worry, the weird feelings will go away!

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When I first started with Aneros, I had prostate buzz for 3 days straight. In the car, in meetings, everywhere, constant.
Don't worry, the weird feelings will go away!

Same for me. It will calm down and be more in your control as time goes on.

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I agree with 'dtmsmith', 'rook' & 'Cosmicmuffin' for the most part. As you you get more experienced using your Aneros some of these "Echo effects" will indeed fade away and not likely return, others, however, will become recurring sensations that will become normal occurrences in your life adding delicious moments of pleasure to each and every day if you allow them. You have embarked on a long learning journey and these are only the beginning lessons, there is much adventure ahead for you, embrace the opportunity and you will be well rewarded.

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This is exactly I'm not sure if I want to buy one

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This is exactly I'm not sure if I want to buy one

Why? Because you're afraid of the after effects?

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This is exactly I'm not sure if I want to buy one

Dude! It's all about the buzz, man. It's exactly WHY you should buy one. You should be so lucky.


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Well, it is an honour to welcome plato to this great and growing Symposium!!! 😀 😀

Pile on!!! rook, cosmicmuffin, rumel, dtmsmith, and Cockadoodle have all given the clear answer: this is a common key step in the early phase of your journey here! These kinds of events are part of the rewiring phenomena, and rewiring is what this aneros journey is all about.

Bare in mind, each journey is unique and not everyone experiences everything, or in the same order. What were you expecting? Key: Have NO expectations! Relax deeply, listen quietly to what your body/mind starts whispering to you in even the lightest sensations/responses. Have courage, be relaxed and open, allow your body to take you where it will, as it begins to experience these new forms of orgasmic (often, largely non-ejaculatory) energies. This is the gift of a lifetime for the health and full male development of any man, IMHO.

So plato and incognito, as your journeys progress, and yours too Bobby B as you already have the best attitude for success here, all of these new sensations and growing powers settle in and may well energize your whole being and your daily life in calm deep astoundingly remarkable ways. Have no expectations, forget about targets like the virtually varied and almost undefinable Super-O. It/them/infinity is way beyond any conventional idea about what an orgasm "has" to feel like.

all the best relaxed courageous confident openness and non-controlling awareness to all journeymen always


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Holy crap, people are complaining about pleasures felt outside of aneros use? That's like complaining that... you're married to a woman that's too sexy so you get hard ons whenever you're around her. Man... That's like saying "all the 100 dollar bills in my pocket are too heavy, so I hate being rich!"... that's like saying... ... well I dunno what else, can't come up with more ideas right now!

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Ok, I got it! That's like saying the pleasures felt outside of aneros use is not worth the AMAZING, unimaginable, pleasurable full body orgasms that can eventually be felt in aneros use.

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I think the main concern is not being on control of your body. I am still a bit freaked out that a muscle set keep pulsing, not sexual in nature, but with a LOT of concentration I can pause it, but it starts up again.

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"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

I can forge pleasure with my mind, i don't even need a aneros.....i just do it..and it comes to sweet is that? You can do anything you like with your mind, and you can have as many orgasms you like, at *any* time, pleasure just comes to you, naturally, as much as you like, there is no boundries or limits...practice makes perfect

The pleasure is there, if you want it, and you can't even in your wildest imagination, imagine how it is,
No one can, except thoose who already are unbound, all i can won't regret it when you're there

ad eundum quo nemo ante lit

"We come into this world alone
from the higher darkness
the infinite unknown
We're only here a little while
but i feel safe and warm
when i see you smile"

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Well said, Cyrez. And Forgeman, if you have any concerns, please continue to post them on the forum, but I gaurantee if you stick with it, all will be well in the end... Which muscle are you referring to, btw?

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There is really no logical reason to fear these "Echo effects" generated by the resonance of your own body. The prostate awakening that takes place in the initial rewiring phase of your journey may be initially unfamiliar and therefore disconcerting but this effect is short lived as you learn to embrace the pleasure of your body's potential. I've never found these "Echo effects" to be distractions to my work or other daily activities, in fact I find them welcome sensations to brighten the more mundane duties/chores which are necessary parts of our everyday lives.

@cyrez, If you are going to quote someone it would be informative and courteous to credit the source - Roy Batty (scene 34 - Blade Runner)

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Being afraid of losing control is a completely valid concern. I have to admit that, at times, I have not been in control of my body. I've lost sleep due to arousal that wouldn't quit. But, as time has passed, the frequency of these occurrences has diminished. After a year of practice, I can conjure up orgasms from thin air in a matter of minutes. My abilities and control are steadily increasing. For me, the pros vastly outweigh the cons.

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It's me, plato. I just couldn't log in to my account (this isn't the place to get into that--I'll figure it out later).

So it's two nights later and am still having the same sensations.
I again slept with it in, but nothing eventful happened.
Thanks all you guys for the posts:

When I first started with Aneros, I had prostate buzz for 3 days straight. In the car, in meetings, everywhere, constant.
Don't worry, the weird feelings will go away!


Same for me. It will calm down and be more in your control as time goes on.


As you you get more experienced using your Aneros some of these "Echo effects" will indeed fade away and not likely return, others, however, will become recurring sensations that will become normal occurrences in your life adding delicious moments of pleasure to each and every day if you allow them. You have embarked on a long learning journey and these are only the beginning lessons, there is much adventure ahead for you, embrace the opportunity and you will be well rewarded.

Thanks you guys. That's really helpful, more than anyone who hasn't had this can understand (as can be seen from some of the other responses).
Here's my favorite

I think the main concern is not being on control of your body. I am still a bit freaked out that a muscle set keep pulsing, not sexual in nature, but with a LOT of concentration I can pause it, but it starts up again.

Thank you! That's probably the main issue here.
And as for you, Korkelz--Mr. "Holy crap, people are complaining about pleasures felt outside of aneros use?"--I have a feeling you never went through this. As "artform" has said "not everyone experiences everything."
In addition, because you are so fond of analogous comparisons, here's one for you to consider: a 23 year old girl being raped by a 250lbs man in a dark alley. Are you going to explain how if her mind setting is right she can actually gain pleasure (you can prove it to her by comparing it to other sexual encounters that are held to be considered "pleasurable" by almost everyone!). Obviously this is ridiculous simply because she's not in control of the situation.
No, I'm not claiming my Aneros raped me. This is on a much smaller scale of not having control on one's body even though it should be considered, technically, a "pleasurable" phenomenon. So just try to put yourself in my position here. It is very new and a little freaky. Plus it is ALL DAY LONG!

Being afraid of losing control is a completely valid concern. I have to admit that, at times, I have not been in control of my body. I've lost sleep due to arousal that wouldn't quit. But, as time has passed, the frequency of these occurrences has diminished. After a year of practice, I can conjure up orgasms from thin air in a matter of minutes. My abilities and control are steadily increasing. For me, the pros vastly outweigh the cons.

Gotcha. It's still weird but it's great to hear that other's have it. Truth is, it's really good that you understand my situation. If you think about it, if not for Internet, and I was experiencing this I would be driving myself nut and probably end up in the ER thinking I somehow destroyed my innards.
So thanks you guys who understand me; that itself really helps even without the advice.

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It's me, plato. I just couldn't log in to my account (this isn't the place to get into that--I'll figure it out later).

So it's two nights later and am still having the same sensations.
I again slept with it in, but nothing eventful happened.
Thanks all you guys for the posts:



Thanks you guys. That's really helpful, more than anyone who hasn't had this can understand (as can be seen from some of the other responses).
Here's my favorite

Thank you! That's probably the main issue here.
And as for you, Korkelz--Mr. "Holy crap, people are complaining about pleasures felt outside of aneros use?"--I have a feeling you never went through this. As "artform" has said "not everyone experiences everything."
In addition, because you are so fond of analogous comparisons, here's one for you to consider: a 23 year old girl being raped by a 250lbs man in a dark alley. Are you going to explain how if her mind setting is right she can actually gain pleasure (you can prove it to her by comparing it to other sexual encounters that are held to be considered "pleasurable" by almost everyone!). Obviously this is ridiculous simply because she's not in control of the situation.
No, I'm not claiming my Aneros raped me. This is on a much smaller scale of not having control on one's body even though it should be considered, technically, a "pleasurable" phenomenon. So just try to put yourself in my position here. It is very new and a little freaky. Plus it is ALL DAY LONG!

Gotcha. It's still weird but it's great to hear that other's have it. Truth is, it's really good that you understand my situation. If you think about it, if not for Internet, and I was experiencing this I would be driving myself nut and probably end up in the ER thinking I somehow destroyed my innards.
So thanks you guys who understand me; that itself really helps even without the advice.

One of the earliest posts I made to the forum was this one:

Sound familiar? 🙂

Don't worry, you didn't break anything. The current frantic feelings will pass.

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Don't worry, you didn't break anything. The current frantic feelings will pass.

Pepnautic's comment, ". . . or putting a finger up my butt again to check on it." sums it up 🙂
It's funny seen it in black and white but that's just it: I'm just not sure what I'm to be doing.
So thanks dtmsmith that thread has a lot of info. I hope my results are similar to yours. . .

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The dance between "in control" and "out of control" is what I love about my Aneros use. The key to a great session is allowing myself to be out of control. Or rather, controlled by a greater force that lives at a deeper level than my normal controlling mind. I think that the sense of being "in control" is largely an illusion and responsible for the denial of those greater forces that can push us around.

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Yea, i love the fact that you have to let go completely and be perfectly relaxed. It's very similar to the meditation that the budhist monks do, called zazen when you empty your mind of all thoughts and are completely relaxed and focus 100% on breathing. If someone told me 1+ year ago that zazen could make me feel like this i would never believe them.

And i dont even need an aneros, i just lay there, letting go of everything, all thoughts, focusing on my breathing, i inhale air, and while its inside me it starts to glow violently, and as i exhale, i exhale a glowing mist. Completely surrending myself to the higher powers, and the void i create in my head is filled with pleasures that is hard to be described with words.

i wonder if buddhist monk also feel that way when they do zazen, perhaps this is the way to true enlightment

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I can understand your concerns. I think these sensations are perceived differently and with different intensities by everyone, depending on age, health, vitality, and (important) time of last ejaculation, as well as probably many other factors.

Judging by how quickly some guys on here reach the land of super O’s and how much precum they drip all over the place, I think my prostate is less sensitive and responsive than others.The important thing, as Rumel and Artform and others have said, is to go with it to see where it takes you.

I suspect that when I was younger the feelings you describe might have been troublesome and maybe even annoying. But now, during a normal day I am aware of my prostate and its signals most of the time, and I can honestly say that I love it. Yes, it can be distracting, but I have learned to ignore it when I need to concentrate on something.

All I know is that somehow I have been able to recalibrate my perceptions so that the feeling is now one of almost pure pleasure. Yes, there remains a small element of urge to “release,” which could be frustrating if I let it, but I don’t.

Give it some time. I’m willing to bet that in a few months you’ll have a much more positive view of these sensations.

Good luck

And Cyrez: Thanks for that reference to zazen, and how you do it. I realize that this describes the mild trance-like states I have been having, which, as you say, are hard to describe with words.

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"it felt like the room was turning--a little like going to bed drunk." This is a very good sign (in my experience)

I usually get like that when I unintentionally relax with the Aneros in.

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I was really happy to hear I didn't bust anything 🙂

So I had pretty good result last night and again today. I'm not sure what the official names of what I had was yet. I'm gonna re-read the wiki since last I read it was before I had any response so I couldn't relate to what I was meant to be doing or any feedback I'm meant to look out for.

Last night, I had a cool full-body lock down and then some shaking but not "involuntary." I had control on the shakings but it was gooood.
I ended up on my stomach shaking/humping the bed but I was half flaccid and I ejaculated. couldn't move for like 20 mins after that, kind of in a dreamy sleepy slumber. Did it again today but ended up finishing it off penisly.
By the by, I have a SGX knock off from China that cost me around 5 bucks (including shipping!) Best 5 bucks I spent since I bought my brothers soul the October before last.

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