So you know when yo...
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So you know when you are having an orgasm and...

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So you know when you are having an orgasm and you consciously say "this feels good but I am going to keep going down this rabbit hole and have a stronger orgasm", and you bring it up a notch, and then another, and then your eyes are popping out of your head and you think, "maybe a touch more to top it off", and that's when it really hits, but just to be certain you give it an extra push for good measure, and while you are screaming and drooling into your pillow and you are no longer capable of connecting two neurons (or disconnecting two neurons?), your body does the work to push you over the (final?) precipice...?

Anyone else travel this way? For me it's like traveling by train in first class through the swiss alps with free champagne-- smooth rails, stunning peaks and effervescent highs.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with the Schweizerische Bundesbahnen.

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No! often that point when you say "i am going to keep going down this rabbit hole" that is when it STOPS dead. Like the train is derailed and all feeling stops suddenly.

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@The_Fury oh no! like, you have one orgasm, and it stops? Or you are on the way to your orgasm and it stops? Maybe some men are multi-prostate-orgasmic (in the sense of a plateau with peaks) and some aren't, just like some women are multi-orgasmic and some aren't? I have a girlfriend who, directly after her first (and only) orgasm, falls asleep. Almost every time. She uses masturbation as a soporific, and has done so since she was a child.

For me orgasmic feelings do stop rather abruptly but is usually when I can't take anymore, after 5-10 of peaks if I'm grooving. But then I can start again after a pause. Or sometimes when my body/mind are less into it I only have a few separate small orgasms (or rarely, none).

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