So I've been using the aneros for a good 5 months now, and things have been going pretty well. The one thing is, I haven't had much progress recently. In fact, it was a solid 2 months since I felt a PWave. That is, until I bought the MGC after my Helix broke. Well, let's just say, yesterday, my 3rd session with it, changed everything. I was doing the Do Nothing method, as per normal, when suddenly I found myself super relaxed, and concentrated on my rhythmic breathing and the very slight tingling it created.
Suddenly, before I even really knew what was happening, my heart was beating super fast and I felt this massive PWave go all over my body. I guess I panicked a bit and I stopped it. But apparently that was the trigger for the sudden progress, because later that night I was able to do it again A-Less, and this morning I tried it again with it in, and it started again. Now I'm feeling a lot of buzzing down there even as I'm walking around at work. If I stand straight and concentrate, I can make it feel even better.
There is one question though: while doing the Aless session, there were a couple points where it felt like half of my limbs were asleep. Is this normal? I haven't been able to find too much about this.
Oh, and may I just say? The confident boomerang works like a charm! To think this would happen right as I was beginning to wonder if I was too young for this somehow
Congratulations! Keep relaxing and enjoying all your body has to give.
Few times I've had out of body and/or floating feelings. It amazing all the ways we can experience this new pleasure.
Limbs asleep is probably part of the relaxation you felt. It happens in deeper meditation and is a sign that you are bringing youself to a point of concentration and the brain starts to forget about parts of the body. The hands are usually the first part to feel like that.
That's cool. Be sure to jump in the chat room and share your experiences. There are often guys in there to answer your questions.