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Small adjustment - amazing results

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I'm hoping this small tip will help another user in their journey. I usually do the "do nothing" method flat on my back with my knees flat on the bed and slightly apart. After having a very physical day, climbing ladders, the next morning I decided to put some pillows under my knees to soften the feelings in them...OMG I think I discovered the holy grail! The Helix started to hit the sweetest spot immediately. I usually am able to get to a super O within a 45 to 60 minute time frame, this took less than 5 minutes! I have since had 4 sessions and every time the Super O's come on amazingly fast (under 10 minutes) I've done this with my Eupho as well. I'm stunned that a little thing like pillows under the knees would make such a huge difference, but it did! Anyway give it a try and you might be in Blissville before you know it!

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doesn`t the handle of the helix touch the bed inhibiting movement when you lay on your back like that?

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I don't think so, it always seems to have plenty of movement.

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i tried this out, does seem to allow more movement, though since its new for me, it seems hard to keep my legs relaxed as usual, but im sure after a few sessions things will settle down.

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While on my back, I put a pillow under my butt (with the helix syn just off the pillow so not to restrict movement) and a second pillow under the legs. My ass is cradled between the two and if I want to use the bed for some side to side rocking it has great results for me. Of course a third pillow is under my head....more for protection when I really get flopping around.
