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Hi there i have been having problems sleeping with my prostate in overdrive,i am sure a lot of you guys must experience the same,i would appreciate any advice on how to cope when this situation arises .

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This bothered me a lot too, I have a lot of trouble falling asleep as it is, without activating my whole nervous system right before bed.

It might not be good re-wiring advice, but for me the solution was masturbating after a session, more than once if necessary. Also listening to some laid back podcasts to take my mind off the body sensations.

I think making this a habit trained my body to know when the session is over.
But you might be able to train that in other ways, like getting up after the session and doing something else for a while.

I'm actually interested in how other people deal with that stirred-up energy.

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Jerking off will help get rid of it.... but you can never become fully rewired doing it.

It can be very difficult to sleep at the start, but after time you are able to control the feelings pretty much. But it def takes time to learn how to control them.

Tbh tho... I usually just ride an Aless orgasim in bed for 30 minutes per night and then fall off too sleep in bliss... why fight it? That's the benefit of being totally re wired.. go to bed 30 min earlier each night... have an Aless session and then drift off to sleep.

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Do you exercise much? If not,some sort of routine might be beneficial. 

Hate to be captain obvious here,but if bed time sessions keep you awake,perhaps earlier in the day sessions would suit better?

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I'm having trouble stopping a-less at night and they don't feel good since they just get stronger and stronger.  They use to feel relaxing and I'd go to sleep.  It's keeping me up and haven't sleep in days.  Now have high anxiety and can't eat or sleep. What type of treatment should I suggest to my primary doctor so I can calm my prostate?   I've now been using Aneros products for about five years but haven't had the super orgasm others have described but do have super good sensations.

I'm 68 years old and use the do nothing method. Any suggestions.

Ideas who I can call?

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This could prove to be difficult as you will need to translate a-less into "symptoms" that can be treated. Would you call these pelvic floor spasms or prostate spasms ? Maybe your doctor will want to prescribe anti-anxiety medication so you can sleep and see if the symptoms will go away on their own ? I really don't know what form a treatment for unwanted a-less would take. 

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zentai thanks so much for caring.  I'm at my wits end on this living hell.  Seems to be more like pelvic floor spasms.  Already started taking Paxil a few days ago to lower my anxiety but this might takes months to start working.  This use feel good and would put me to sleep but this is different and keeps me up and not enjoyable at all.  I think this needs to be figured out for others in the future.

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It's a bit of a pickle because most people would like this to happen to them, so there's little research on how to make it stop or prevent it. We had a few threads about this already, but I don't remember any of the recent ones reaching an actual conclusion, so we don't really know how good (or not) the advice worked. What I always told people is to try to really cut stress form their life as much as possible, try to give their nervous system a break, take it easy in general, cut caffeine and sugar etc. 

You could have a look online for info about kundalini syndrome, even if this is not exactly what you are dealing with, this is about as close as we can get to what unwanted aless manifestations would be. Some of the advice will look outlandish while other is more down to earth and could work. I think you will no want to wait for months for the Paxil to start working... 


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 This is going to sound a little crazy, I find subterfuge works for pain so maybe it will work for this. Try sticking a bag of frozen peas against your sac 15min before you go to bed and maybe 10-15 min once your in bed. You can also put it on the top of your head. Some stronger physical stimulation. Make sure its not something that could possibly turn you on. Hate to have your aless start every time you see mixed veggies lol.  Some times simple solutions work, can't hurt.

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This could work: stop fighting it. Don’t try any more to fix it. Just accept, for now,  you have a lively prostate at night. Then let it keep on running, for now, in overdrive. As the mental health therapists often say, “what you resist, persists.” This is related to the well-known pink elephant challenge: “Don’t think of pink elephants, whatever do you!” Of course, the more you try to stop thinking about those elephants, the more you do. 

It may be the same with your prostate. The more you try to get it to stop, with all kinds of strategies and approaches, the more attention it gets from you. And the perkier it becomes. And the more aggregated you get, giving it more attention. If you just accept it for now, and note it, saying as calmly as you can to yourself “there goes my damned prostate again,” and then live with it, including in bed, it will lose the mental energy you are putting into it. But, again, that means living with it for a while. 

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@zentai I've got a new theory.  Maybe my problem is due to a medical condition with my prostate.  Keep in mind I'm 68.  Could it be that the reason a-less in now not feeling good and keeping me up is because of some sort of infection or condition? And not feeling good I'm not getting the normal dopamine response to go to sleep. Uncontrollable a-less is nothing new for me and it always felt good. In the right position happens often even after sex with my wife.  Normal sex with my wife is about every other day so I'm use to having regular ejaculations. I've been using the aneros for about 5 years and haven't had the famous super O but do have the P waves so I continue the journey. I've read in this forum to try not to ejaculate if your having trouble having the super O. So a few weeks ago I went on a semen retention diet for my record of about 10 days while still using the aneros. Could this caused my prostate to now have some type of infection.  Uncontrolled a-less has always put me to sleep before.  Now it doesn't feel good at any strength.  Are there prostate conditions that could cause this to not feel good?

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I really can't give you any actual medical advice. Of course, some condition could affect your prostate, that's a possibility, but I don't know if this could be caused by a short bout of semen retention. I don't practice semen retention myself, and won't go longer than 2-3 days without ejaculating. But some guys go much longer without issues. Maybe for you, there is a link. If you did not change anything else, then I would simply go back to ejaculating more regularly and see if this helps.

If there is no pain or discomfort and your Aless simply went from feeling good to not feeling much, then maybe just cleaning the pipes regularly again will bring things back to where they were. Personally I would just make sure to ejaculate every day for a week and then re-evaluate from there. If you suspect anything else is at play, then maybe this would be worth a visit to your doctor just to be sure ? 


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Posted by: @latetotheparty

I've read in this forum to try not to ejaculate if your having trouble having the super O. So a few weeks ago I went on a semen retention diet for my record of about 10 days while still using the aneros. Could this caused my prostate to now have some type of infection.

Hmmm, just speculating here but it may be that your temporary semen retention attempt upset your body's normal ejaculatory rhythm and induced a small level of stress into your system. Stress can be expressed in the body in a number of ways, with non-bacterial protatitis one of those examples. While practicing semen retention by itself should not be a cause for infection but if you had a very low level of infection to begin with perhaps ceasing the regular ejaculations allowed a latent infection to blossom as the prostate was not getting flushed out.

Posted by: @latetotheparty

Are there prostate conditions that could cause this to not feel good?

Yes, prostatitis can cause a number of uncomfortable sensations including pain which could also upset sleep patterns. I would suggest you take some melatonin and try ejaculating before going to bed for a few days to see if this helps settle your system back down. I do hope you get some relief soon. If that doesn't work then a doctor's consultation is probably appropriate.

Good Vibes to You!


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I have the same problem. I'm 25 years younger. It's been almost a month and a half now and my prostate is still hyper sensitive. I can hardly drive a car. If I calm myself I can stop feeling it, but any squeeze or touching or vibration and it's right there on the edge. Never had super Os. Only used an Aneros 2 times and did Mindgasm 3-4 times before, it all happened so fast. The first days I could stimulate my prostate, feeling the same that I'm feeling now, and then it would subside. Now I'm always stimulated. Not many other symptoms. Thinking about it makes it worse, and in the morning when I just woke up I feel slightly better, but a simple squeeze makes every sensation come again instantly so I don’t think it’s entirely psychological. I have an urologist visit scheduled in 10 days, I also had epiditimitis in the meantime and that could mean something. Not sure it's pelvic floor related or muscle strain, I'm doing relaxation exercises but don't help much. I know someone that had a similar problem and it was a bacterial prostatitis fixed with antibiotics. Don't know if I have the same but at this point I hope so. This is hell. I wish I never started prostate play. @latetotheparty let me know what you discover too if you can. 

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Sorry to hear you’re having some issues. It could be psychological with mentioning MG. The one bug bear I have is the depth of their hypnotic style. I’ve wondered could it possibly bring people along too fast to places they aren’t ready for. Kind of pushing them past the terror at the gates scenario. I have heard there have been some MG members who’ve encountered similar issues whether kundalini in nature or otherwise. Maybe @rumel or @zentai have heard of members who’ve suffered with these things before and offer some counsel.


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I did have some issues with MG and how they use hypnotic methods without being upfront about it, and there are a handful of things that sounded like they could cause a Kundalini rise while the subject is in a vulnerable state. I also don't think that you need any belief in Kundalini phenomena to experience one, so this could be seem as being a bit reckless to just spring these kind of instruction on unsuspecting listeners. 

On the other hand, and this is only my opinion, if you are sensitive to experiencing a Kundalini awakening or Kundalini psychosis or whatever you want to call it, it's bound to happen sooner or later if you do any Super-O seeking at all. There is no guarantee that it will happen on your own terms anyway... I don't think Mindgasm in unsafe in general, it's just that some people will respond quickly and strongly to this particular style of trance or meditation. 

@royger, do you think a specific element triggered your issue, either in Mindgasm or your Aneros session ?  



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Posted by: @zentai

@royger, do you think a specific element triggered your issue, either in Mindgasm or your Aneros session ?  

I don't really know. For sure the testicle pain I had on my second Aneros session triggered some fears in me, of having injured me. But I never manually touched my Aneros and always have been careful so I mostly think I'm ok physically. I know "squeezing" too much the prostate can make some liquid go down to the testicles and create inflammation so maybe there's that. Anyway I already had a testicles ultrasound and the inflammation is mostly gone away already, I have little pain now. Maybe this happened at the same time as my full prostate "awakening". I didn't really follow MG video entirely, so I don't think I hyptnotized myself much. With MG I just discovered I have three muscles down there, and the middle one, nor the PC nor the rectal, really stimulates my prostate, and I squeezed that on my own. I mostly did 2-3 sessions at night and immediately reached incredibly high pleasure levels (never a super-O though). The last session I had to finish by masturbation to be able to sleep. The day after I had this hypersensitivity for half a day then I was as good as new. I had noticed increased genital sensitivity for some days, and some kind of premature ejaculation issues since, before testicles pain, and in those days I had a couple of Eupho Syn sessions, with a day in between to rest, and the in the second session the testicle pain started. I was mostly ok, I didn't have much hypersensitivity problems until the pain in my testicles started to subside a couple weeks after. Probably the pain "distracted" me in the meantime, I don't know. I also stopped having sex and any stimulation for that first week, and this could have heightened my feelings even more, in a cruel way (the more gentle stimulation the better, right?). Anyway, I had two very, very rough weeks, with super high libido levels and super dark suicidal and catastrophizing thoughts, but now I'm better. I'm still far away to feel "ok" yet, and I find it hard not to think about and feel my prostate. I always hoped to have something physical that can be cured, and the possibility of an "all psychological" issue is frightening because it means I'm on my own. But I decided to think positive from now on, like f*ck it I don't care if I destroyed my life. I'm still getting better, after all, albeit slowly. When I'll have my urologist visit I'll tell everything, maybe I really need some anxiety medications, or maybe there's something wrong with my prostate. Anyway, I don't wish this on anyone. And I don't think it's so uncommon. I'm very happy for all of you that can enjoy this, I just hope I'll be able to go back to some kind of normal life. If you have any other tips, please share. If you have any other question, I'm here. Thanks for the support anyway

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If you have any suicidal ideas, reach out to someone NOW. This is very serious.  

But you said you were doing better, so I'll take your word for it, and hope that the darkest parts are behind you. I went trough some similar stuff but this was from hours and hours of Super-O abuse, knowing what I was doing and wanting to see how far down the rabbit hole I could go. I can't say that it was accidental like what is happening to you, and I also cannot say I'm 100% like I was before, but I'm doing fine. You are not alone, and I don't believe you fucked up your life.

Before going further I just want to make sure you're OK and don't have the crazy dark ideas anymore, right ? 


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Posted by: @royger

I mostly did 2-3 sessions at night and immediately reached incredibly high pleasure levels (never a super-O though).

So you are a hyper responder, which would be a good thing for 99% of users, unless you really respond too well. This would probably build-up to a Super-O really quickly if you were to have more sessions, which of course you don't want to do right now. You did nothing wrong as there is no way to know how well your first sessions will go, you were just extra lucky or unlucky, depending how you see it.

I'm not making light of what you are experiencing, I just want to make it clear that it's really not your fault, you might think that because you had some testicular pain etc. you should have stopped right away, but that's hindsight, no one is really going to stop because of a little blue balls or similar, not when things feel that good.  The ultrasound also shows that this was a benign thing, of course that's something your urologist will have to decide and not something I can judge, but you know what I mean.  

Now maybe your urologist visit will reveal something, and if all you need to fix everything is a course of antibiotics, then this will be fantastic, but in the meantime you do have to take care of yourself, 10 days is still a long time. I don't know what the proper course of action would be beside taking things very easy and avoiding stress as much as possible. Seeing a mental health professional as soon as possible might be a good idea if you feel any need to do so. 


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Posted by: @royger

I have the same problem. I'm 25 years younger. It's been almost a month and a half now and my prostate is still hyper sensitive. ... Only used an Aneros 2 times and did Mindgasm 3-4 times before, it all happened so fast. The first days I could stimulate my prostate, feeling the same that I'm feeling now, and then it would subside. Now I'm always stimulated. Not many other symptoms. Thinking about it makes it worse, and in the morning when I just woke up I feel slightly better, but a simple squeeze makes every sensation come again instantly so I don’t think it’s entirely psychological.

Having a case of prostatitis is certainly a possible physical explanation for your symptoms but I can't help feeling that you may in fact be experiencing a case of kundalini syndrome. Such occurrences have been reported on numerous occasions in the past here on the forum and a search using the keywords "kundalini rising" or "kundalini syndrome" will lead you to them. As @Zentai noted you may be one of those individuals who is more sensitive to triggering this condition. From my reading of the past reports it seems the solution to resolving this condition is time, meditative grounding practices and certain activities such as Hatha yoga exercises. I suspect it will calm down in time but ruminating about it will only prolong the situation. Talking with a yogi who is familiar with this condition may help as well. I hope it resolves quickly for you.

Good Vibes to You!

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@royger Testickle pain is usually caused by some type of infection, genital infections can be very hard to get rid of. The last infection I had I ended up taking 3 different anti biotics to rid my self of it. Problem was the infection kept coming back, so I imagine you could like me drug resistent. Hope things get better soon. I acn say worrying about anything usually makes it worse mentally, which will leave you fighting 2 battles. Be methodical find out whats wrong, take your own advice.

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Thanks guys. Yes the darkest times are in my past. I'm doing mostly fine, and my SO is very supportive. I'm not in any danger, I already talked to my physician (which initially thought it was muscle strain). I must say that well over a month in this condition is exhausting. Thankfully my sex life is still good, I would have felt even more guilty if I had ruined that too for us. I'll complete my medical exams and go from there, be it urological related, pelvic floor related, or just psychologycal. I didn’t take any medication, and STD are out of the question. But you never know where an infection can come from. I don’t have much other symptoms though. I'm not excluding mental help/medications too. Probably being mildly anxious/hypochondriac didn't help but I never expected this. What I'm experiencing is very real and it seems unthinkable to be triggered by thoughts alone, but the mind is a powerful thing, and I see the same happening to many others, even if none of those actually reported back if they felt better. Unfortunately I'm an engineer, and while I still practice mindfulness and yoga exercises, energy/kundalini stuff doesn't really resonate with me, so I must rely to science/neuroscience/psychology and such to get out of this. I want and need to stay optimistic, I know that, makes a big difference. 

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Good to know you're safe. 

Posted by: @royger

Unfortunately I'm an engineer, and while I still practice mindfulness and yoga exercises, energy/kundalini stuff doesn't really resonate with me, so I must rely to science/neuroscience/psychology and such to get out of this.

I also work/worked in a technical field and always saw myself as a very cartesian person, and for a long time I thought all this Kundalini stuff was hogwash and crazy talk, but boy was I happy to know a bit about it when I ended up needing the information.

I just decided that it was the best the ancient practitioners could do to describe various neurological processes, chemical imbalances and trance states before they had any hard science to lean on. Of course they did not really believe that some coiled up snake of light was just lurking at the base of our spine, waiting to jump up to our brain, but they made up the best description they could. It's honestly not that far off when you do experience it.

Since modern science has limited interest in Super-Os, that's still some of the best info we have. Even if the old guys did not know exactly "why", they did know "how". That's good enough for me, it just needs a bit of translation...

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Yes, of course, not saying it's not based on something true underneath. I searched a bit online and it seems the tips to "cure" it are similar to the ones I already got and that I already started practicing (being grounded etc.), so I hope I'm good

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Yes, I think you'll be fine. If you need to touch grass and hug a tree to feel better, and it works, then it's not silly. But you should be OK with mindfulness and breathing and just waiting it out. Try different things, take hot baths, have some herbal tea, all the little things will help. Just do your best to be Zen even if it feels a bit nonsensical. Good luck ! 

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I’m just throwing some stuff out there but ball pain can be caused by the creamaster muscles getting over excited. I’ve had that a few times myself. A short abstinence sees it off though. I think you’ve had a taste of kundalini syndrome. From the high and low thoughts to the buzzing gland and problems sleeping. Do you work out at all? Or run? I’m a great believer in rehabilitation via exercise. Why some people get it? Who knows. Maybe an undiagnosed nervous system disorder. Give it some time,and it’ll right itself. Btw,you did have a super-o. You may not believe it and due to the issues,not enjoyed it,but you did. You’ll likely be able to come back to the party at some point. 

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Maybe in ending that one intense session by jerking off I had a combined orgasm, penis + prostate, it was strong so it could be (not world bending though). About the pain, I had to wait two weeks to have the ultrasound (holidays and such) and by then the pain had almost completely passed, but my left epididymus was still a little bigger and inflamed than the other, with a 3-4mm physiological liquid spill. So I don't know if this can be related to the creamaster muscle, but the doctor thinks I really did have something, which managed to mostly resolve itself (I still have some faint pain). Today I was more mentally relaxed and accepting, and I had some peaceful hours where I felt almost normal again. But I tried applying a little pressure on my perineum while showering a few moments ago and I instantly felt p-waves. So for sure my anxiety had something to do in heightening my sensations these past weeks, but I find hard to believe I don't also have something physical. I can't explain this simple mechanical reaction otherwise, moreover since I was very relaxed and didn't have any feeling from my prostate since a few hours. Or maybe pelvic floor injury? Could be. I need to wait 10 more days though for the visit. In the meantime yes, I started exercising again. I couldn't do it before, I had waves even walking, it was rough, but at least I'm already a bit better than some weeks ago. I'll keep taking it easy and being positive. And thanks for your thoughts and ideas

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Keeping you updated, for what it's worth. Did the exam today, my prostate seems ok, right size, doesn't seem infected. I'll still do urine test though. Doctor doesn't really know what's going on, suggests a pelvic floor exam eventually. He thinks it's mostly psychological. My take is neurological (rewiring) + anxiety + pelvic floor muscle tension. I was feeling a bit better these days though, sometimes I never even felt my prostate during the day. Will keep being calm and positive, I hope I'll be out of the woods in some months/years, hopefully sooner. 

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Thank you for updating us.

Knowing you don't have an infection should contribute to lowering your anxiety. Whatever else is involved, at least your prostate is fine. That's worth knowing. I don't see you having to deal with this issue for a very long time, weeks at most, not years. You have some medical support and your significant other so you're not alone and this will help a lot. 

As bad as it feels, I don't think you got far enough in your exploration to cause a truly deep crisis, and you stopped early.  Still, I went back to your previous posts and this part stood out : 

Posted by: @royger

I mostly did 2-3 sessions at night and immediately reached incredibly high pleasure levels (never a super-O though).

"Incredibly high levels of pleasure" are enough to trigger something. If it was shocking and unexpected, maybe a bit stressful/crazy/scary or if it felt like losing control, then now there could be a distrust associated with prostate feelings, or even thinking your body could play more tricks on you, for example, what if it happens when doing something important, like in your example, driving. 

What most users will experience as pleasant butt buzz and awakening could have a more negative undertone to you right now, but as your body "sorts itself out" this will hopefully fade in the background soon. 

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Brother,there’s physically damn all wrong with you. No funky prostate,no urine infection,no pelvic floor tension. Nada. It’s all in your head. You’re going to need to cowboy up a bit and start accepting how things are and stop looking for some test result that explains everything. This has happened to others,not just you. 

The super-o lives in a box. The box has combination to open it. Like a cryptex. We all wanted to decipher the combination and open the box. You did. Stop thinking you’ve not had a super o,you have,you don’t get to where you are without one. The problem is,you’re afraid of it. It hit hard,but did you die? Nope. Things are already getting better. Start realising you’re walking a higher path,so many guys go through life without ever knowing what the little gland is capable of,but you do. Time to embrace it and work with it. Get positive,stop thinking in months and years and think today. Eat well,work out,get tasks done,set some goals and work to them. You’ll be back riding and in control in no time.

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