Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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Sometimes it feels like my journey is similar to Sisyphus in greek mythology. He was punished by the gods to push a boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity.

I've never managed to experience consistent 'involentaries'. It always feels like i'm 99% there towards a orgasm, but no matter the effort/pushing, it's always out of reach/impossible to go to the other side. Kinda like trying to catch a rainbow, always on the other side of the hill.

My question is how do i complete the journey to the other side/that last percent/unlock the full power of orgasm? Any 'tip' or trick i should try would be greatly appriciated.

I've experienced small glimpses of 'the other side' for a few seconds at a time, over the span of fifteen years, and the 'power'/volume on the other side is truly astronomical. Just a small taste of what yet to come, forever teasing me and encouraging me to never give up the journey.

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