Silicone Safe Oil o...
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Silicone Safe Oil or Water Based Lube???

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I've always used a little Vaseline on my silicone Aneros, but it seems that it is not recommended.


Aneros suggests using water-based or (plant) oil-based lube only.  Not sure why they don't recommend regular petroleum-based lube like Vaseline, but I have never noticed any damage to my Aneros from using them.


Anyway, I'm on a quest to find a new plant oil-based or water-based lube for my silicone Aneros.

I always use silicon-based lube for my regular models and am looking for a lube that is similarly long lasting for my silicone models. Hoping to find something that is within reason price wise as well.


Any suggestions?

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Has anyone else noticed any damage to their SYN units after using Vaseline or similar petroleum lube?

I tried Slippery Stuff (just on the unit, no pre-lube) on my Eupho SYN and the results after 90 minutes were a pretty dry; almost no lube remaining.   I'm usually use Vaseline with a little water-based on top and even after 3 hours there is still plenty of lube remaining. 

I'm trying to get away from the Vaseline, mainly due to the fact that Aneros does not recommend it for the SYN models, but it works so well, so I'm torn.  I read the instructions sent with my new Maximus Trident SYN and they read a little differently than the statement Aneros posted online; no mention of NOT using a petroleum-based lube.  The paper instruction simply say do not use silicone-based lube, and recommend water OR oil-based lube for the SYN models.

I found this that seems to indicate silicone is completely chemical resistant to Vaseline:


Sounds like silicone, especially quality silicone that Aneros uses to makes it's products, are chemically resistant to ANY oil-based (plant or petroleum) product.  Not sure why Aneros does not recommend petroleum lube with it's SYN massagers; sure wish they would chime in and tell us.



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Posted by: @busnut
Not sure why Aneros does not recommend petroleum lube with it's SYN massagers; sure wish they would chime in and tell us.

I don't know but I suspect that their reluctance to endorse Vaseline as a lubricant is due to its production from petroleum which brings with it a stigma of potential health concerns. Fortunately there are more natural alternatives..

There are many choices for natural lubrication, it is more a matter of personal preference which particular lube you choose to use. Olive, coconut, walnut and almond oils are all popular alternative natural lube choices, shea butter is another popular natural lubricant. These natural lubricants do not contain glycerin. The rectal wall is a highly permeable membrane, easily absorbing water and the chemicals therein. While natural oil lubes do get absorbed like water based lubes, the absorption rate is slower and as the viscosity of the oil increases, the absorption rate decreases. Hence lighter weight (low viscosity) oils like grape seed and olive oil will be more readily absorbed and disperse more rapidly than heavier oils (higher viscosity) like almond oil, canola or coconut oil. Additionally oil based lubes tend to last longer before they start to lose their lubricity.

Personally, I am concerned about the uptake of the various chemicals in commercial 'personal lubricants'. Since I've developed a sensitivity to the glycerin found in many of the commercial lubricants, I've switched to using natural oil based lubricants such as a 50%-50% mixture of almond oil and shea butter or a 67% coconut oil - 33% shea butter mixture or the 'Natural Jelly' formulation. These compounds are safe for use with both the plastic and silicone Aneros models. I find these natural lubes are both long lasting and of sufficient lubricity to not hinder desired Aneros movement for long Anerosessions. As a side note, the 'Natural Jelly' formulation is very tenacious in its adherence to your massager.

Good Vibes to You!

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I used petroleum jelly regularly on non-Aneros silicone toys in the past, and like you I never observed any deterioration.

It's really up to you to decide if you are OK with using petroleum products inside your body for years and years, that's the main issue even if Vaseline does not deteriorate silicone. In my experience, the Natural Jelly recipes Rumel mentioned do work well and are inexpensive to make.

Personally I find that thicker water-based formulas like Astroglide Gel work well enough, but if want something oil-based, then I mix my own with beeswax and coconut oil to get a consistency really close to petroleum jelly. It's worth it ! 


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So....  Would something like Coconut Oil be safe with silicone models?

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Have used coconut oil regularly with my Vice2 and HSV with no degradation thus far! It will stain so use it sparingly but find it to be a great inexpensive lubricant which is available in most grocery stores.
