Side effects: the g...
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Side effects: the good , the bad, and the downright wanton

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1. Masturbation for me is now a 30 second misadventure: sit down, start masturbating, have control yanked away from me, start thinking 'oh crap, already?' and then I'm off to bed without aneros 🙁

Advice on this forum tends towards working only with your aneros and staving off masturbation before and after (and during!) sessions. I believe that this is due to the fact that most guys when presented with porn and lube will not stop until it's all over ('I'll stop in a minute...ok five minutes...ten, ten minutes and I'm off to bed with aneros! That's final! Ok, 30 minutes, just until midnight, nice round number there...yeah') Discipline and sex have a difficult relationship.

2. Sensations greatly increased in the head of my penis - I'm pretty sure this is a good thing, although it makes masturbation (and sex) difficult. In my early stages of aneros use, I just had the increased sensations, and I was a million miles away from the point of no return. Now, a few days build up of sexual energy, and you become quite volatile! This, to me, indicates progress with the aneros and the rewiring process.

3. What's that buzzing in my prostate? Like tiny electrodes are being switched on and off during my day. At worst it's distracting, at best, it's quite pleasurable! Another unexpected and quite pleasant element of rewiring.

4. Mental fatigue. I overcook sessions. I know I do it, and I'm not proud of it. Sometimes I start a session and nothing happens, so I try and try and try until something does happen. The only problem is, there is no forcing a good session. When I have a great session, I don't ever want to leave it. The only thing that stops me is that I get very tired. This is probably not a side effect of aneros use, but a side effect of staying up more hours than my body is used to!

5. Increased energy/ revitalisation during the day. Some users have reported this, for me, it's rare but it's happened.

6. Increased focus. I find I'm more focused during the day now, perhaps because a good aneros session can alleviate my mind from sexual distractions.

7. OCD in some users. Either there are a lot of obsessive compulsive types on this forum, or the aneros inspires it, I'm not sure, but I read a lot of posts where people have 'to do' lists for getting into the zone for a good session. First I'll take a hot shower, then I'll rub my body with coconut and jojoba oil, then I'll moisturise, after which a lemon juice enema is usually the done thing, and then I'll listen to michael bolton for a couple of hours and by that time I'm usually almost in the zone, but first I have to go around the house and measure all the doors to make sure they're the same dimensions as yesterday.

ok, I poke fun here, and yes, preparation is all good, but all I find myself thinking when I read those posts is: stick the damn thing in and have a good time!

8. I no longer have time to do things....whinge. My friends have stopped calling me and when they do, I don't answer....whinge. Ha ha, yes aneros use can sap time. I try not to have daytime sessions, but they are when the brain is awake, alert and you're more likely to have a good session I think. When these sessions occur, whole chunks of time just disappear!

9. Increased reading on sexual topics such as tantra, daoism, taoism, zaneblue's orgasmic diet, KSMO, psychology, kundalini, meditation, etc etc...I read a lot anyway, but its a wealth of information and contains invaluable advice on successful aneros use.

10. I just lie here and nothing happens!!! I wasted my money! A common complaint, and one I can sympathise with. One good session though, one good session and it's all worth it. If nothing happens, its for a number of reasons - read my post: The Wall, or read any number of posts on this forum which deal with this issue.

11. Oops, one I forgot, sperm consistency. Anyone else found that their sperm consistency changed almost instantly after first use?!? I was really worried at first because I no longer ejaculated normally, I felt the intense sensations of orgasm, and after the first healthy spurt of cum, the rest was really thick and oozed out rather than shot out. I read that this could be down to a prostate infection - no chance I thought, I was fine before I bought this thing, and now?

My thoughts on this are that the prostate has been strengthened greatly and the rewiring process means that I am not ejaculating as much as I normally do. Also, the PC muscle is now superhuman, and no doubt blocks my ejaculation during aneros sessions several times if not more.

I think I'll stop here, but I feel I should tell you that this post was brought on by the first point I made: masturbation. Last night I was especially horny and figured, a five...a five minute...wait...a ten minute masturbation session before going to bed with the aneros would be acceptable, and within seconds my eyes were rolling back and I was shooting all over the place. Moving away from masturbation should be written down as a goal I think, because for me it has always been counter productive to my lifestyle but necessary, as my girlfriend is not currently living in the country. The aneros should replace masturbation and enhance your sex life.

As always, thanks for reading, I welcome your comments and if you want to add to this list, go right ahead, there are more I'm sure of it!

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What a fantastic post magma1984! 🙂

I'm just going to add my own observations to a few of your existing categories.

4. Mental fatigue.

This covers a lot of areas. I notice that sometimes on the days that I have scheduled for an Aneros session that evenings, I often have to much accumulated mental garbage floating in my head to really be focused enough to have some pleasurable results. I think that is where the first thing in morning sessions have an advantage. You've awoken clean and refreshed.

Lack of sleep from late night Aneros usage definitely can be a problem. Do this too many nights in a row and you'll regret it. 😛

5. Increased energy/ revitalisation

I've definitely noticed this one! I seem to require less sleep at night now, since I started getting results with the Aneros.

7. OCD in some users.

The way you describe it also reminds me of superstition, or ritual habits. I didn't find myself falling into this way of preparing for a session. I definitely wash my ass before a session, and sometimes look at some porn. That's as far as my pre-session rituals go. I agree with you completely! Stick it in and enjoy it! 😆 But, I think if these rituals work for some guys, and they are not harming themselves, then go with it. Just recognize that it's only as necessary as you believe it to be. If I find myself not in a mental state that is helpful or inducive to a good Aneros session, I skip it. Perhaps thats what these rituals are for some guys. A way to get into a state of mind that will allow a session, let alone a good one.

11. Oops, one I forgot, sperm consistency. Anyone else found that their sperm consistency changed almost instantly after first use?!?

Only because ejaculation happens a lot less often for me. My experience has been that the more often I ejaculate, particularly more than once a day, the more fluid like my ejaculate becomes.

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thanks love_is, some good additions, and while i'm here, i have one more!

12. Increased sexual prowess! I don't know about you, but my refractory period has all but disappeared!

I read one of your recent posts where you felt kind of unsatisfied after masturbating and then had an outstanding aneros session on the back of that - perhaps your refractory period has improved in the same way?

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7. OCD in some users. Either there are a lot of obsessive compulsive types on this forum, or the aneros inspires it, I'm not sure, but I read a lot of posts where people have 'to do' lists for getting into the zone for a good session. First I'll take a hot shower, then I'll rub my body with coconut and jojoba oil, then I'll moisturise, after which a lemon juice enema is usually the done thing, and then I'll listen to michael bolton for a couple of hours and by that time I'm usually almost in the zone, but first I have to go around the house and measure all the doors to make sure they're the same dimensions as yesterday.

Actually, it's the opposite of OCD. OCD is a person trying to generate serotonin from activities. What men do here is try to generate dopamine from activities. Having a relaxing ritual to raise dopamine makes sense. Studies have shown meditation and massage can raise dopamine, for example. There are also nutritional ways to raise dopamine, that might make the necessity for dopamine ritual a fun option rather than a requirement.

I'd like to point out that as prostate orgasms match vaginal orgasms, men who have experienced this should be more tolerant of women who want dopamine ritual before sex. Women have a physiological need for a relaxing ritual, for foreplay and romance to "get them in the mood". It's always interesting to see things from the other person's point of view.

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Hi magma1984,

I don't feel that my refractory period has changed in me. Just that the ejaculation event via masturbation so far seems to have lost it intensity and satisfaction compared to a hands free super-T with Aneros inserted. I do feel like I am getting better at understanding what the feelings in my prostrate are, and what they mean.


It makes sense what you have written. I find it always enlightening when you post, as it gives us the female point of view.

Love is Peace

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ummm....zaneblue, thanks for pointing that out, but that was kind of the joke - forgive my light hearted banter, I do understand that a ritual helps to put people 'in state', I was simply pointing out , in a light hearted way, that it can raise expectations and have the exact opposite effect....a la serotonin imbalance. There's something inherently sad about having to explain your own joke....oh well.

In fact, if you read some of my other posts, I talk a lot about how I discovered aneros, which came shortly after sustained study and practice of meditation, hypnosis and putting myself into altered states of consciousness to make the body simulate the process of orgasm.

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I know you were joking! 😛 I like your writing style

Don't mind me, I just jump at any chance to talk about brain chemistry. 🙄

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that's quite alright zaneblue, your comments are most welcome, especially on my posts! 😆

was having a pretty rough day yesterday...ironically my seratonin levels were probably a liitle skewed which resulted in a bad session last night - serves me right 😉

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Sometimes the new "related discussions" section tosses up some great stuff, don't you think?

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i agree, dingus. i think he is right that many of us on here are sorta sex addicts. can't get enuf. i own that myself anyway. spend far too much time on sex.

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Like these guys?

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[email protected] speak for yourself, I have been married for many years and due to medical reasons have not been getting any for a long time. I will not cheat so have to go without. Only my hand to love me:)Miss aneros has changed things and she will hopefully get better with time.

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braveneworldI definitely admire u and anyone who will not cheat in a committed relationship, and u have my utmost sympathy for the medical reasons that prevent u "getting any for a long time." Actually i suffer (and i don't use the word litely) from ED. However i got a lot if not enuf from Aneros and Mangina. However i have met a guy and we really have gotten a lot from kissing, cuddling, hugging, etc., etc. We have a NSA and not LTR, butt neither of us wud be with another. On the other hand, since neither of us can host, it is putting a strain on things, because i feel the need for more opportunities for physical contact, so i don't know where this is going to go. Can't keep paying for motel.

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