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Should we teach our boys reaching puberty the benefits of MMO, prostate massage, kuma sutra?

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I am convinced that I am heterosexual. I had doubts once and put them to the test and came out realizing that I may have been curious. I satisfied my curiosity and realized that I am clearly interested in women only. It is with that attitude in place I began my Aneros journey. I never thought of prostate massage as being in the exclusive domain of homosexuality. BUT.. because of my very recent success with achieving unbelievable unrelenting extraordinary orgasms and the prior posts to this comment, I told myself I should see if I am missing out on the pleasures of anal sex between men. So for the very first time I looked at gay porn involving anal sex. I looked at maybe 10 different clips and reached a conclusion. These guys on the bottom did not even come close to having the pleasure I get now from my Aneros and heterosexual sex. I doubt that receiving a big dick in my ass, although admittedly it must be massaging my prostate, could possibly feel as good as my Helix. My current orgasms are so intense and all-consuming I could not take any more. I am really happy with what I have and not looking for a homosexual encounter. (of course if you can convince me that a cock in the ass is better, this becomes another matter. “It’s the pleasure stupid, not the sexual preference” (stealing from James Carville’s famous quote for Clinton)

The point of this is to respond to previous posts in this comment. I do not think that the Aneros journey by a young boy necessarily means he will change sexual preferences. But I do agree that it might cause him to experiment and consider the possibility. That, in itself, could be a problem. BUT I can say this confidently… if the young boy discovers the same pleasures I have had this week in the use of my Aneros, he would not want to do anything but stay in bed and orgasm every two minutes for hours on end. Think about the parents who have spent so much time teaching the boy about how he should spend his time studying, sports etc. The boy’s future planning would be limited to the next 60 secs when he hopes to get his next orgasm. He would race home from school and head for his bedroom. In fact, based on my recent experience he could just do this in the classroom, library, bathroom, gym locker room, riding in a car and even just walking around, all without the Aneros inserted. This to me is the primary reason for not exposing the boy to the Aneros. Not worries about his sexuality. Just simply that the experience is so damn good nothing else in life can compete for his attention. That is the best argument for not teaching about anal sex.

However all of the above deals with anal sex. There is one subject that is time dependent. The idea of doing penile enlargement during, not after, puberty. The odds are that your son will grow up with a normal penis without any enlargement. Do you want him to have his best shot as having an above average penis? This really raises a ton of questions. Does size matter etc.? Would the activity and focus on this penis cause emotional or unbalanced thought processes? I have not found any worthwhile literature on the internet. It is possible that doing the enlargement (mainly using weights and penal stretching devices along with vacuum tubes) exercises work better during the puberty period when he is already experiencing growth in his penis. Moreover, borrowing from the joke about Adam when he is ready to nail Eve for the first time., “Step back, we do not know how big this is going to get”. You might cause him to have a penis that is really too big. Before my penile implant surgery my penis was very thick and measured between 7 and 8 inches (hence my handle from pre surgery days was “Thick75”. Since the surgery I have lost about an inch (but I kept the handle since I use this to log in various sites.). But before surgery I never had to worry about hurting my partner. I could thrust and screw as deep as I wanted. If I had become even longer I would have had to change my techniques. Being too big is very possible with doing the penile enlargement during the stages of puberty. Hence another argument against my original post.

Interesting point (at least to me): With my new success with the multiple orgasms initiated by the prostate massage, penis size is probably irrelevant if it were not already irrelevant. When a man is experiencing strong almost uncontrollable orgasms that never seem to end, the woman is getting extreme pleasure and is not focusing on the minor issues of whether the man is thick or long enough. So I argue that with a successful journey with the Aneros, the man can throw away his concerns about his dick size. Any size will produce fantastic results. So again I may have made a point that a parent maybe should not think about encouraging his son to use penile enlargement during the puberty period.

Now there is one subject that a father can broach with his son. I think that just about every young boy in today’s times gets on the internet and watches porn. He is exposed to fucking from day one. But just about all the sex scenes on the internet show a man fucking like crazy thrusting in and out resulting in one grand orgasm on the girl’s face or chest. Men, I assume that all of you know this is not the way to fuck! This is the way I started out and for many years. By far the most pleasurable and rewarding for the woman are the practices such as shown in the Kama Sutra. Extended foreplay, a slow pace, focus by the man on serving the woman, managing his ejaculation or learning the MMO techniques are really nice. I seem nothing wrong with exposing the young boy to this very early on. This may be the only chance you have to talk to your son before he reaches that “Oh dad I now about all this” stage. As he gets older he may be embarrassed to continue his sex education from his father during his teen years. It is also a good time to point out that size really does not matter and be happy with what you already have. You are getting his head set straight from day one and I do not see any risks with this. Bottom line, give him a video or book on the Kama Sutra, a copy of Chia’s The Multi Orgasmic Man, and a convincing case on why size does not matter. Conclude by pointing out the masturbation is very normal and not to be ashamed of. But manage it so that it does not interfere with the rest of your life. Encourage him to talk to you at any time on any of this. He may want sex toys and you have no trouble with this. Point out that none of what you have said or taught him conflict in any way with Christian or Judaeo (?)views. It is not a sin to masturbate. But it would be a tragedy to get a girl pregnant. Etc. OK you are launched. Go for it.

OK I got carried away pointing out the obvious to some very experienced and knowledgeable men. I do not think that anything I said is original or noteworthy. I just had to say it for my own purposes. I will now stop my rant, BTW your posts above are really good. I am personally learning from you. So you are not wasting your time with your least as far as I am concerned.

At another time I want to tell you about my success in my Aneros Journey. Everything has happened within the space of one week and each night I conclude that I have maxed out in my development and very happy with my results. Then the next night occurs and I take it to the next level and I then declare that I have maxed out again.

Without all the details I can summarize thusly. For several years I would occasionally insert an Aneros really for the sole purpose of enhancing a traditional masturbation. Then recently I decided to really see if I could achieve a hands free orgasm. This last week has been my awakening.

As I speak now, after last night, I can now say that I can have more than 100 orgasms in a single night with such intensity that I can hardly stand. The night before I actually caused a muscle pull in the right abdomen and hip area as a result of the straining and contortions resulting from my intense orgasms. This night, last night, I had these orgasms even though my muscle pull was painful. So much for the concept that you have to be totally relaxed and free from thoughts that might interfere. I was fucking hurting and still had these great orgasms. THEN, in a rare case of discipline, while enjoying these orgasms I decided to stop the session and remove the Helix so that I can give my muscles a chance to recover from my muscle pull. My plan was to try to go to sleep and wait until another day.

I removed my Helix and returned to bed. WHAM.. I got the next orgasm. Nothing was different. WHAM again. All of this without my Helix. WHAM, WHAM etc. So I then thought about how to stop this. I COULD NOT STOP. The result was that at for at least the next 5 or more hours I continued with Aneros free MMO. I really got worried that I might not be able to stop this at all. Let me point out that I apparently can keep an orgasmic peek (as if I was actually shooting out my cum in a traditional orgasm) for as long as I kept my max contractions. Yes.. whereas a traditional orgasmic spasm may be one second in duration (bam bam every second for about 5 to 10 spasms) I was able to hold this spasm for minutes! I cannot time myself since I was so absorbed by my pleasure. But I can truthfully say that if I was so physically fit to hold my contraction for any extended time (yes e.g. an hour!)I could do it. Moreover as soon as this spasm ends (I am really cumming hard.. not the ejaculate.. just the feeling) the next spasm starts within a couple of seconds. This went on for hours. I knew that eventually I had to stop but I had no idea how to do it. I got up and walked around and I continued to have the orgasms. My fear was that the option of removing the device was no longer an option. It was already removed.

What finally worked was slow and took some time. I tried to concentrate of doing the OPPOSITE of what I had learned to get the orgasm. I tried to NOT hold my contractions. Since my contractions were essentially involuntary this was not small feat. But slowly the orgasms began to ebb in intensity and duration. Eventually I return back to a more placid state. Still feelings but not overwhelming. I then walked around some trying not to concentrate, attempting to fool myself that life is normal, what do I want to eat for breakfast, am I going to go work out at the gym, who is playing tonight etc. I calmed down and returned to bed. My session was drawing to an end. Finally I was free and not trapped by my desires . Remember that Confucius supposedly said “we are not totally free until we lose our desire for sex”. I really understand that now.

Here is the best part. Having said and thought of all of this, what was my pressing thought for the moment before arising from my bed? “Shit that really felt good, I wonder if I should keep going?”. Am I crazy? I just worked so hard to quit and I was to start up again? Yup. I realize that I may well be beyond redemption. Am I a pervert who needs treatment? I do not know the answer but my best guess is that there are many of you out there that have had the same question. So my way dealing with this is that I think I may be the luckiest guy on the planet.. a well-endowed dick that stays hard forever, an ability to have unrelenting continuous orgasms so intense it can bring me to my knees, a desire to please women, to have sex, and acquiring the skills to be a great lover.

So for those guys still on their journey. “stay calm and carry on” as the British say. It will happen for you.

I am aware that I may be making a fool of myself. But I just feel the need to “pay back” by telling others out there about my experiences for whatever value they may be. I probably have put most of you to sleep but there may be others who can relate to what Ihave experienced. To those interested I am willing to spend the time talking to you or messaging. I have not figured out how to chat or blog or send private messages. But I am working on that. In the meantime keep it up.

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I forgot to compliment Linum on this post. This is some good stuff. Do we have a bunch of philosophers on this site? Way to go.

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hey thick75,

so glad you are having a fantastic journey.

i don't know from experience, as getting fucked by a guy remains a fantasy for me. but, i do not think it is fair to draw conclusions about the pleasures of receptive anal sex from what you see in porn. just as you point out about straight porn... the great pitfall of porn is that most is NOT EROTIC. it is more about power and simple male gratification. on this forum and in personal chats many guys have praised the intensity of *quality* receptive anal sex, either with a woman or a guy. this is particularly true after rewiring.

i agree that we should teach our young guys about the beauty of sex and its potential, in contrast with the crap usually portrayed in porn.

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I would really like to hear from an experienced successful aneros user who also enjoys anal sex with another man. How would he describe each and make some comparisons. As you say judging things form the bull shit world of internet porn is not very reliable. I do not know what I would do if I got convinced that anal sex with another man is another step higher than where I am now. I suppose I have all of the usual hangups that most heterosexuals have. But I am changing fast. I do believe it is possible to do what is considered (but not necessarily) homosexual acts and enjoy them without being homosexual. When I think about it what difference do all these labels mean? Just go do what works for you and not label it. So.. I guess I may (I said "may".. not will) be open to anal sex with a guy fucking me. One thing I am sure of is that I am not considering being the guy on top. I have to believe that fucking a woman is one hell of a lot better than fucking a man.. at least for me. Before I would not consider being sucked by a man ("shit.. is that a mustache wrapped around my dick?") Having said that, I imagine myself in prison etc. where women are not available and i would be leaping at the idea of a man sucking my dick. I assume that it feels just as good as if a woman were doing it, putting aside our mental blocks. It depends on our mental state. I suppose that is where the sexual preference factor comes in.

@Darwin thanks again for your input.

Oh Oh.. I almost overlooked this phone call I had 10 mins ago. I decided to tell someone I know about my successful Aneros journey. As you, or somebody else, pointed out, we are inclined to not talk about such stuff for fear we will look like idiots, perverted, wrong preference etc. Well I got my nerve up and ventured out into the world and took my chance. I started out by describing my recently acquired abilities with a promise that I would help him do the same thing. In short never ending 3 minutes orgasmic spurtd versus the usual one sec version of the traditional orgasm. I laid out my case feeling that I really described it well enough to turn this guy on. If anyone did this for me I would be panting.. when, where, how, let's go. You know what he said? He is not into this and would rather get his kicks from programming his computer. What? Programming his computer feels better than super intense never ending orgasm? He stunned me. What am I missing. I program computers and I never got off with compiling a code segment. Well the world is a wonderful place. Who knows.So much for my first venture into the world to share my success. No wonder we have wars, political battles, and arguments about bullshit. If we can not agree on orgasms what chance have we on lesser subjects. Sorry just a spontaneous emotion from an unexpected event.

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First, thank you for your thoughtful contributions to this Forum and your enthusiasm for these marvelous little massagers.

In response to your statement "I have not figured out how to chat or blog or send private messages." You can find some information regarding the blogging, chatting and private messaging in the Helpful Links for New Members sticky thread.
Good Vibes to You !

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@thick75 You have guts buddy!It is a pity your friend blew you off.
It sounds like it was all he could think of to get you off the phone.
He defiantly was not taking you seriously!
What you need to remember is he has no idea and cant comprehend what the super orgasm is like that you are talking about.He can not believe that you can have one after the other.
He can only think of a penis orgasm and he may not even have very good ones of those.
Well done for trying.
Bravo. =D>

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@thick75 I also was thinking of asking about " hear from an experienced successful aneros user who also enjoys anal sex with another man. How would he describe each and make some comparisons."Making assumptions from porno's is not the ticket.

I might point out that @darwin has hinted on the answer already
"on this forum and in personal chats many guys have praised the intensity of *quality* receptive anal sex, either with a woman or a guy. this is particularly true after rewiring." even if he has not experienced it himself.

I would suggest that a head job from a skilled man would be better than from a women because they actually know what feels good, however it depends on the skill of either sex I guess.
Being Hetro just the view of the women giving, most likely is half the orgasm but for a gay person the male giving would be the same thing.
On the prison thing I would not I would keep to my own hand and would defiantly leave the soap where it lands.
STD,s and all that!

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Guys, I applaud your thoughtful comments in this thread. IMHO, there is no easy formula for determining the onset and depth of information we relate to our children so I'm not really going to venture an opinion in that regard.

However, I am a strong advocate for making accurate, non-judgmental information available to young people when their curiosity seeks it. This is a real possibility now with the ever increasing spread of internet access and cable TV. Those two media venues have the distinct advgantage of not being held hostage by closed minded parents or "do gooders" (though they do still rant and rail about the so called degradation of social morals)

The cable TV SCIENCE channel's 'Curiosity' series recently aired "Sex in America" an update of Alfred Kinsey's and other researchers ground breaking study of sexuality in America. It is shows such as this that can get around the closed minded, bigoted attitudes of the misinformed and provide useful, unbiased, non-judgmental information necessary for our young people to make their own choices when it comes to expressing their sexuality.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if they would do an investigative show about the Super-O phenomenon?
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"Wouldn't it be wonderful if they would do an investigative show about the Super-O phenomenon?"

Hell yeah! 😀

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from the searches i have done against the scientific literature i am pretty sure that what we experience is not yet fully grocked by the sex scientist community. i had a personal correspondence with a famous orgasm scientist, i forget the details now, and informed him. he did not follow up.


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From scientific journals, orgasm for procreation is studied. Orgasm for pleasure seems to be an aberration!
There is no reason why a woman should orgasm - simply receive the semen. For that matter if there is any consistency the male should simply have a muscular spasm driven perhaps by scent and go on his way.
Yet there is scientific evidence that orgasm with unprotected ejaculation makes both parties more confident in the day that follows, as against masturbation or condom sex.
The one thing that is not studied is the Orgasm and its variation.
I think our scientific brother and sisters suffer from acute denial, or are driven by their sponsors or stakeholders moral rightness. Sorry for the rant.

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isvara, i don't think you are correct. there are huge bodies of scientific research about both the psychology and physiology of human sexuality. you characterization of scientists, i am afraid, is not very informed. i don't want to get into a flame war, so i will leave it at that.

go to google scholar and search for orgasm and you find an uncountable number of articles.

here is one article that came up:
"Pelvic muscle strength of female ejaculators: Evidence in support of a new theory of orgasm"

here is a scientific journal dedicated to sexuality, and there are many others:

You might also be interested in the book "Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex"

it is true that the kind of orgasms we are having here are not yet covered by this research. but in time they will be.


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darwin, you are correct. My comments arose from a mainline weekly scientific journal that was very limited in all sexual articles. When they did have a good one often there were vitriolic letters to the editor in response. I no longer subscribe. The challenge with this thread is that at present any sexual instruction for enjoyment for people under 18 would in many places be classed as abuse - grooming. Basic sex education in schools is problematic as the kids may not associate the instruction with the nice feelings or release they have when they 'play with themselves'. Any teacher trying to be helpful and suggesting that such activity is normal would be in serious trouble. So unfortunately the kids get their basic information from porn sites, some of which are good but some may be too extreme to be healthy. In our day we used to sit in the school wood shed while the older boys would tell 'gross' impossible jokes. They were funny, in retrospect I am not sure why we laughed with our minimal knowledge. Occasionally when I was at boarding school we would get a hand written erotic story that we would all line up to read with hands in our pockets to control the erection!
It is such a pity that so many of us were ill prepared for, and so hung up when we finally married (which was the license to have sex). Even this tablet's automatic speller won't produce the word 'sex'. It is a good thread and I enjoy following it.

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Darwin, and Isvara, and interested others - I don't know if you have ever seen, or read the book "Sex at Dawn - The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality" by Christopher Ryan, PhD, and Cacilda Jethá, MD?

It is a fascinating and well argued summary of a great deal of scientific, anthropological, human psychological and other evidence about the evolution of human sexuality. Put simply - there is far too much of it to account for a purely reproductive origin for human sex, and Ryan and Jethá outline how this is likely to have evolved as "social glue" that bound the members of the tribe, ensured collective upbringing of children, and caring and sharing with other tribe members. In order to do this of course, sex had to be broader than just a male and female partner. There is a lot of evidence that the existence of our rather over-endowed sexualities (compared to most other animal species) suggests that monogamy was not normally a part of this, and bisexuality is likely to have its origins here too.

Unfortunately, whilst considering multiple orgasms in women, they don't once mention the existence of multiple orgasms in men, but this aside, there is a wealth of information, and strong arguments for a time when sexuality was more freely expressed. Interestingly enough, they outline modern-day examples where specific groups/tribes do not practice monogamy, and individuals have many ongoing sexual partners.

There is at least one 3000-year-old tradition that has dealt with sexuality more freely, AND detailed the "art" of multiple orgasms in men, and that is Taoism. It does seem strange to me that scientists and others (since this is not purely a scientific research area) have never cottoned-on to this. Or perhaps they have, and I just don't know about it?

Isvara's comment "It is such a pity that so many of us were ill prepared for, and so hung up when we finally married" is so poignant. Many of the problems that people have in coming to terms with their sexuality, and being able to express it, come from a collective attitude to sex which is largely "Victorian". I would hope we have moved on from that a little, but in the US, I am picking up that attitudes are still largely entrenched in this period. Young sexually maturing men and women, really need to know the basics of what makes us tick as a species, and that a lot of this is down to the guilt-free expression of our sexualities. Again, there is no need to go into details, but getting the broader picture could do a lot to prevent or reduce the occurrence of many problems that afflict modern society.

I worry that the "censoring" information to young adults about what sex is all about, together with the apparent and obvious "hypocrisy" of many parents and other older adults (do as I say, not as I do!), doesn't in itself create the aura of "seediness" or "dirtiness" that creates these problems?

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Some years ago, at about the time I first heard of Jack Johnson and KSMO, I sought confirmation of the phenomenon of male multiple orgasms and the necessary separation of orgasm from ejaculation.

I sought this advice from a local GP, (I live in Australia), who had a reputation as an adviser in sexual and family matters. In short, his response to my query was, "Orgasm and ejaculation in man is one and the same thing so, by definition, it is not possible to separate the two"!

Needless to say, that was the one and only consultation I ever had with this doctor, but even then, I was amazed that a medical practitioner could in the twenty first century, still hold to this mindset. Little wonder that there is still so much sexual disfunction around.

This was the primary reason for my earlier response to this topic.

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As a father of two sons, this is actually a conversation my wife and I have had. "Should we tell the boys about anal pleasure and the Aneros?". This is a fascinating discussion and it's interesting to read everyone's opinions.

My views on sexuality and sexual instruction will differ from the views expressed by some here because I am a Christian committed to raising our children with what we understand to be a Biblical worldview or framework for understanding and navigating reality. This includes our sexual aspect. I do not accept the foundational concept put forth by secularists that an "uncaused" or "self-created" universe is a rational possibility (in fact, it violates the rules of logic and is therefore highly irrational) and so it also follows I hold our lives are not happy accidents of chance and randomness but that they have purpose and meaning and that what we do matters and this includes how we have sex.

Although I'm sure many who say they are believers are prudes and have repressed sexuality as dirty or evil, that is not the case in our family. We are quite open about the joys of sexual pleasure and enjoyment of one another with our children. We have always taught our children sex was designed by God for our pleasure as well as creating the next generation and that it is the glue which keeps a husband and wife cemented together for life and it is wonderful and nothing to be ashamed of. I know many other Christian''s have raised their children in this similar loving environment without any sense of shame in our being sexual beings.

I have found it rather odd that the only thing in life that we spend so much time consumed by and pursuing it the one thing nobody ever really shows us how to do. There has to be a better way to instruct children in sex than text-heavy books or talks on the birds and bees. When our societies were more agricultural, children grew up watching livestock and other animals mating, so there was a much greater visual demonstration of sex going on constantly than what most are now exposed to. I don't think porn with all it's contrivances and artificialness is the answer. But children need better instruction in this area.

Those of you who have children know this to be true...families are places where there's lot of opportunities for open and accepting discussions of sexuality from an early age. Children notice very early that touching their genitals feels good. I remember one time I was giving my then five-year-old son a bath and as the water was coming out the faucet it was hitting his penis. In his innocent wonder, he said, "Dad, it feels really good when the water hits my penis. Try it!". I didn't scold him or make him in any way feel bad. I said, "I bet it does. God created your penis to give you all kinds of good feelings. Someday, you and your wife we have a lot of fun playing with your penis and having sex. But, let's keep this something that's private, okay? We shouldn't rub our penis in public." This is advice that professional athletes have apparently not received from judging from the amount of times they adjust themselves on live TV!

Parents the world over have seen their little children masturbate. Children the world over have walked in on their parents masturbating or having sex. I'm not endorsing a kind of twisted exhibitionism of our sexuality with our children. I'm just noting that families are places where sex occurs all the time and everyone stumbles upon this in a very natural and innocent way and it's something to laugh about and not be ashamed.

Regarding masturbation, I've told my sons from their early teen years that there was nothing wrong with masturbation, so they should not feel bad or guilty about it and should ignore other well-meaning individuals who would make them feel so. The only things I've encouraged them to avoid are imaging having sex with a particular person (which Jesus said is tantamount to having sex with the person) and the use of pron.

Rather, I've encouraged them to focus on the great feelings and to learn ways to delay their orgasm when they masturbate, so to prolong their pleasure and become experts as prolonging the pleasure of their future spouse. As those of you with kids also know, when they get in their early teens, the last thing they want to do is talk about sex with you! They are fascinated by sex but or horrified that you would be too and they don't want any embarrassing chats. We have found that leaving books on sexuality laying around in strategic locations throughout the house becomes a more comfortable way for them to learn at this stage (the books WILL disappear, only to resurface under beds) than having awkward conversations with mom and dad. We've also noticed that no matter how much sexual information you give kids, because most of them lack the experience in the area to put the information in context, they can only absorb so much information at a time. If they aren't ready for it a particular aspect, it just goes right over their head.

So, would I give by teenage son an Aneros? I would have no shame in discussing multiple orgasms, prostate orgasms or anal orgasms or anal pleasure with my sons and I wouldn't shrink back from introducing Aneros as a wonderful tool in pursuing this form of sexual pleasure. But, I think they'd be highly embarrassed by the discussion. So, out of deference to them, I would only bring up the subject if they indicated an interest. They have found my Anero units and they don't ask about them but I can tell from little comments they know what they're for. If they asked, I would tell them.

I suppose they never will. I can't imagine having this conversation with more than one or two very close friends in life. It would be embarrassing for me to speak with my dad about the topic, so why wouldn't it be for my sons to speak with me about it? I do think younger men (later teens) should be taught about multiple orgasms and encouraged to experiment with them as ways for prolonging theirs and their partner's pleasure. I'm just not sure the best way to make this info available.

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newguy8762 - thanks very much for a well written and illuminating contribution to this topic.

I have to admit to not getting the religious ideas, being an atheist myself, but I was touched by the thoughtfulness and broad mindedness of you and your wife towards the burgeoning sexuality of your children. I wish that parents generally were so open and positive.

I wonder however, if that in the absence of a relationship, the one avenue that could be open to them is fantasy whilst masturbating, and this of course is a key part of arousal building in aneros use? Teaching the difference between fantasy and reality, should make it a largely harmless activity. It is also one you cannot be sure of preventing, since they are hardly likely to tell you. By denying this one area, could you be setting up potential guilt problems, given that you have communicated that this isn't right? More generally, if they decided that something is right for them that would not be right for you, how would you deal with that (for example the occurrence of homosexuality)? I ask this not to criticise, but in the spirit of open enquiry.

Pommie - thanks for your recounting of a disappointing contact with that doctor. If only this were NOT a regular feature of contact with so many people. I find it interesting that Taoists knew about this 3000 years ago, but then their approach to sexuality was distinctly open, where as we still live in post-Victorian times (as far as so many people are concerned).

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In general terms I have a massive problem with the word 'porn'. It seems now to embrace anything sexual. That is any material that generates sexual feelings in the observer from commercial advertising, women's magazines, underwear advertising in newspapers. It includes what my wife and I do. The jokes and misinformation we shared as boys in the woodshed. Many books we sought out as boys that included intimate relational stories. The horrible war fiction that described sexual torture and punishment that were more readily available that x rated movies are now. The heaps of video rape theme games. Even bits in popular crime novels and those crime TV series like CSI Miami etc. that my wife watches. Of course national geographic was the best for breasts and an occasional suggestion of the clitoral grove. Great art works were good too. The bible was good and the Song of Songs a gold mine (I mean no disrespect - the bible is well grounded in reality which we are not.) As the boy said to his friend, " I walked in on mum and dad doing porn". Sexual activities are so universal and include so many varieties that it should not be so commonly defined under one word - porn. Boys more so that girls think about sex most of the time. It generated their energy and purpose for living, loving, productivity and bonding. I think that it is the basic energy of life, and it is intensely spiritual. The problem is it is so powerful we seem to deny its existence which is a dangerous thing to do as it will break out in negative ways. I think we need to be open about this sexual curiosity as a fact of life and not generate condition of dysfunction by sanitizing our daily life.

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Linum,Thank you for your kind and respectful words even through we have two entirely different world views. I don't take any of your well thought-out questions as rhetorical criticisms but honest questions.

Regarding the use of fantasy: Having already stated that we feel obligated to provide our children life guidance, including sexual guidance, based on the teachings of the Bible, I'll respond to the issue of fantasy (and I believe the appropriate extension of porn) by siting the teaching of Jesus on the matter.

In providing His famous sermon on the mount, He warns the religious leaders of His day not to consider themselves pios or holy just because they hadn't violated the letter of the commandments in outward, actual behavior. He extends the meaning of such outwardly focused commandments as thou shall not murder, honor your father and mother, thou shall not commit adultery to the inner or motivational meaning. In the eyes of God, if you are contemptuously angry with someone, you are just as guilty in your corrupt inner desires than if you killed them. To be sure, the consequences are much different. But, to a holy God, it's a matter of degrees. In God's eyes, adultery can be committed by engaging in sexual acts with another person or doing so in your imagination. In fact, in most instances, I think it can be convincingly argued that there are no actions without first developing thoughts about those actions.

We see in these teachings and others that God is concerned with our inner and thought life and according to Jesus teachings, our lives will one day be evaluated on the basis of not only our outward actions, but our inner desires and motivations. There is no hiding from God for any person. So, it's on this basis, what is pleasing to God, that we seek to guide them, not to give them a guilt trip. We also must remember that we ourselves shall be evaluated by these standards.

Pornography is an extension of this concept of inner sexual fantasy and leads us to objectify the other person as a set of genitals or breasts or whatever our bodily object of fixation and as we all know, it's staged and photoshopped and the real experience can't live up to the manufactured. It's also insatiable, creating a hunger but never really satisfying the way a real relationship can. So, we also urge abstinence from porn.

Regarding the matter of our children actually doing something that we would not approve of (or more properly, that God would not approve of), all I can say is, welcome to reality. None of us live up to the standards God has set for us in Scripture. We have fallen short. But, do we just throw up our hands in resignation and let our inner desires run wild? No, we are to restrain ourselves. All of us exercise restraint in a variety of areas of our lives on a daily basis so it should not seem odd that we do so in the sexual arena as well.

Our children have chosen to follow sometimes different paths as adults that what God or we have desired for them...having sex prior to marriage...among others. Do we reject them? No.

We as parents are guilty of many failings and short comings and although I have always been faithful to my wife and she to me, my imaginations have been less pure from time to time. Were you to delve into our pasts you would discover same sex relationships and premarital sex and pornography and drug use and a number of other things we encourage our children to avoid. We have close family members and friends who are gay. We don't agree with these paths others choose, but we love and accept them regardless. This also is based on biblical teaching, for in our view, God loved us before we did anything to endear ourselves to Him. He loves in spite of our weakness and we strive to model this aspect of God's character in our how we treat others.

I know that not all homes that go by the title Christian are this way. My daughter has a gay friend whose supposedly Christian father rants and calls him a faggot and tells him he's going to burn in hell. Why does this young man hang out at our home? Because our daughter knows there's none of that in our home but rather he'll find unconditional love and acceptance in our home.

That may be a much longer response than you were wanting but I wanted to respectfully address your thoughtful questions.

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What a great set of posts. As an aside I am becoming increasing impressed with the obvious IQ level and breadth of knowledge held by our Aneros community. We obviously come from different walks of life and sexual preferences, yet one of the ties that binds us is our quest for increased sexual satisfaction. The effort you have put into your last two posts shows me you have as much desire for improved sexual experience as I do. Hearing from you about how this weaves into your Christian beliefs was really valuable to me,

Before I edited this post I went into a detailed discussion of man’s interpretation of the Bible as it applies to homosexuality and pornography. When I read my comments I realized that I had gone far afield and way beyond that most readers want to read about. In the interest of keeping this site directed to the immediate needs of the Aneros world I deleted all of my comments which I included in the next post for those who might be interested.
So I will leave that alone. But I really do have questions that I think you would personally like to address. So maybe we can wax eloquent in private conversations… unless the Aneros community wants to fire up the arguments and go at it. I will leave that to them. Enough said.

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(deleted material from above post. For those not really
interested in the “religious” component of all of this please SKIP THIS POST and move on the next. However if you are interested in the ongoing discussion about how our Victorian heritage affects us today, read on. As I said to my wife who called me while I was playing gin rummy at the club, I replied.. “ Honey,,, start the argument, I will be home soon”. If you do read this do not blame me for taking this beyond the purposes of this forum, It is your fault also.


Now I am like you in that I am a heterosexual and a Christian. BUT while I accept Christ, I am having trouble with some people’s version of the Bible. The importance of
this goes to the very essence of the authenticity of the Bible. (I have read Josh McDowell’s book about the arguments for authenticity.) This whole subject is huge and never ending. I do not propose to settle this here. But this is the root of much of the debates that rage within our society. Basically we are influenced, whether we like it or not, by the "Victorian" standards of the past. I want to resolve some of by doubts by posing to you
@newguy8762 my dilemma:

It is said that homosexuals should be stoned to death. Likewise fornicators. Now I do not know anybody who takes this literally by taking action. Obviously, although I am heterosexual, I
do not buy into this. The root of the question is whether homosexuality is an acquired learning behavior or rather a product of our inherited traits.. i.e. genetic. Now if it is genetic, which I believe, it seems so against all of my Christian principles that God would first create a homosexual then stone him to death I know that I am judging God by my sense of fairness but this seems unlikely. God is perfect. I have trouble believing that God is perfect in creating then asking others to kill his creation simply
because God made the genetic choice. In my book this cannot be. Now the question becomes whether this is REALLY a dictate from God OR this is a result of HUMANS, "citing" the Bible as authority, and putting this huge burden on homosexuals to bear.

So one way is to resolve this conflict is by concluding that the Bible is really saying that homosexuality is not genetic. To the point, a very close friend who probably has as much
knowledge of the Bible as most pastors admits that if one were to conclude that homosexuality is genetic you have to reject the entire Bible. In the Bible Jesus said that all scriptures are accurate. There is no conflict in any of the passages. If the Bible is rejected then where are we to get the teachings of God and Jesus. How do we really know about Jesus, and have the faith necessary for salvation, if the Bible on which we depend is deemed defective? Hence it has to be that homosexuality is a behavior event. Restated.. we are screwed and will not have eternal life if we believe that homosexuality is genetic. We must believe otherwise or we are doomed., So get away any thoughts that suggest the genetic component, “Don’t confuse me with the facts.. this is my story and I am sticking with it”.

As an aside there are similar arguments about the age of the earth. The young earthers buy into the inherent genealogy of the progression of our race from Adam and Eve. That’s their story and they are also sticking with that.

What’s point? I think that there is a good chance that there is nothing wrong with the Bible. The problem is with the humans who interpret the Bible. Oh we are not to “interpret” the Bible, we must take it literally. But when I have confronted them with their own interpretation while claiming to be literal, they revert to the obvious that all of this in the final analysis is one of faith. I absolutely agree.

So how can my ramblings have any relevance to my original comment? For me I am going to let my instincts tell me what is right. Obviously I am constrained by society. So as a practical matter I should not parade around flaunting new found success with multiple orgasms. It is up to those men to find their own secrets. I have discovered mine by working at it. I deserve my success.
Similar to religion I had to believe that all of this works. Now when it comes to my kids I have concluded that EVERYTHING that I believe will enhance their sex life should be taught to them. I do not buy into the idea that they will discover this on their own. Bull s**t. I am 76, with extreme focus on my sexual pleasure, and I am just NOW discovering my new found pleasures. Where the hell was everybody when I was growing up? The truth is that my parents probably had no knowledge of this and my father died before he would have had the chance to educate me assuming he had the knowledge.

Bottom line: Tell them early about Kuma Sutra, MMO, prostate massage, encourage masturbation, even penile enlargement during puberty (yikes.. did I say that?.. Yes).

SO tell your kids everything and try to help navigate through the minefields raised in the prior post. Let her rip. At least you know your kids at least had the chance and options to explore.


I know I just covered a lot of controversial subjects. You seem to be one of the more enlighten Christians I have read. If you want to take the time I am interested in your reaction. I think you know what you are talking about. It is my wisdom that I question. Let me have

To the others… I warned you. I told you to skip this post! This might really stir up the masses (of which I am a member). I just put my helmet on… go for it.

LAST WORD… to those that doubt the Aneros experience… THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS. I have been on a 10 day intensive immersion into MMO. When I started 10 days I had not experienced anything that I would call an orgasm,, whether Mini, Dry or Super. Today, 10 days later, I am lit up like a Christmas tree. Every night I get better. I am at the point where I can have the ultimate orgasmic spasm of cumming that does not die down. It is like I have a permanent orgasm. It is
the most intense and pleasurable experience of my life, In the last t 10 days I have experienced more
orgasms that in all of my last 65 years. DO NOT GIVE UP. I was a doubter until this week.

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I write this with great respect to the above writers.
The problem as I see it is we misunderstand what Jesus is saying, and we take it out of context because we do not fully understand the restrictions of his culture. Regarding adultery for example he is saying don't punish the woman caught in physical adultery when you are all guilty of having sex with her in your head ( or worse). She is the object not the perpetrator. He is telling a hung up culture to come down to earth and care for each other with understanding. Regarding the girl that he heals he says immediately after "give her something to eat" this strongly suggests she was actually feinting through hunger, which immediately suggests she had been excluded from the family table for sometime because she was "unclean" , that is she had a period. What is worse to heal Jesus actually touched an unclean female! I am not saying I am correct but these examples seem obvious. Jesus is in fact much more of a man of the world than we think. He actually offers far more freedom than we want to accept. So much so that the culture he lived in had to get rid of him. (There are cultures like this even today)
Why all this: because there are other very valid rather liberating ways of reading his teaching.

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thick75,I'm more than happy to carry on a private PM with you. The rest of the guys will probably quickly tire of our esoteric theological ramblings. I'll PM you and we can take it from there.

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The topic of discussion is
Should we teach our boys reaching puberty the benefits of MMO, prostate massage, kuma sutra?

There is no mention of religion in this original post

IMHO religion is the cause of all wars (arguments).
And no! I will not argue with you about it! That is what I believe in.
I for one am not interested in religious ideas of any kind!
I am sick of people with their religious belief's reciting them in any way to me and do not want it on this forum. ( It is not what the forum is about).

As a fellow aneros user I would ask you all to keep your religious thoughts to yourselves and save them for your god faring websites.
I do not begrudge you having your believes on what ever religion you may believe in but keep it out of this forum please.

Religion and politics are bad topics for forums IMHO.

I was watching this post intensely from the start but now have lost all interest now that religion is the topic.
Please be thoughtful to all users and stop the religious talk, and get back to the topic of discussion.
Start your own thread with religious views as the topic so others of us can ignore it.

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Braveneworld - I can't help but sympathise with what you say, however I do think that religion was relevant to this discussion at one point, if only because GUILT, whether religiously inspired and/or cultural, was a possible block to an openness and honesty in communicating the "facts of life", which in this case also includes "the benefits of MMO, prostate massage, and karma sutra?

I was relieved that at least one religious person here (newguy8762) could deal with human sexual diversity in such a positive way, since without that we are all doomed to lead pale shadows of our potential lives.

Having said that, I too get lost in religious "naval gazing" and often feel that life could be so much simpler. I respect newguy8762's and other's views, even though I don't agree with the religious origins of those views, and uphold his right to express them. However, he has felt that this was getting far off track, as we both do, and his offer to continue communication on this privately, also shows him to be sensitive and empathetic to the feelings of others. I'd like to thank him very much for his valuable and thoughtful contributions.

I am happy to end it there, but I think that since aneros use and multi-orgasmic practices do sometimes generate a sense of spirituality, I would not be prepared to say no religion - ever. After all, Taoism is another form of religion, and its relevance to multi-orgasmic practices is enormous.

Just as sexuality permeates everyone's lives, so too does spirituality at some point, and since religion still forms a large part of most people's lives (taken the world over), its implications will be entwined through everything else, and can never be entirely separated.

Thanks too, must go to all the other contributors to this topic. I am sure there is still much more than can be said.


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Point well taken. The problem with the original question is that the Kama Sutra is a Hindu text. This has left the thread open to "religious input". That of course leads the thread back to influences on culture that create all the guilt and hangups that plague enjoying our body.
It would be good if we could live in such a way that without pressure when knowledge was needed knowledge could be given without manipulation, grooming, and guilt, in a joyful, happy and humerous way. Sadly I do not see this happening any time soon anywhere.
"Half my life has been accumulating guilt the other half getting free from it. What a waste of time!"

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Ok while I agree with both @isvara and @Linum points @newguy8762 first thread was great, althought he mentioned his religion and points of view he did not quote passages until later posts.I thought his first post was very informative and relivent but then as the posts go on, the preaching starts to com out.
Like I said I dont mind his faith just the preaching of it.
I am not looking for a argument and I will not be following this discussion any longer.
I am sure it will be off putting to other as well but I do not speak for them.

Maybe I should have said nothing and just not continued reading the posts.

I have been on this forum for about 8 months and although people mention religion here and there It has been free of preaching the words of their god.
The karma Sutra although written by Hidu,s is all about bettering your sex so is not really in the same realm as Christianity. I no nothing about Taoism so will not comment.

While I have shot my mouth off about it and will admit that as the word of god is mentioned more and more through the posts I stopped reading and just looked for key words and sentences.

Maybe I voiced my opinion about religion when it was not really needed or maybe it was need ed.
I mean no offence to anyone I just really dont want religion as part of my aneros experience.
some will agree and others wont.

Peace to all my aneros freinds.

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Thick75, I sent a lengthy PM to you yesterday but I can't see it in my account settings anywhere. Did you receive it?

@braveneworld or any others offended by what I've written: not my intention to preach. Just sharing my views to try to dispel any misconceptions, in particular about Christianity/sexuality and how this particular view relates to the subject. I apologize for bringing too much of that into a forum where it's unwelcome.

I do sometimes feel in these debates over values and "truth" that the call for tolerance becomes a one way street. But, ill respect everyone's wishes. Have a nice day!

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There are several Christian guys on this website and the ones I have gotten to know agree totally with newguy8762's statements relative to aneros use, a relationship with Jesus, and helping our sons make it thru puberty and early adulthood.
One Christian friend gives thanks to God during his sessions for the exquisitely pleasurable feelings generated by the rewiring. After all, we believe that God made these male bodies and he endowed them with the potential to give men this kind of pleasure. So sorry that Taoism and not Christians advance the principles for the rewiring. But even inspite of eastern influence, we who have a relationship with Jesus (as newguy obviously does, and as Isvara alludes to) can give honor to Him sans lust, althought restraining lust is a constant battle for us as Christian men. In the end, we dont answer to religion. A relationship with Jesus is the key to the real Christian life, even in aneros use. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is another great Christian principle grounded in respect and forbearance.

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Back on track i hope:
I think we need to differentiate between lust and healthy curiosity. Healthy curiosity leads to depth of knowledge and understanding, it give rise to what works and what doesn't, sexually it enables males to understand the amazing yet foreign female body. It allows males to appreciate and understand a little of the incredible complexity and importance of female genitalia. It allows males to overcome the fear of difference and avoidance of looking at female labia. Hopefully it may discourage female genital mutilation. If in the up bringing of boys we can satisfy their healthy curiosity then they may may not need to compensate with lust. Until we can do this MMO and benefits of prostate massage may best be left until a little later. I think adolescence need to enjoy the amazing ejaculatory release without guilt as the first step.
I think there may be better visual media than the Kama Sutra. I personally have not found the KS helpful.

Edit addition
A foot note. I am not sure we would have the same response if we we taking about adolescent girls and speaking about the benefits of orgasms, clitoral stimulation, discovering and massaging the " she spot", etc, I wont go further. I think "virtue of virginity" would need a rethink. I am just trying to get the theme into perspective.

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