HI Hydro....
>KSMO is a scam.<
I can't agree with that. For me, my investment in one of Jack's CDs has been, in terms of value for money, by far the very best investment I've ever made in my lifetime.
Good luck with your MMOs.
HI Hydro....
>KSMO is a scam.<
I can't agree with that. For me, my investment in one of Jack's CDs has been, in terms of value for money, by far the very best investment I've ever made in my lifetime.
Good luck with your MMOs.
I agree completely with friend mog and I have said the same thing many times elsewhere.
Soon after beginning with Aneros and my MGX, I was attracted to KSMO by the comments of other Anerosians. We bought the full four disk Library version, and have been very very glad that we did!! I mixed aneros/KSMO/couples practice all together with my wife from then onward. It has worked astoundingly for me and for our sex/ecstasies/spiritual lives ever since, ever climbing higher. Key Sound is the core practice in my ongoing Aneros/KSMO/Taoist/Healing expanding practice.
With respect, you have no basis for attacking KSMO in the all embracing manner you have, and as such you are defaming all. If you have problems with KSMO, please have a civil and respectful conversation with those of us who have had success and may be able to be helpful for you.
And most importantly and obviously, if you have paid and joined the KSMO community, follow B Mayfield's excellent advice and avail yourself of Jack's expert guidance.
all the best openness and learning possibilities all
Wonderful welcome Lucious Laura!! 😀 😀
On the other side of the jungle(i.e. being female) - I have been using Jack's program for 6 years now and I can honestly say it is everything that Jack says it is and SO MUCH MORE!!
Before KSMO , if someone shared that he/she had a pleasurable orgasm- I was perplexed as I couldn't even think of pleasure + orgasm in the same context.
Now I can say they are words and feelings that slip easily off my tongue and into the planet of OOO'ss.If anyone had told me that a person could orgasm more than once in a single session- I'd thought they were NUTs! 6 years of KSMO and mastering Jack's program, I now think and say , just one orgasm ....huh???? At last count of one session of mine, I now have counted (and lost track even) after 12!! orgasms in a single session and had them last for over 2 hours or more!!!
Thanks so much for your adept insights into the amazing scale of possibilities with Key Sound practice!!!
all the greatest ecstatic energetics ringing and resonating among and for all
I apologize if I offended anyone who think KSMO is useful to him.
In absolute theory, KSMO is a good tool to bring people attention to breathing, sound and vibration. But it's just a bigger block to the higher pleasure. I wouldn't have a problem with KSMO has a specialized market. But It doesn't belong in Aneros Wiki. Taoism and kundalini are more suitable than KSMO.
I highly respect the wiki forum. We're a bunch of pioneers. We all have special talent. I do think KSMO hinder the progress in long run.
Hi again hydrogen
Apology appreciated, thanks.
I apologize if I offended anyone who think KSMO is useful to him.
In absolute theory, KSMO is a good tool to bring people attention to breathing, sound and vibration. But it's just a bigger block to the higher pleasure. I wouldn't have a problem with KSMO has a specialized market. But It doesn't belong in Aneros Wiki. Taoism and kundalini are more suitable than KSMO.
I highly respect the wiki forum. We're a bunch of pioneers. We all have special talent. I do think KSMO hinder the progress in long run.
I guess you didn't read my reply to you, or you might know that I have had extraordinary success with KSMO as my core practice. It amplified and greatly accelerated my Aneros sessions success and the aneros-style prostate awakening. Key Sounding brought, almost as soon as I began with it, very powerful engulfing p-waves, the energies of orgasmic energetics and Taoist sexual kung fu (Jing+Chi/Qi+Shen) and Qigong healing. KSMO has brought me shared orgasms of light with my wife, and great enegetics added in traditional intercourse. KSMO has been there as I have experienced spiritual universal union and communion with the energetically embodied life-force.
KSMO has enabled me to become an adept at KSMO and an adept here at Aneros. It has been central to me recognizing and bringing my energies into a most constructive and ecstatic way of being, including the energies exchange experiments/activities here. KSMO re-triggered and expanded my dormant Taoist practice and has been there through my Qigong healing recognition, refinement (Spring Forest Qigong) and expanding healing practice.
Far from being a block to higher levels of practice, Key Sound has been just that: a central key. I say this not to sell anything to anybody, butt out of concern for others' understanding of the real potential of KSMO and Jack's wonderful coaching service.
I would like to chat with you hydrogen sometime to understand more why you are so negative or disappointed.
all the best in energies experiences and advancements all
The truth will eventually come out. I don't have all the answer. I'm just a step or two ahead.
Please feel free to PM me.
Hello, H.
I think I understand where you're coming from. One would think that all Aneros enhancement techniques would be listed and get equal billing in the Wiki, but they aren't and they don't. (Feathers or Cat-O-Nine-Tails, anyone?) KSMO has some very big fans around here, so it seems to have special treatment, and it costs money. That combo could be causing the slightly fishy smell you've detected.
But why get wrapped around the axle about it? KSMO works for some people, e-stim works for others; both cost money and have their proponents on this site. It's not worth making an issue about either one.
The truth will eventually come out. I don't have all the answer. I'm just a step or two ahead.
Please feel free to PM me.
What is this the X Files ? Forgive me but this sounds a little sanctimonious.
KSMO has some very big fans around here, so it seems to have special treatment, and it costs money. That combo could be causing the slightly fishy smell you've detected.
Slightly fishy smell? What in the world are you inferring? Am I missing something?
My take on KSMO is that it's an effective all natural method for producing some major multiple orgasms. Perhaps it has been given more prominence in the WIKI because there are so many testimonials in the forum from so many different men discussing how it has enhanced their Aneros experience.
And yes, I've had some amazing results from it myself!