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Shea butter

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Would this be suitable for use with coconut oil?  I have used EVOO but am trying out infused coconut oil and thought i should also give shea a try. I only use aneros maybe once every 2 weeks and aneroless the rest of the time. 

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Posted by: @qwiksting
Would this be suitable for use with coconut oil?  

 I don't see any reason why they could not be combined. I personally find coconut oil to be perfectly suitable for me but if you want a little different texture to your lube then go for it,

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@rumel so this is safe for “internal” use?

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Posted by: @qwiksting this is safe for “internal” use?

As far as I know it is safe for internal use and a number of your fellow members have used it and I have not heard any negative reports from its usage. For more information please see Shea Butter - Uses, Side Effects, and More

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@rumel i was concerned about if it was unrefined or not. It doesn’t say. Just says organic and it appears off white with no smell.

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