Has anyone ever shared their aneros with a friend? I've talked about the aneros with a few close friends but they are hesitant to put up the money without knowing what it does. I would offer the let them test drive it , but an cautious about the safety risks. The aneros material seems very solid compared to most silicon type toys and it seems like if it was cleaned properly after every use it may be safe to share. Thoughts?
Has anyone ever shared their aneros with a friend? I've talked about the aneros with a few close friends but they are hesitant to put up the money without knowing what it does. I would offer the let them test drive it , but an cautious about the safety risks. The aneros material seems very solid compared to most silicon type toys and it seems like if it was cleaned properly after every use it may be safe to share. Thoughts?
Better yet, the Aneros online store offers a money-back deal on the SGX and MGX toys. Just tell the friends to take advantage of that deal and there will be no hard feelings or concerns.
At most, they are out the cost of postage and perhaps taxes. They've had several weeks of a great free ride and you've not given up your toy for the length of their trial. hth.
Matth09 - for each swap session, place a condom over the device before insertion and remove an dispose after. You can even lub the device before placing in the condom to generate more movement.
Treat it like your penis.
Give it a good scrub and use a condom.
Look up the "condom method" in the Wikki.
If it's clean it's clean; if it's dirty, it's no safer for you than it would be for them. It would not be difficult to clean sufficiently - you could even use a bleach solution (just be sure to rinse thoroughly).
Chlorine bleach is not a good choice for sanitizing any Aneros device made of Acetal.
See details in this thread: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/cleaningthe-tool-after-14023/