My teacher just started this forum as a way for people to talk about any aspects of sexual energetics. Thought some of you lovely aneros people might dig it. Its just started up so not that many posts but feel free to join and contribute 🙂
I am assuming you are referring to this website -> .
Ahh man I forgot to post the site ! haha , thanks imp!
Looks very interesting, thanks!
Sexual energy is:
It’s like containing the water behind a dam so that it can be channeled into more useful pursuits; in the absence of a dam, that contains this water, the water just flows chaotically serving no useful purpose. A stability in required in your being before you can contain this strong energy in your space. This stability is arrived at as you allow yourself to rest in the space of awareness, without being taken in by the constant flux of the mind activities – it’s like being rooted in the depth of an ocean so that you are not affected so much by the waves on the surfaces. Once you’ve developed this stability in your being, it’s easy to contain even the strongest surges of sexual energy without being taken in by it completely.
best explanation I've found, read the rest of it it's just so well explained, it's also the same thing as the first 2 chakra's which is just explained in an other form.