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Semi-orgasmic post-session echo's (possible p-waves/mini-o's)

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The following day after my session (a session that has been my first successful one in 4 years) I'm having almost orgasmic feelings in my prostate, i work from home and i can tell you its very distracting (in a nice way!) but i don't think i can get any work done! last time this happened (by fluke i think) it lasted for 18 hours and was a little too much after about 5 hours or so, but it wouldn't stop!

Intensity wise its about the same as half an orgasm in pleasure, perhaps a teeny bit less, but its constant and does not let up even for a moment! I'm in heaven but its also starting to wear me out too.

Can people describe mini os and p waves to me? i can't tell which it might be (I'm happy for it to be either but i would love to know what I'm experiencing)

I not concerned or worried but i just wish it would orgasm and i can carry on with things! anyone else had this? Its great though!

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At the risk of stating the obvious, would jacking off stop it...?

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most likely! and contradictory to what I've said above, i sort of don't want it to ever end. i feel like i want to get the aneros out again and see if my session is enhanced in some way? Am i alone in this experience? if I'm not the only one having it, did an aneros session whilst you were having these feelings result in an even better session?

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Just had another session, a quick one, felt really great at times, teeeeeeny bit of pre cum as well. Seems to have alleviated the feelings a little, still there though!

EDIT: boy was i wrong, just had to go out in the car, i experiencing more remaining and even more intense feelings, not tensing not nothing! at two point i felt i was going to orgasm, HARD as well. But didn't.

Still going on now… aahh!

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@inhope, an orgasm is a release of endorphins/dopamine in the brain. So for me a mini orgasm is usually a quick euphoric feeling, kinda like a normal orgasm but shorter lived and not as intense. A p wave for me is a pleasureable feeling that emminates from the prostate and flows away in all directions down my legs and up into my belly. They last only a few seconds. Hope that helps.

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then what am i getting? i had the most epic drive home, it was a constant orgasm it felt like, but not as intense, just really nice. It sounds like a constant mini orgasm going by your description. Its been going on ALL DAY, without stopping, without a drop in intensity. Constant .

I had a session when i got home and had to go over the edge so i masturbated with the device, i came so hard it went right over my head/past my head (i was lying down) and all over my face! Im sure that was a Super T, very incredible it was!

I'm sitting here, 10 mins after cleaning up, prostate is once again giving me these 'waves' constant orgasmic waves

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@inhope --- have arrived at a very good place, a very good place INDEED! Enjoy!


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@inhope, yeah i wouldnt worry too much about describing what it is, just enjoy!!!! I have felt amazing things over the years that are undescribable, just relax and enjoy the ride.

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Seems that your prostate has awakened ; )

I would let this keep going until i "know" that it won't stop then i'd try to learn grounding techniques or such so that I can stop the flow of energy whenever I need. That way you have full control : )

It's ironic, you have to learn to turn it on then after-ward you have to learn to turn it off but some are ok with it on 24/7 x D

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I am one that has it 24/7! Even after my super t before (my first) I still have an orgasaming prostate here. I'm now in bed and it's still going strong, anerosless. It's been doing this every minute all day today, no exaggeration.

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That sounds awesome! ^ ^ Well if it doesn't bother you then I say you try to increase the sensation as much as you can to super-O and/or play around with it and see what new things you can find. Good Luck!

P.S.: I think I’d be the type to have it flowing 24/7 as well if I could achieve it.
P.P.S.: There have been others who have had that ability but they disliked it to the point that they where terrified by it as it'd obstructed them in many ways. But it can be controlled with practice it seems.

~Trei @};-

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It's distracting for sure, but wonderfully so! It might be a problem if lasts more than a few days though...

Not sure how a super o builds or feels like but if it's better than this? I can't believe that. How long do super o s last?

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I've never had one but I believe that I experienced the onset to one, it was so intense that I don't actively seek out the super-O any more. I had it during one of my "twilight-sessions" where-as I’m asleep and awake at the same time. It was on Nov.24th, 2013.

"It felt like a powerful lightning bolt of raw pleasure and sensation shot straight up my anus and permeated my entire being and that was just the tip of it! less than half a second passed before I pre-maturely pulled the aneros out and nearly threw it across the room in a fit of screaming (I never scream by the way, if I have to I yell). It is far too extreme for me, though I know I’ll seek it out one day. It appeared without warning though I knew it was coming a second before it happened. The build-up was very minimal at best or non-existent."

Many here don't experience super-O's like that though, as they describe them as more of a flowing continuous type of orgasm called a "calm seas" super orgasm that can last a long time, some say for hours on end and the build-up is present. So I guess there are different types. I think they are described in the wiki.


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@inhope, well at least we are sure you didnt break your prostate! LOL

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yeah well perhaps my elation was premature. Ive had two sessions since and in both sessions, repeating what i did in the first to get to where i was the other day and in the first 10 mins i felt something and then, nothing. Poof. Dead.

Tried shed loads of other stuff too and got nowhere even faster. But yeah at least my prostate is healthy.

Seems my concerns were well founded. I have a stressful life coming and i don't want this adding to it, and yes it is stressful when i end up having a traditional orgasm that pales in comparison to what i experienced the other day, i actually feel depressed when its all i end up with, like tasting heaven and then never being able to taste it ever again. Its torture.

also seems i was right about prostate size/stature, remember what i said? when i actually did have that awesome session i found that the SGX was the ONLY device that got me to feel anything, when i used all the other models, including the MGX, i got nothing at all. Soon as i put the SGX back in, boom. Works. The last two sessions have felt like it did when i used the other models on me and got zip.

There isn't anything smaller than an SGX is there? except the friggin' peredise….. i think aneros have enough of my bloody money now.

All i can say is, right now I'm more than filled with bewilderment & confusion. I give up.

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Don't let your feelings of frustration deny you your wonderful experiences you've had previously! if i could have even a fraction of success you've had, i'd be extremely happy. inhope, i have not had a super o or mini o or even dry o in the years ive been using aneros. in all the posts ive read of your accounts, i've come to the conclusion that you have experienced a super o! rumel's recent post of super o myths further enforces my opinion.

if there is anything i can say i've learned reading the forums, one of the most important things stressed is to enjoy every session, feeling, experience! and with the descriptions you have given I'd say you have a lot to appreciate!! stay strong!

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Sorry but no, it was not a super o, what i experienced lasted more than a full day, nobody has ever reported having a super o that long. Secondly, though it was very nice it was not as good as an orgasm in intensity, the word 'super' does not enter into it, not even close.

I've have felt those 'shards' remember, now THOSE, were 'super', trust me. The difference was HUGE and i mean HUGE. Just read some of the threads here about what people describe when having Super O's, definitely not what i experienced, but those 'shards', if added all up together then,…yes THAT was Super, no two friggin' ways about it son. If that wasn't a taste of Super O then it was a new type of orgasm as yet unidentified by science, i shall call it the Super SHARD-O. Patent Pending.

I've got to say, if that is how a super o works according to that guide then I've got to ask, what the hell is the point? i didn't know this until now, its bullSh!t if true. I may as well stick to normal orgasms, nothing has ever been as intense as those in my world (at least consistent, those shards are rare as f*ck for me), its so vague, this whole experience is so random and vague (not that the packaging would ever tell you that, right!?) and you need a forum to 'decipher' it all, that is hilarious!! where is that on the bloody packaging eh, nowhere.

I'm not frustrated anymore, just tired, I'm done. I cannot tell you the disappointment, that feeling, which i refuse to put into words, after 4 f*cking years and the same rubbish, stifled orgasm after lying there for hours trying everything out of the book and getting f-all. You then realise you're lying there with a piece of plastic up your arse… for no reason. Funny.

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whoa. just whoa. It's like I'm talking to a whole different person! This isn't the same guy who just 3-4 days ago sounded impressed and happy with progress. At least that's the tone I got. I'm pretty sure it wasnt personal towards me but it almost felt like i set you off! I just tried to push a little encouragement...

I thought you were experiencing something at least close to a super o that lasted for hours due to the post you wrote:

It's distracting for sure, but wonderfully so! It might be a problem if lasts more than a few days though...

Not sure how a super o builds or feels like but if it's better than this? I can't believe that. How long do super o s last?

As well as previous examples you've written. Can someone else tell me if I was in the wrong? I feel as I did something unintentionally.

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