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Semen Retention has caused things to go all stop

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Semen Retention has caused things to go all stop. its like day 5 , usually all I have to do is just think of and the Aless starts, suddenly I'm not my horny little self.  Usually when I insert I get almost instant P-waves, they were getting stronger and stronger in small increments, every 3rd session or so. All gone. I am hoping that like several times before,things get a little blah, and then I make a huge jump in pleasure. But I've never gone totally blah. Has this happened to any of you?

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Posted by: @tbob

Semen Retention has caused things to go all stop. its like day 5 , ... suddenly I'm not my horny little self.  All gone. I am hoping that like several times before, things get a little blah, and then I make a huge jump in pleasure. But I've never gone totally blah. Has this happened to any of you?

I've had periods of time when the siren call of Aneros went silent despite practicing semen retention. In hindsight I could see there were other distractions taking place in my life, often just low level stress factors, but distractions nonetheless. Perhaps that is what you are experiencing. However, worrying about it may only induce more stress rather than increasing arousal as it should. Be patient with yourself and reference the 21 day challenge post for some help.

Good Vibes to You!


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Why not stop semen retention?

Either that or doing too and you’re burning out. 

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Here is my 2 cents.  If I go like a week or so without an ejaculation, and try the aneros for a session, nothing happens.  On the other hand a day or two without ejaculation I get a better response.  


I will say that the best response I've had is not ejaculating, but having an aneros session every other day.  I acted as though the aneros session was not about pleasure but about prostate health.  I did a session, and put it away, then went to sleep.  Next day I did nothing, then the next day I had another session.  After doing this a couple of times I did start having a big response to the aneros.


I did have to stop though.  Why?  sleep problems.  I'd have a session, and then go to bed.  A little while later at like 1 or 2 in the morning I'd wake up with a throbbing erection and need to use the aneros again.  I wasn't having super O's, but it was like being edged to near orgasm, and being constantly aroused.  

I had to stop because I'd be tired all day long from poor sleep.  It was interesting though. 

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Well I found out I turn into quite the a-hole if I go to many days without release. My father was a world class boxer, for the last 2 weeks leading up to a fight, his trainer would never leave his side, so as he wouldn't jerk off, because it makes you mean, I now understand the truth of that. 3 days max for me. Even that 3 days changed things, waves are stonger and last longer all of a sudden. Weird weird wonderful world of Aneros eh!

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@tbob lol yeah I can relate..  

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Have found just the opposite to be true for my own experience. If I go for weeks or even months without ejaculating, my level of horniness and sensitivity goes through the roof! I can very quickly experience pleasure and dry Os as well as super Os! Also experience awesome Aless before I wake up in the morning!

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@fred27 no offence but, the one being the a-hole is usually the last to know there being an a-hole. lol , sessions did get better and better though, 

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I practice semen retention frequently and have periods of total blah after periods of total bliss.  As @rumel says could be totally unrelated and linked to other distractions.  

In my case I think my body/mind just decides it needs a break and shuts off the pleasure tap for a bit.  Frankly I welcome it once and awhile cause being in a state of constant arousal is exhausting. 

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