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second timer

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That didn't work, I felt nothing. I was able to easily do the penetration, with PLENTY of lube, but it just got sucked up in there, and was like stuck, tight. There was no movement naturaly. I could try to pull it out part way, and it would suck in again. But I felt no pleasant feelings, nothing sexual, I think I got like one drop of prostate milk out, but it did not feel good, it felt like nothing, maybe a bowl movement feeling? Super... Also, about 2 hrs later, I had some prostate referral pain to the penis. I'm really questioning this whole prostate massage thing.

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Hello greg4444,

And welcome to the Aneros forum! 🙂
First of all, this is a very common new user experience. I suggest you read the following links.

Instant Super-O

I've tried my model a few times but I don't feel much of anything, what's wrong?

That didn't work, I felt nothing. I was able to easily do the penetration, with PLENTY of lube, but it just got sucked up in there, and was like stuck, tight. There was no movement naturaly.

This suggests to me that your body and anus were not relaxed enough. Which is a typical new Aneros user experience. If your MGX is stuck tight in you and not moving, it is because your anal muscles are clenching hard. When you can allow your mind, body, and also your anus to completely relax, then it will have the opportunity to move and you will start to experience pleasurable sensations from it. When your anal muscles are completely relaxed, you should not feel any discomfort or sense of being invaded with your MGX inserted.

Don't be discouraged. Learning to have super-O's(super orgasms) does not happen on the first try for the majority of men. See the following link.

It takes time and regular practice for most men. Relax, take deep breathes, and make no expectations of your Aneros sessions. And just allow whatever happens to happen. It is a very different approach than the standard penile stimulation that we are all most familiar with.

Love is Peace

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I would certainly agree with Love_is I think relaxation is the key. I always thought I was relaxed during my session but after additional reading of post on this forum I came to realize that when the contractions started, I started to tense up with pleasure and I think that was working against me.

Now, I am concentrating on not tensing up and thinking I am encouraging the p-waves. I have to try hard to do nothing but go with the flow.
That's my latest techinque for what its worth
Don't give up - give it time and keep an open mind.

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You are way too negative this will never work if you think the way you are typing. Really read over what you typed you need to loose the expectations and relax enjoy the session for what it is not expect it to be more,

To quote your only other post here i think you lack the information that is so rich in this site.

well I have massaged my prostate with MGX, and I don't feel anything. I'm really wondering about this whole thing. I was expecting a lot more.

Read up and continue to use your aneros in a relaxed mood clear of those expectations. I think you are in for a big surprise if you can get past this it is worth it.

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