sao pallemetto anybody used this?
You mean Saw Palmetto? Yes it's good for prostate health. I noticed that it seemed to reduce the amount of semen I produced, but when I had to pee I REALLY had to pee while taking it!
thanks what's the dosage? heard 300mg per day
I don't know, there are so many SP products out there, many include SP along with other herbs, etc. I think what I took was like a 200mg pill. I can't remember it was about a year to a year and a half ago since I took them, sorry!
Look dosage up on the web. But get the spelling right. Saw Palmetto really helps the ease urination difficulties in older men. This is usually caused by BPH. It is a life saver and is usually available as a herbal remedy and can be bought over the counter.. I think the dose is 1600mgs but check it. Some prescription drugs used to contain it.