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Rewiring can be a frustrating process.

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Rewiring can be a long process. It seems like progress comes in spurts. Sometimes it happens where you feel like everything is working towards dry o's/super o's and then there are times when it feels like you make no progress. I have many sessions where nothing happens. The prostate is a fickle thing. Wish it would wake up soon. I have the SGX as I'm under 5'6" but may buy a Maximus or progasm as bigger may be better. Not sure if that's the answer, but willing to try up different Aneros

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Agreed 100%, also i feel you can make progress, find your getting incredible aless feelings daily and then suddenly the next week you can't even get 10% of that. Your devices you choose will work for you for many weeks then its like its a useless piece of plastic for many weeks later.

Its so inconsistent and difficult to work with because you cannot lay down the foundations enough to build on them.

Frustrating is a very, very mild way of putting sir.

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Maybe that is how the word and concept of rewiring makes it be (or can make it be).

But truely, apart from that, there is no reason why your journey should be frustrating like this. Probably some misconceptions at work. Seriously, if it was such a chore I would have stopped long before I reached the first mark.

I hope you guys find a more peaceful and enjoyable way to approach this,


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I know one way. People should be careful when posting their success stories here, it is by far the biggest issue I have. Perhaps a special forum within this one where that can happen? Who knows.

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I have now totally given up. Haven't had a session for several weeks and I'm not missing it. It's a frustrating fickle thing, occasionally I have had amazing sessions but nothing like what I had when I first started, and I just simply don't understand my subconscious enough to make it work.

I had an amazing experience in the first few days of using the aneros, it changed me forever and I would call it a spiritual awakening. I went somewhere amazing, possibly out of body, experienced a long state of ecstacy I can now only dream of, and the frustration of never getting anywhere near that place again is probably what has held me back from progressing. In the last 4 months my life has been turned upside down and I'm pleased about that, because it has totally changed the direction of my life, but I can't continue with the obsession about getting back to the ecstasy I once had. I'm putting my energy into developing myself spiritually.

I think that some people can do this, others have reasons why they cannot, I don't know what those are.

I will probably come back to it one day, might be next week, might be a few years from now. I'm happier leaving it well alone for now. Good luck to everyone else on their quest :-h

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Sad to see you go @smudgefish, but I totally get it and glad you can disconnect from it, I seem unable not to leave things. I shall forever be chasing it. Good luck sir.

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That's very sad to hear. 🙁

I think you are somehow taking a step in the right direction by not letting yourself getting totally obsessed and eventually frustrated. But consider coming back after a reasonable break. It took me 5 years to overcome my attitude of expectation and chasing. And even though I'm still in the middle of learning, I make steady progress now and that is very reassuring. Maybe your spiritual training will open you up again, since this whole journey is all about your brain, nervous system and subconsciousness anyway.

good luck to you and I really hope we'll read us again!

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@smudgefish, if you gone you have gone. I suggest hang in there if you can. I have been trundling along for 3 years and 8 months. My advances are exceedingly slow but I enjoy the other benefits. I am a better person for using Aneros. I just use them as a matter of course and try not to get too frustrated. I do think the posts with bells and whistles are disturbing and reset set expectation in spite of personally unsetting them. Not sure of the answer. There is a mixed blessing in 'instant' success as it raises the hopes but at least there is a memory of the experience. I have had none such so I am not quite sure where I am going. If you have gone, all the very best, I am grateful for your input as it moved me along a bit.

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Actually he is wise, no more frustration or anger... Bliss. Also no more reading of those few that post really wonderful sessions here, they are the most hurtful of all, they often negate your own progress and experiences.

Maybe I will leave too, perhaps to return one day when people can act more compassionately and when I have achieved some kind of basic consistency.

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Actually he is wise, no more frustration or anger... Bliss. Also no more reading of those few that post really wonderful sessions here, they are the most hurtful of all, they often negate your own progress and experiences.

Maybe I will leave too, perhaps to return one day when people can act more compassionately and when I have achieved some kind of basic consistency.

Why should postings of successful sessions be "hurtful" ? If no successes were ever recorded then this forum would provide a very negative picture of the effectiveness of Aneros. We are all different, and for some of us success comes more quickly than others. Quite why this is the case has never been fully explained; it may be faulty technique or perhaps some underlying physical or mental block, but many win through in the end, and surely this should be encouraging rather than hurtful for those who are still struggling. I don't think that anyone posts an account of their success in order to hurt the less fortunate, rather it is to share with others their good news.

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Reading success descriptions helped me the most... I have no idea why some people have this negative reactions.

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Reading success descriptions helped me the most... I have no idea why some people have this negative reactions.

Because they are a reminder of how little success I may be having or that what i feel is not the super or afterall, it's something much less.

I'm not saying this is how everyone reacts however smudgefish is one like myself, it has even led to us being near tears. I know I speak for more than just two of us as I am not the first to state this. If it helps you then fair enough, just realise that to others it can be very damaging.

Also I suspect those that appreciate those successful posts, are those that have at least consistent and pleasureable sessions free from years of frustration.

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If you're not finding it fun or enjoyable any more then why still do it?

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Quite! Perhaps because I have tasted of small slivers of ecstacy and it is now the quest to find heaven, a course I may irrevocably have to follow.

Living day today knowing what some people experience is bucket loads gnaws at my soul, I feel I must continue.

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Also I suspect those that appreciate those successful posts, are those that have at least consistent and pleasureable sessions free from years of frustration.

In my case, you couldn't be more wrong. It is precisely when I was struggling to learn it that these stories served as pointers and inspiration: new ideas to try, sensations to imagine. Genuine success well described is something I could try and plug in for a glimpse of knowledge and experience. Then, after I found what I was looking for, it almost entirely ceased to interest me. I rarely read them anymore. Unless it is a person whose insight I am interested in, I am out.

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Like i said it effects some of us negatively. I avoid them when possible but some sneak up on you!

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I think this forum raises expectations too high for some. I was very close to or may have had a super O on the first try and then things went down hill for 18 months. I am so glad I stuck it out.

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Wow a lot of negative energy here. But i can see both sides of the discussion. Personally i do not view peoples successes as "bragging" but it is easy to perceive them that way at times. Its like being around a pregnant woman when you're having fertility problems. IT SUCKS. The head tilting comment from the big bellied gal saying "awwww don't worry you'll get there" can make you wanna bitch slap her. At times I'm sure comments made here might seem the same.

I just want to say that i think many people here are genuinely interested in helping people -especially those who may be struggling with their journey. I would venture to say if they come across as hurtful that would not be their intent. I have found advice from men here invaluable on my journey. (Truly, who the hell are you supposed to discuss this topic with other than guys here???) I have also found some great tips while in the chat room too. Personally when i see a post about how great someones super-o is i don't even read it. But if it helps you to vent here a little by all means go for it. Speaking for myself i'm all ears.You never know when things might change.

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Quite! Perhaps because I have tasted of small slivers of ecstacy and it is now the quest to find heaven, a course I may irrevocably have to follow.

Living day today knowing what some people experience is bucket loads gnaws at my soul, I feel I must continue.

Chasing the dragon...perhaps?

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I think this forum raises expectations too high for some. I was very close to or may have had a super O on the first try and then things went down hill for 18 months. I am so glad I stuck it out.

Good for you, I'm just honest. If more of us were so I think you would find others that find success stories of others detrimental to their progress, it's just fact. If it's helped you then well done.

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It's not a competition. Envy is not a helpful emotion to have, it's not one one of the 7 deadly sins for nothing. Just be pleased for others and maybe learn from what they have experienced.

@brucemarkland, @Sorena_ don't use the forum then.

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It's not a competition. Envy is not a helpful emotion to have, it's not one one of the 7 deadly sins for nothing. Just be pleased for others and maybe learn from what they have experienced.

@brucemarkland, @Sorena_ don't use the forum then.

You're right, goodbye.

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It's not a competition. Envy is not a helpful emotion to have, it's not one of the 7 deadly sins for nothing. Just be pleased for others and maybe learn from what they have experienced.

I agree.

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