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Restarting a session that has become laggardly

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One of the more frequent posts in the Aneros Chatroom is mention of an Aneros session that started out quite well with many postive indicators of increased rewards. Then, "...the session just went 'static' and I gave up."

This thread is intended to let our community share various techniques to restore mental arousal. Actions may be either PHYSICAL or MENTAL and can address either ANATOMICAL or ENERGY CENTER (chakra labels) points of focus.

Please contribute one of your favorites in a single subject post. (and make additional posts for other ideas.)

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Soft Palate Nursing

Aside from the priority to breathe immediately following our birth, one of our next priorities was to seek nourishment and commence suckling. I was taught this skill by @Artform in 2009. At that time it was mentioned in the Aneros Glossary.

I can't find mention of this pleasure producing technique in the Wiki but it remains alive and well in Jack Johnston's excellent Forum on the KSMO site:

This opens the upper chakra when it's been activated on prior sessions.

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Stopping then coming back is good, sometimes watching porn to refresh the mental bank, and sometimes light contractions work.

Plying with penis is good too but only for advanced users that are able to separate the sensations and focus the feelings.

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The slower the build the better the super O for me. I start a-less and do nothing other then breath and relax. I f the build fizzles out then I bring in some nipple play and relax some more.

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From my experience, this was because my body (and mind, to an extent) hadn't adjusted enough at that point — so it was a simple case of carrying on having sessions, experimenting, and not masturbating too much. The wheels will eventually grease themselves.
One such case: Shaking would often stop my sensations, as would erections. Neither have any effect now. Keep going and the body will rewire itself, and don't get pent up that you're doing something wrong, or missing something that will boost your progress. You aren't.

If it didn't happen then, remind yourself that an amazing session is inevitable in the future.

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This happens to me a lot and i think it os for several diffrent resaons. I will mention one reason here.

A when i get a traditional orgasm the pleasure curve is increasing untill i peak and then i drops. As I have a traditional orgasm i loose interest and don't bother to continue. Prostate play I diffrent. As i experiense it the pleasure curve goes up and down. I feel like I'm about but i don't. When the pleasure curve goes down I "try harder" by tensing up and the curve goes down further. I'm in a negative loop nd i don't know how to break it. Taking a break and coming back helps but then the same thing happens again.

As i understand soft palete nursing from my own experiense there is some connection between the muscles around the prostate and the tounge. Whn i move my tounge in certain ways the right muscles flex and only the right muscles. The other muscles are relaxed. What soft palete nursing actualy does IMO is that it helps you contract the right muscles without contracting the wrong muscles. Also since you aren't directly controlling the "prostate muscles" it is more invoulntary and therefore more relaxed than some of us can achive by will.

I also think there is a lot to learn from the old story about the sun and the wind:

"THE WIND and the Sun were
disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming
down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a way to decide our dispute.
Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be
regarded as the stronger You begin.” So the Sun retired behind a cloud,
and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. But
the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap his cloak
round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun
came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveller, who soon found
it too hot to walk with his cloak on."

Don't push to hard it won't wrork.

This is coming from a guy who still haven't had a super-O so I don't
claim to know it all. I have probably "failed" more toimes than most of
you have succeded though so I have diffrent experiences. For me, Aneros
play is mostly about trouble shooting and I am slowly getting there.

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I have read and tried pressing your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth increases pleasure if done at the proper time. Right before orgasm. I have noticed increased pleasure during traditional orgasm going to give it a try with Aneros sessions.

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