Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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Reflections and Questions from a New User

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Hello fellow Aneros users,

I began my journey last week when I received my Helix Syn in the mail; so far I have had four sessions of roughly 75 minutes each. I was hoping to get some feedback from the members on this forum regarding a few observations I have made.

I am very pleased with my experience so far and find myself looking forward to the next session! Insertion feels fantastic; I immensely enjoy the feeling of being filled by my Helix Syn; it sure beats the toothbrushes I have used in the past! After a short period of relaxation, I begin with some pelvic floor contractions of varying intensities and hold times - the "do nothing" method has not seemed to work for me. I have noticed that contracting generates lovely sensations, but the pleasure tends to be concentrated in my penis rather than my prostate. Overall I would say that 70% of the pleasure is felt in the penis and 30% in the prostate area.

As my arousal builds and I continue to contract, the pleasure gets stronger in both areas. Despite remaining flaccid throughout my sessions, the penile sensations begin to feel extraordinarily similar to what I feel at the point of no return (PONR) during regular masturbation; at this point I become hyper aroused and the urge to begin masturbating or aggressively thrusting my hips and clenching my PC muscles becomes nearly irresistible. Bear in mind that I use no penile stimulation of any kind during my sessions, but I did cave in and have super T's at the end of my first three sessions. The prostate pleasure feels warmer and more diffuse; I do not believe I have had involuntary contractions yet, but I occasionally feel a strong throbbing sensation in my rectum which is quite agreeable; whether I am feeling my pulse or my prostate swelling, I am unsure. I have noticed that nipple stimulation seems to significantly amplify both the penile and prostate sensations when I contract, as well as my mental arousal level. My nipples are the most sensitive part of my body and I have always enjoyed playing with them. Stimulating the left nipple bizarrely generates pleasure in my left foot, and has done so for some time prior to my starting my Aneros journey.

I have a few questions about my experience so far that I was hoping the kind members here might be able to help me with:

- Are the contractions I am doing detrimental to my rewiring, given that they generate pleasure mostly in the penis and feel similar to the PONR?
- Could the PONR sensation I am feeling in my penis during manual contractions be the buildup to a dry-O?
- Do your dry-O's feel like traditional ejaculatory orgasms, minus the wetness?
- Should I omit nipple stimulation given that it tends to generate strong pleasure in regions other than my prostate, which can be distracting?

Thank you very much in advance, I look forward to hearing back from you !

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Welcome to the Aneros Forums.

Are the contractions I am doing detrimental to my rewiring, given that they generate pleasure mostly in the penis and feel similar to the PONR?

IMHO, No they are definitely not detrimental, strong pelvic floor muscles will only enhance the pleasure of your orgasms.

Could the PONR sensation I am feeling in my penis during manual contractions be the buildup to a dry-O?

Yes, it could be but don't expect it to be. Your Aneros journey is going to introduce you to a whole range of new sensations and as your experience grows the character of those sensations is likely to change. This is often reflected in reports that men's sessions keep getting better and better as they experience the changes in the quality of their physical responses.

Do your dry-O's feel like traditional ejaculatory orgasms, minus the wetness?

Some men do report a remarkable similarity, in my own case, the sensation of dry-O's is distinctly different.

Should I omit nipple stimulation given that it tends to generate strong pleasure in regions other than my prostate, which can be distracting?

Most users attest to the positive reinforcement of their arousal from nipple stimulation, thus helping them generate prostate orgasms. However, if you find it distracting you might want to restrict such stimulation to pre-insertion time of a session.
Good Vibes to You !
P.S. I sent you an introductory Private Message (Newbie's Notebook) with some additional hints and tips to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it.

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Congrats on the best purchase of your life and welcome! There is no warning on the package, but it doesn't work the other way around: DON'T try and brush your teeth with your aneros product 🙂

Hello fellow Aneros users,

- Could the PONR sensation I am feeling in my penis during manual contractions be the buildup to a dry-O?
- Do your dry-O's feel like traditional ejaculatory orgasms, minus the wetness?

Anything can be a buildup to a dry O. Roll with it if it feels good. But be wary of clenching too hard: you will know if you go too hard for your body, but for me and others on the forum, more extreme clenching is counter-productive. For me the best clenches are between 0-50%, whatever that means. And I feel a lot in my penis as well.

I would say avoid masturbating after, to let your pleasure build up over several days. That helped me in the beginning.

Like @rumel, for me dry-O's don't necessarily feel like ejaculatory orgasms. I have had some similar ones, sure, but the majority are drastically different, both in location intensity, duration, and quality. Actually more I have experience with aneros, more my ejaculatory orgasms feel like PROSTATE orgasms.

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Thanks to both of you for the feedback ! I appreciate the welcome and suggestions. Looking forward to continuing the journey !

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That was a great post. I'm fairly new here but here's a few suggestions:

Perhaps take your sessions up to 120 - 150 minutes. A little more time might yield more results. I spent nearly five hours during my first few sessions. The beginning of them sounded much like what you described. As I get more experienced, I am generally able to bring myself to orgasms much sooner into a session as long as I am focused and generally relaxed.

Personally, I think that nipple stimulation is great and is something that has only got better with my sessions. Since starting with aneros, I'm now able to have nipple orgasms. I think that they become much more sensitive for many as part of the rewiring process. If it feels good, you are on to something.

I hope that this helps. Relaxation, patience and time. Good luck and let us know how it works out.

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Always enjoy reading posts from those beginning their new journey! Everyone experiences different paths to the ultimate experience but some great advice from AmazingAneros at the end of his post! Personally nipple stimulation as elevated my experience to a greater level!

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Hey do you mean the syn trident? I just purchased one myself today it’s still in the mail. Starting off I probably won’t do it for over an hour probably just about 10 mins starting as a beginner. But I’m guessing to have good sessions I should squeeze and relax my anus continuously? I haven’t seen much regarding how to use. I assume it’s pretty simple?

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Thanks for the additional tips ! I will try to just go with what feels good rather than handcuffing myself by overthinking the process. However, as a hyper analytical person this is sometimes easier said than done.

Hey do you mean the syn trident? I just purchased one myself today it’s still in the mail. Starting off I probably won’t do it for over an hour probably just about 10 mins starting as a beginner. But I’m guessing to have good sessions I should squeeze and relax my anus continuously? I haven’t seen much regarding how to use. I assume it’s pretty simple?

Yes, I got the Helix Syn Trident. As far as how to use it, I think you'll find it to be quite intuitive. I contract and relax my anus/PC muscles continuously throughout the session once my relaxation period is finished. You'll feel the device move as you contract. However it seems that others are able to have great sessions by just staying relaxed the entire time.

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