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Read The Manual: the Wiki

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This was part of a comment to another post I wrote weeks ago, but I did not want anyone in that thread to feel targeted by it (and well you know me, it would not have been very on-topic...), so I waited a little and now, well here it is :

Praise the Wiki! 

The Wiki! Lots of stuff in the Wiki! I LOVE to interact with people here, you guys know how much I post, but it's impossible to cover every angle in simple posts, the information in the Wiki covers a huge amount of ground and will smooth over a lot of bumps and fill a lot of gaps. Lots of time I won't cover stuff that's in there 'cause I feel it's like tribal knowledge that every Anerosian should possess. 

If you were stuck on a desert island with only a paper copy of the Aneros Wiki and a knife, I guarantee you could carve a wooden Aneros and achieve the Super-O without any other tool. You don't have to read every single line of every single section, but I guess what I'm saying is that a basic familiarity with most of the material will go a very long way in getting you from beginner to intermediate, and intermediate is where the really good stuff starts to happen. 

I may be biased on this, but I'll stick my neck on the cutting block and add that intermediate level (whatever that is, I won't try to define it here...) is where you'll really start to get the most from the posts from more advanced users, and that in turn will help you progress a lot faster. Best way to get to intermediate faster : read the manual. The guys that wrote it did an awesome jobs and I can't even start guessing how many hundred hours went in it. 

The VERY LAST thing I'd want is for people to interpret this as : Go read the Wiki instead of posting.

Noooo! Please post, post often, if you just lurk, consider posting! The more posts, the better! Even super basic stuff that you are kinda shy about, start a thread, someone will give you a serious, honest answer about your itchy butt or whatever. I don't want to suck up to anyone, but this is probably the most accepting and helpful group of guys on the whole Internet. POST POST POST! 

But consider that for every question, there is probably a good answer in the Wiki, and a second opinion never hurts. Check it out folks, and revisit it from time to time as you progress. Take care people, have a great day! 

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Posted by: @zentai

But consider that for every question, there is probably a good answer in the Wiki, and a second opinion never hurts.

I would like to add: for every question, there is probably already an open thread in the forum discussing it.

It's comes with no surprise, that in less friendlier forums two annoyed answers get typically thrown around: RTFM and UTFSF.

Faith-Manages, Poseidon, Faith-Manages and 3 people reacted
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@unfug Absolutely! But that's another big can of worms, because often in those places bumping a thread that only just barely slided from the main page will get you accused of necro-posting. For those who don't know, that's about raising threads from the dead, aka thread necromancy. So you'll get annoyed answer about "starting your own damn thread, newb". If you're lucky and they're in a good mood. As you know, in a lot of forums necro-posting even goes against basic etiquette and doing it makes you bad person.

Here the volume is pretty low, so keeping stuff more organized makes sense, but it also means bumping some 10 years old(!!!) threads pretty often, with lots of content from users who are not active anymore and evidently, won't answer. I have mixed feelings about this but for example the exercice ball thread was very much worth revisiting, as are lot of the classic threads like the music one and several others. 

That's something that might make a good sticky post, since the culture here is different from a lot of places, maybe there should be a short thing at the top to help people get up to speed with how things are done 'round here. That's a hard one...


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Posted by: @zentai

The guys that wrote it did an awesome jobs and I can't even start guessing how many hundred hours went in it.

Thanks for the compliment, @B Mayfield, @darwin and myself did spend many hours and days compiling and distilling information for the Aneros WIKI.

Posted by: @zentai

That's something that might make a good sticky post, ... maybe there should be a short thing at the top to help people get up to speed with how things are done 'round here.

To a certain extent that's what the Sticky thread LEARN - Helpful Links for New Members was meant to accomplish but your point about designating some posting etiquette is a valid one. I invite you to propose some posting etiquette guidelines for inclusion in the Aneros WIKI in addition to the ones already given in the LEARN... thread.

In regards to necromancy, I have no objection to reviving older threads, in fact, I think it is good to 'bump' some of these older threads from time to time simply because they contain valuable insights or information that does not appear in the WIKI yet may be very relevant to users of all levels of experience. I frequently link to these older threads in my responses to posters questions.

I will also echo @Unfug 's comment about there probably being existing threads addressing the very topic a new user is interested in but finding those threads can be cumbersome. Yes, there is a Search function which users are encouraged to use prior to making a new post but it seems many newbies are just too impatient to perform that due diligence. I don't think that is going to change, it's just part of human nature so I'll try to remain patient and direct men to information on a case by case basis in my Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips beyond the Aneros WIKI and the LEARN ... thread.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel I also have no objection about bumping old or even very old threads if everyone is on the same page about what is proper. I remember one of my very first new thread being about music to listen to during sessions, and getting a message from you about considering adding to the old thread instead, which never would have crossed my mind because the old thread was so ancient. I just didn't know better so having that info available might help with duplicate posts. And it would save you some work.

I think I'll start a thread were we can discuss etiquette and go from there, shouldn't be too hard to find some common ground for the basic stuff.

The search function is what it is... Using it for browsing is not that great. The tags would be better but everyone going back to tag all their old stuff is not realistic. On the other hands, some questions are really basic, and it's quicker to search or RTM than to wait until someone comes along to answer.

And I think a lot if people are just afraid to try things, hey it's lube and some pillows and if your Aneros does not come out clean, eat some fiber or something... but starting any new activity can be intimidating and people want personal answers to what they perceive to be personal questions. As you say, just humans being humans.

Thanks for all you did and continue to do for this place!


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Posted by: @zentai

often in those places bumping a thread that only just barely slided from the main page will get you accused of necro-posting. For those who don't know, that's about raising threads from the dead, aka thread necromancy. So you'll get annoyed answer about "starting your own damn thread, newb". If you're lucky and they're in a good mood. As you know, in a lot of forums necro-posting even goes against basic etiquette and doing it makes you bad person.

Interesting, that was new information to me.


Posted by: @zentai

That's something that might make a good sticky post, since the culture here is different from a lot of places, maybe there should be a short thing at the top to help people get up to speed with how things are done 'round here. That's a hard one...

Beside the mentioned Sticky for beginners, there is a Sticky called Cherry Picks suitable for the advanced users. Highly recommended! As per usual, I'm totally unable to find it right now.

@rumel to the rescue?

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Posted by: @unfug

Beside the mentioned Stickey for beginners, there is a Stickey called Cherry Picks suitable for the advanced users. Highly recommended! As per usual, I'm totally unable to find it right now.

I think you are remembering the Cherry Picks - The most deliciously informative posts we know! social-groups postings which were in the previous vBulletin version of the Forums. Unfortunately and lamentably, in the migration to this forum software all those posts were lost. It would be really nice to have them back as there was some great information from external web sites referenced there.

Good Vibes to You!

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@unfug You'll see it more in forums with younger audience and/or where having an attitude/being 2cool4school/being an asshole is celebrated.  Game forums are BIG on this, not judging anyone but it's just true. They're just full of 12 years old being kids. 

Or places where the information evolves a lot and old threads actually become irrelevant. Some places actually lock threads older than 6 months and lock everything else as "Solved" as soon as the thread gets less interest or when it gets bigger than a certain size. 

So if someone "learned" that way and comes over here, no way they're going to post on a thread from page 4, never mind something from 4 years ago. They won't even get to page 2. If we get more traffic we might see more of this, not sure how much of a real concern it is at this point... I guess not much but talking about it won't hurt.


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@rumel Oh, that's a bummer. 🙁

@Zentai Ok, interesting.

Posted by: @zentai

So if someone "learned" that way and comes over here, no way they're going to post on a thread from page 4, never mind something from 4 years ago.

Yeah, the typical new forum member will rather open a new thread with an old question. But I got the feeling, that many many forum members keep lurking in the dark and read a lot w/o engaging because most beginner related questions have been answered by now and are somewhere in the archives. Which is a double edged sword...

I started to engage in some Aneros related subreddits a while ago and it feels like, the guys there ask the same 3 questions over and over again each and every day. 🙂 On the other hand, the inhibition threshold is so low, that you get some pretty cool conversations going at a higher rate than here.


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@unfug You're spot about the subreddits, I check over there sometimes to get my fix when it's too calm here. I don't contribute because things move so quick that you can't really get something serious started. Did you see that guy who wrote a whole Aneros technique Ebook with an actual cover and table of contents, great stuff, and hardly got a comment? 

I think sometimes about what would happen to this Forum if say, a big Hollywood star started praising the Aneros. You know, talking about it on national TV or something. *Shivers*


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Not a huge fan of necroposting so tend to leave those posts alone unless multiple users post and there is new relevant information.  As far as questions go...first of all having previously worked a decade in retail I know that there is such a thing as a stupid question.  UTFSF/RTFM do have their uses but as you guys have said there aren't too many people that make new accounts to ask a question many have before.  And for those that do I've been able to keep silent and let long-suffering members patiently explain it to them again.  And I'm happy that everyone else is too,it keeps the good vibes going here, so thanks for that guys (especially Rumel). 

Posted by: @zentai

If you were stuck on a desert island with only a paper copy of the Aneros Wiki and a knife, I guarantee you could carve a wooden Aneros and achieve the Super-O without any other tool.

Hmmm, hand-carved Aneros made from green palm tree wood, with no lubrication?  Not my cup of tea.  Better update the Wiki to include info on woodworking/sanding, making your own varnish and hand-refining coconut oil first... 😉

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Posted by: @zentai

Did you see that guy who wrote a whole Aneros technique Ebook with an actual cover and table of contents, great stuff, and hardly got a comment? 

Yeah, I even reddit (see what I did there? 😉 ).

It was an interesting read, with some new concepts but in total kind of meh. Can't put my finger on it, what exactly put me off.

To my shame I must admit, that I gave no feedback. Maybe I should catch up on that.

Have you noticed the hype over Haven't looked into it yet, but it gets a lot of praise.


Posted by: @faith-manages

As far as questions go...first of all having previously worked a decade in retail I know that there is such a thing as a stupid question.

That one gave me a nice chuckle. 🙂


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@faith-manages I'd start with a niece piece of sun bleached driftwood, you have to find one that is close to the right shape, with very tight grain, the tail is useless so you just need an "L" or "J" shape. Whittle a little, then polish by rubbing it with another piece of wood until it's smooth. Could take a while but I'm in no hurry here. Then I hope I can find some tree sap, coconut oil or other substitute to seal the wood, but since I could always disinfect it often with sea water... the boiled fat from my first meal would do as lube I guess. I could make this work... but I think I'll stay on dry land just in case lol. 

@unfug Just seeing some original concepts was pretty impressive in a way, and actually having a step by step approach was not something I'd seen before. I don't think the method would have worked for me but I can respect the work. The mindgasm stuff gives me a strange vibe but I never checked any of it, seems like some guy's science project, if it's just an exercise routine it should be fine, if its hypno of any kind I prefer to know who I'm working with and already have all I need.


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Don't know about sphincter splinters...haha! I seriously love this forum, so laid back and helpful! Methinks Aneros use promotes a certain chill factor. A bunch of chilling, orgasmic, zen masters and apprentices. Where would the world be if just a quarter of all men knew the secret...

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@reddog152 Ah man, if only... the world would be a different place, no doubt about it. 

Sphincter splinters? Sealing? Fish glue would do the trick. Just boil some random fish heads you find laying around. Pfft, this summer I'll head into the woods naked and make a polished stone Maximus from scratch just to show you* 

*Conditions subject to change. Don't quote me on this. 


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Posted by: @zentai

@reddog152 Ah man, if only... the world would be a different place, no doubt about it. 

Sphincter splinters? Sealing? Fish glue would do the trick. Just boil some random fish heads you find laying around. Pfft, this summer I'll head into the woods naked and make a polished stone Maximus from scratch just to show you* 

*Conditions subject to change. Don't quote me on this. 


On this episode of naked and unafraid Zantai fashions an obsidian aneros! Tune in, 10pm eastern, 7pm Pacific. LOL!

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Posted by: @zentai

Pfft, this summer I'll head into the woods naked and make a polished stone Maximus from scratch just to show you...

While we might be modern men, our stone age ancestors were probably aware of prostate pleasures too judging by the existence of 30,000 year old dildos which could very well have been used as prostate massagers back then.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @reddog152
Posted by: @zentai

@reddog152 Ah man, if only... the world would be a different place, no doubt about it. 

Sphincter splinters? Sealing? Fish glue would do the trick. Just boil some random fish heads you find laying around. Pfft, this summer I'll head into the woods naked and make a polished stone Maximus from scratch just to show you* 

*Conditions subject to change. Don't quote me on this. 


On this episode of naked and unafraid Zantai fashions an obsidian aneros! Tune in, 10pm eastern, 7pm Pacific. LOL!

Obsidian?  Just don't ever drop it, something tells me chipping that thing will put cheap plastic mold seams to shame. 

Posted by: @reddog152

sphincter splinters

Man, that's either the best band name ever or the worst!  Think I might chance it over cracked obsidian though...

Posted by: @rumel
While we might be modern men, our stone age ancestors were probably aware of prostate pleasures too judging by the existence of 30,000 year old dildos which could very well have been used as prostate massagers back then.

Good Vibes to You!

Ha anything's possible though I only saw one that I'd consider anal-safe.  And I'd hate to try that hollow terracotta "dildo!" :O  There must be another explanation for that one...

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Hey @zentai,

First off I wanted to apologize as I know I have posted some really really really stupid questions here, where the WIKI completely answers them.

The one thing I wanted to say though from my personal experience, was that the WIKI and the manual didn't even come into my mind. When I first discovered aneros and tried it, it was like this whole new magical world opened up, as well as a lot of interesting things regarding my own sexual awareness. Up to that point I had tried a couple small objects with anal play but never even bought a sex toy. The thing is - these things are so profound (at least it was for me) that it was like I just discovered a secret society and I had so many questions swirling in my head that I didn't think of checking a WIKI for such things.

In the end i've calmed down a lot on the topic and have tried to embrace the WIKI as much as I can as well as the manual. I stopped asking "what next what next what next" questions as I have really come to understand this is a journey not a sprint, and to enjoy it 🙂 

I'm sorry if anyone on this thread was really annoyed by my past posts, I always super appreciated all the help and time people put in to responding, and it must be draining - so also thank you. I hope to return the favour for other new people coming here.

PS. A small note: many times it links to past surveys, and the results never show for me - dunno if that happens for others?

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Hey man, no need to apologize. To me a stupid question is asking about using transmission oil as a lube. Beginners can only ask beginners questions, what else could they ask? That's like saying newbies can't post because they don't have anything to contribute. For almost every other activity, even if you're just getting started, you can show your results to the people around you. A 40 years old playing Happy Birthday on the piano for the first time is nothing impressive, but you have to start somewhere, and I bet that guy is feeling proud of himself. With the Aneros, if you wish to share, you don't have a lot of options besides coming here.

But yeah, it's more fun to share with advanced-beginners and I prefer discussions about technique where everyone can chip in with their little tricks, and where I may learn something new, instead of the same basic question that could be answered by just actually trying some things. THEN we can have an actual discussion about what works and what doesn't and how it can be fixed or improved.


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Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

PS. A small note: many times it links to past surveys, and the results never show for me - dunno if that happens for others?

If you (or anyone really) find a broken/inoperable/404 error/etc. URL link in the WIKI please let me know through a PM and I'll try to get it resolved. The WIKI is a user driven information source, edited by B Mayfield, darwin and myself, (please see This WIKI is for You) we have edit permission to add/delete or change items as needed. The Aneros Company has not and does not dictate the content nor do they maintain/update the information contained therein. They do, however, generously fund/host the maintenance of the website containing the WIKI.

Good Vibes to You!

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