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Quitting porn and not masturbating - not what I expected

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Hi guys,

I've decided to quit porn and stop masturbating via traditional method. If I ever ejaculate, it would be with the help of aneros or another anal toy. There wasn't strong motivation for this, I just didn't feel like watching porn anymore, so I thought why not do semen retention too.

But the thing is, I am no longer horny at all. I get a few good waves during my sessions, but I don't get nice fantasies in my head that used to happen sometimes. In my sessions I don't really get erections or precum anymore. It's gotten quite boring. It's been 12 days and it feels like I could go like this forever. I've tried semen retention before, and could barely go 7 days before exploding.

Just interested what you guys think.

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It can be like that sometimes. The "flat-line" is famous in NoFap. It's a period of relative sexual indifference, where guys might wonder if their dick still works, because it can be hard to even get a boner. Usually the advice it to enjoy the peace while it lasts, and just take the gift of free days on your streak. It'll come back.

I'll often get this at some point right after the first week, but not always. Which goes to show how random things can be. I guess we have our own hormonal shifts and cycles going on. I don't abstain full-time, but it's an interesting experiment once in a while. Goes to show how little we even need to masturbate really.

I can relate to experimenting with this out of boredom. I don't have any major driving force that'd make me want to quit, I just find it a novel personal challenge, and an exciting thing to do in its own way. The dreams can be pretty nuts too after a few weeks.

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OP you can always abstain from porn but not from pleasuring yourself via your penis. I actually got more invested in self pleasuring and focusing on my own pleasure and stimulation and sensations in my body after I quit jerking aimlessly to porn, and watching porn when I wasn't jerking it. Self pleasuring (I try not to say "masturbation" as it means "self polluting" and I don't say "fap" either) became more personal and more intense for me about 30-45 days after I quit porn. It was like I wasn't feeling myself for real, just working my erection as I felt things in my mind from the screen. When its just me and my cock its like a whole new world and self pleasuring feels so good, and its so rewarding.

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