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Questions from a (soon enough) new user.

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Hello, everyone! I've stumpled upon all this a little while ago and this all sounds worth giving a go during my alone time. I don't currently have one, but I'm hoping to get one somehow in the future. But I'm a bit concerned about what this will end up doing to me after successfully getting a Super O or some other fantastic orgasm due to use.

Apparently shortly afterwards you can achieve Super Os/great feelings of pleasure without having the Aneros in at all? Do these happen randomly or will I be able to control them? While the feelings my be fantastic, I don't like the idea of having a Super O when I'm with my Father and especially not my Mother. It doesn't help that I currently live with my parents and will be for a long time I believe. I've also read in the "My First Super O" thread that someone was in a car crash due to a Super O that just triggered randomly. Now that worries me a lot, admittedly. I might have misread it, but I wasn't sure what the poster meant otherwise if I did.

And am I too young for such a product? I'm 19, will be 20 in less than a month. I've learned that men don't finish physically growing till about age 21, so yeah.

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Well, Jameson, I can speak only from my experiences. I've been an aneros user now for 4 years. I well remember when my "less" sessions began while riding to work in my little Toyota Corolla. No, I did NOT have an accident; and, my rides to work and back have since brought about many VERY enjoyable chairgasms. My chairgasms come about while riding, sitting in my office chair and sitting on our couch at home. To my knowledge, they have NEVER been noticed by anyone else around. While everyone is different, Jameson, I don't think you have to worry much. If a chairgasm develops to the point of being too overpowering, all you need to do is get up and become physically involved in something else --- at least that's what I've always done. Changing my position, walking and refocusing all work well for me. Random chairgasms (without an aneros inserted) have added greatly to my joyful journey --- each one I count a blessing. I think your main concern might come during an actual aneros session (one during which you have an aneros inserted. As I'm sure you have read, some men react with extreme full-body shaking and loud vocalizations --- which could be a problem if your parents are within ear distance of your bedroom. I do not react in such a manner --- in fact my wife is not even aware when I am having a solo session. I wish you well Jameson! You're going to have to try things out a bit to know for sure; but, I think you'll do OK in the end!!!

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I think you have several concerns that may not be truly warranted. I'm an experienced user and can have orgasms with the Aneros in pretty much when I'm relaxed and want to, but O's do not occur randomly or spontaneously in my case. I can relax and use some techniques of lightly tickling my nipples and get O's to come sometimes without the Aneros in, but it takes more effort to do it that way.

Chair- or car-gasms are variable with different users. I've never had one though others do. I don't think even if you did that it would be some sudden, uncontrollable event that would cause other havoc, such as a car crash and worries along that line would be unwarranted I would think. 19 years of age is not too young to use prostate massage to maintain health and sexual performance, though oftentimes it's us older guys that utilize it to keep healthy and sexually active as we age. Don't be overly concerned and give it a try.

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Sexually, the advice you have been given seems right on. Aftershocks or echoes aren't likely to cause you to run off the road, at least if you aren't texting while driving. Selecting the occasion to use it should eliminate embarrassing situations with your folks, too.

My only concern is that you might derive sufficient sexual pleasure that it limits your desire to form a more normal, gay or straight, sexual relationship. You seem to be at the age when exploration with a partner is beginning to be a developing experience. I wouldn't want the Aneros to supplant a partner.

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Sorry for the late response, but these responses definitely have helped! I suppose I should just give it a go and see what happens.

My only concern is that you might derive sufficient sexual pleasure that it limits your desire to form a more normal, gay or straight, sexual relationship. You seem to be at the age when exploration with a partner is beginning to be a developing experience. I wouldn't want the Aneros to supplant a partner.

Huh, I haven't given that much thought admittedly. I probably should consider waiting for some time till I get in a serious relationship and actually have sex for the first time, which won't be for a very long time as I want it to be the right person. Thanks for bringing that up!
