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Questions about anal health and pleasure

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This post is going to be a little off-topic. I hope that's OK. There are some questions I've had on my mind for a while, and I thought I might turn to the knowledgeable people on this forum.

About five years ago I discovered the pleasure of anal stimulation and as you can imagine, I got quite excited about it. In retrospect, I might have gotten a bit too excited. I ended up buying a butt plug that was too large and forced it in on a few occasions. This wasn't very enjoyable. Before, I had experimented with random objects as well (this, in contrast, was extremely enjoyable).

In the years since then I've noticed that I can't enjoy anal stimulation any more. Once in a while I would try out my small butt plug, only to be disappointed. There wouldn't be any pleasurable feelings whatsoever, where before, I'd get aroused from just a fingertip. After a small while the plug would just feel 'rough' and out of place.

So, recently I had a long session with a mid-range prostate-stimulator-like vibrator, and discovered I could still get some pretty intense pleasure if I hit the right spot long enough. And with hitting I mean hands-on movement, not Aneros-style subtleness. A few times, though, I hit a spot that would produce intense pain. I imagined, and feared, that this was the prostate, as the intense pleasure spot would generally be in the same place. My theory was that arousal could 'reverse' my prostate's sensory signals and that I'd just have to time it right to get going again. From time to time I'd also get painful burning sensations.

Obviously, I had no idea what I was doing. So I bought a Helix Syn and Peridise set in the hope that they would make a difference. Well, you might guess by my general tone: I just tried them out and so far they don't. Just as with the small butt plug, I don't feel any kind of pleasure at all. There are so many factors take into account though that I don't really know what to think any more. Is this all a question of practice, or am I anally doomed?

To sum things up, I'll list a few questions:

- Is there at least /some/ sensation of pleasure when using the Helix Syn or Peridise for the first time, or does that take practise as well?

- What could be the cause of the sudden disappearance of my anal pleasure buds? Could it just be a natural change, or did I destroy my nerve endings?

- If so, do they grow back?

- What could be the big painful spot I was talking about? The burning sensations?

Again, sorry if this is too much off-topic. It's just that I've been longing for some answers for a while.

B Mayfield
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Not off-topic at all, that's what we're here for!

Sensory nerves (like those in the prostate) can be desensitized by the application of high intensity stimulation. It's the principle that TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) works on in relation to pain reduction. Granted you're not using electrical stimulation in this case but the same concept applies. Know that vibrators (particularly the static type) are stimulating initially but generally produce an analgesic effect over time as well (this is why they're used for muscle soreness). With respect to prostate play it works this way, you're playing with a vibrator and a little feels good, so you press harder...and harder feels better, but in short order the same intensity doesn't produce the same level of sensation, so you keep increasing the intensity to produce the same sensation you felt only moments before. What's occurring is a desensitization of the pudendal nerve. The problem is if one isn't careful there is a potential of doing harm.

With respect to the burning sensations, been there, had that. What causes this? Likely a bruising of the tissue combined with nerve impingement. It's hard to say if you've done permanent damage but if you haven't experience ongoing pudendal neuralgia or prostate pain... probably not. (If you're experiencing ongoing pain and discomfort, a doctor's visit would be in order). Going forth my sense is that you need to back off of aggressive types of prostate stimulation and explore a more gentle approach. While this may not have produced the results you were looking for thus far, it's the path you'll need to follow if want to experience the Super O.

With regard to your question about the Helix and Peridise, some experience pleasure right out of the gate while others take time to develop this. That said, neither of these results necessarily determine the pace of ones journey. Stay the course and things will present themselves to you!


BF Mayfield

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This is a very informative thread thank you!
I have been going down this road lately, and I'm now convinced that the problem is the anal vibrator I got a few months ago. At first it felt great. I loved it. However I noticed almost immediately that my sessions with my helix were not as pleasurable.
Lately I've been having trouble getting any pleasure from it at all. It just feels like I have something stuck up my bum.

Now, after reading this thread I know what I have to do.
1. Throw that vibrator in the garbage. It won't be easy because it was expensive and for a while it felt ooh so good.
2. I have to get back to basics with my aneros....breathe, relax, and feel the subtle sensations, and hope the pleasure resurfaces.

Beatnik, the only advice I might offer is to stick with it and listen to your body. It will tell you when you're on the right path, and as with me, it will tell you when you've messed up.!l

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Not suggesting that you toss away your vibrator unless you think you'll be unable to resist it 😉 . Given that you've invested some resources on a nice one I'd say just put it up on the shelf while you're getting yourself established on the MMO path. There may be a day when it comes in handy for something... perhaps a little blast here or there. When you come to a point where you're capable of Super-O's from a variety of different types stimulation you might find some way to integrate it. When you do just makes sure that you use it for very short periods of time lest you desensitize your gland once more! When it comes to the process of developing your chops you should be about generating and tuning into subtle sensations in your body. When properly encouraged these sensation will grow to an immense magnitude. Vibrators take people in the wrong direction are counterproductive in this pursuit.

BF Mayfield

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BF, thanks for the thorough reply. That is exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

The desensitisation I was trying to describe, though, has nothing to do with the vibrator. (Which, on a side note, doesn't vibrate because the battery holder's stuckX(.) I was planning to throw it away anyway as soon as I got the Helix.

My concern is with the few sessions I had a few years back, where I forced a big buttplug in. It might have been something like 5/6 cm wide at the end, and I didn't have much experience. Since then I've been unable to enjoy any anal stimulation. Maybe because of the nerve desensitisation you're describing. Can nerves be desensitised for a longer period of time?

Just for reference: when I just started experimenting, I could make myself go up and up, trembling and all, just by regular insertion of, well, any object.

And no, I experience no ongoing pain or discomfort. If I've caused any less 'serious' kind of damage, though, I'd do anything to learn how to remedy it.

Oh, and about the burning sensation. How intense have you experienced it? I think you might be right about it being nerve impingement, it was a very long session (the one with the vibrator). I do also experience stinging/burning pains very quickly when pulling out e.g. a plug. They feel very localised as well, almost as if they're nerves. That's another reason why I thought I might have wrecked my nerve endings.

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have you tried a traditional penis orgasm with the helix or peridise in to see what that feels like?

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While the "less is more" rule might not fully apply here, I've found that a ramping down stimulation and asking my sensory areas to seek the pleasure works well. Particularly when intense dry-orgasm is an intended session outcome. When I flex to re-position a prostate toy a slight nudge seems far better than an anal contraction. The sensation of pleasure isn't overridden by the nudge... whereas the application of a major contraction usually leaves behind several seconds of reduced sensitivity while the nervous system and brain "remap" the area and do what we might call a "micro rewiring" of the local area.

I've identified two Aneros tools (Helix-classic and Eupho-classic) that I reserve solely for "orgasmic sessions." Those two toys are never used for general pleasure or what I call, "rough house" play. My body receives the most subtle touch that I can produce. The session is a sort of dance routine that studies subtle stim. The rule is, "don't play a violin with a drumstick."

I routinely stim my nipples through an old tee-shirt to cushion them from the "harsh" surface of my finger prints. A fingernail gets 'lightly' applied to either a nipple or a testicle. This practice has helped me maintain a sensitivity range that's appropriate for both inserted and a-less play.

However, there is a place though for sweaty, hyper-active, rough play to satisfy my 'macho' inclinations. Those sessions yield excitement in the far corner opposite "Calm Seas." My tool of choice for those sessions is usually Progasm, Vice or some other "intrusive" toy. I am more particular about prep and lube for those sessions. (think, donning pads for a contact sport). During those sessions my nips "call for more intensity" and, the tee shirt is usually discarded in favor of some thick lube within the first few minutes. Working the fringes of solo BDSM type action has it's dangers. Not infrequently I'll suffer a bruise or aggravate an old 'roid or fissure scar. I try to keep those sessions on the back burner and allow a week or two afterward for healing and mental recovery.


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