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Question for others with spasmic Super-Os

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I bought my aneros about 3 years ago. There were always pleasant sensations after insertion and moments of mounting arousal and release that I guess is what are referred to on here as mini-Os. Then one day about six months ago, I was in the middle of a session when my legs started to shake like they had never done before (I was on my back with my legs bent), and my hips started to thrust up and down. The pleasure too, was also like anything I'd experienced before, and just as I thought I couldn't take it, my entire body started to shake violently. What I was experiencing was exactly what I had seen in the online videos that I had watched with skepticism. I have since then recorded myself and my spasms are just as violent (sometimes more). It's shocking. The only reason it is not disturbing is that it feels so good. The spasms themselves are not necessarily pleasurable in and of themselves, but the mounting of the pleasure that precedes them and the release that the spasms represent are unbelievable.

Since then I have enjoyed sessions once or twice a week, usually having from 5 to 15 super-Os before I have to stop myself. The problem is that with the spasms, my head jerks up and down to the point I feel my brain is bouncing inside my skull. I usually end my sessions with a headache and afraid I'm going to give myself a concussion. I would not want to explain this at the emergency room.

I usually put my head on a pillow, but it doesn't fully cushion my head when the spasms come. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? How do you protect your head? I would hate to give up these new-found, mindblowing orgasms .

(for all of you still on the road to the Super-O, don't give up. It's worth the wait)

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Have you tried lying on your side rather than your back?

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@yomero So, you were going along doing the sessions just like you always had and all of a sudden one day it just happened???? No warning?

I have been using aneros almost 3 years, it feels really good and sometimes really really good, but no super O. But I am way past being frustrated by no Super O. I just accept what I get. But I have been really close to something several times where I get a shudder through my entire body.

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@wulff: Lying on my side does help. The "problem" is that unless I'm extremely aroused, I need to start out with the first one or two Super-Os lying on my back and with my knees up. After that I can switch to other positions, like on the side or face down (which is also better). However, the most effective position continues to be on my back.

@xtimed69: From the beginning of that session, everything was more intense. Before that I had only experienced minor shaking. I am not really sure what was different in terms of my mood, level of relaxation, or something else. I did not make any conscious change. More than the violent shaking, the best part of the aneros experience is enjoying the moment and the sensations. I have no real advice to give to those pursuing the famed Super-O.

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@yomero I can't super O or really dry O or anything related on my side. Only on my back, knees up. I can straighten my legs out and lay them flat slowly and it changes the way the perineum is located, and also just makes new stuff happen regardless. On my side nothing moves on its own, no involuntary action hardly ever. I hurt myself once, pulled my lower back bucking my hips and fucking the air above me really hard, one huge spasm that was out of control! Two weeks and no gym for me, that was not fun, I woke up and got up and was like "owww! what the hell did I just do to myself???" Be careful those super Os can fuck you up!! (oh my, what a delicious pun lol)

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Well, I've had the shakes before. But nothing I didn't feel I could stop if I wanted to.. Could you stop it if wanting to stop it?

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@yomero @techpump it is so strange, I get absolutely nothing on my back with any of the models. On my side I get good contact.

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The feelings that I get are more intense when lying on my side. Also I think that the bed or whatever you are lying on absorbs more of the energy from the involuntary movements when you are in that position and you tend to throw yourself about less. At a recent session I suddenly found myself delivering an involuntary series of strong pelvic thrusts just as if I were fucking someone. Nothing I could - or wanted to - do to stop them, but had I been on my back I might have ended up like techpump.

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I have had spasmodic super O's in the past. I think they are caused from to much tension or to much built up nervous energy. I have learned how to relax more and I get much better super O's. I think all the movement spills the sexual energy instead of building it. I try to achieve deeper levels of relation each time I ride.

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I can get into violent shakes. Amazingly, it was a little Peridise that set them off. I have found that by relaxing all of my glute muscles, and legs muscles, I can control them somewhat. As soon as I tense anything, off they go again! They can be fun, but also can get in the way of deeper pleasures.

Have fun!


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@brucemarkland @Xileh I think you guys are totally right. As I've become more used to the sensations and learnt to feel when the explosion was coming, the range of motion has become less pronounced. Basically, I'm not flailing in every direction. How do you suggest I work towards achieving greater relaxation?

The spasms come at a point where I feel like I just can't take the pleasure anymore. Can't imagine at this point what experiencing these feelings with even greater intensity would be like.

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if i were you i would just be happy with with i have, a headache or worrying spams are far outweighed by achieving super o's and as you say 15 of them in one session? count your blessings, you're one of the lucky few!


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I am with you on the full-body spasm thing! I have a progasm and I can never keep my legs and arms on the bed. I lay on my stomach and as soon as the super-o begins, both my arms and legs are flailing back and forth. If I lay on my back, my head bangs against the pillow. It's something that I have absolutely no control over. Just let it happen, keep a pillow under your head, and let your body respond the way it wants.

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If I want to avoid them, I have to relax everything. Don't tense your legs and don't tense your buttocks. Once you can learn that, you may be able to control the shakes. They can be entertaining, but they do get in the way of higher pleasures.


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Yah I'm not flailing around, but its just like a shockwave/electric jolt and every muscle in my body tightens and its like BAM and then stuff is happening, and then I'm having an O. My head does move towards my chest uncontrollably when I'm having a O, but when you're having an orgasm, your body is doing its own thing and you really can't control it. I can relax all I want, but when in the throes of orgasmic contractions, I don't know how to purposefully relax; if I did, I wouldn't be cumming anymore.

I'm in the camp that some shakes and muscle contractions, during orgasm, is not a bad thing. If its happening all the time then you're just really getting off, at least that's the way I see it! Aneros/prostate play can be relaxing, but also jolting and stimulating in ways I've never dreamed of, sometimes all at once, sometimes one and then the other, I never know what I'm going to get or how my body is going to react. I just let it do whatever it wants, and when I finally started doing that, dry Os and super Os started happening for me.

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