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Question about something I'm doing

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Recently I've been able to have dry orgasms centered in my penis pretty easily. The thing is, I feel like I can push to get there, just like with a traditional o, by manipulating muscles and tension. This goes against everything I've read about not pushing to get there. Are these orgasms something different than what most experience, and is this going to prevent me from having a more powerful super o? Last night, I was able to stay orgasmic for about 30 minutes straight by trying to push towards an orgasm. It felt like I was at the PONR the entire time, but never did ejaculate.

I'm just curious if I should back off what I've been doing and focus on something else because I really want to get into super o territory again.

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I'm sort of struggling with the same thing. I find it very difficult to get to orgasm without some tension particularly in my legs. The few times I have come close to orgasming without any tension it has been a whole body feeling developing but never tipped over into orgasm. So I am sure all the very experienced users who say 'just relax' are totally correct if you can do it then you probably get some spectacular orgasms. It makes me realise how far I still have to go.
Not sure if that was what you were asking.

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IMHO your analysis is entirely correct.

To eventually achieve the very highest orgasmic results it's essential to keep completely relaxed and train your body and mind with minimal help from "you" to propel you up the arousal slope. That might seem unachievable at times before you learn how to do that but with continued practice you will have as good a chance as anyone to get to the "Super-Os".

I believe that by time-limiting one's practice to every other day and not overdoing your sessions to the extent of tiredness - in other words trying not to be impatient to get results - does eventually pay off.

That took me a few years to realise that, but it eventually worked for me.

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@orgazmo, @smudgefish, @mog, I've been doing a similar thing and have similar questions. I don't do it every day for practical reasons although I would like to. I am trying to learn how to relax my ejaculation muscles while retaining the orgasms. Have isolated many of these. I can get to the point of muscle tension in my thighs, pelvic floor, cremaster, PC, BC and anal shincters, and the urethra. I try to relax each muscle to stay this side of ejaculation. If I relax the urethra just enough, I feel it open and get a nice flow of precum. That's when I know I'm relaxed. When cum starts overflowing, I stop for the session. I never do this with prostate massagers but usually with anal toys like peridise, tempo and dildo. I don't want to confuse my body with penis-prostate stimulation. I do wonder if I'm undoing progress in the rewiring. These sessions require a lot of input from me and I haven't learned to sustain them without it.

My aneros sessions are very different. It takes me a long time to reach the orgasmic zone and then it's calm seas at best. I don't get big anal contractions although I do get them with the anerosless sessions I describe above. That's what gives me hope that I will eventually carry over the involuntaries to the proper aneros sessions.

It's so refreshing to talk about this with guys who are so attuned to their bodies and appreciate taking your time and effort to attain the highest pleasures.

BTW I'm reading in a book about wuji qi gong meditation how to relax the perineal diaphragm just enough through meditation to connect the front and rear meridians. Haven't tackled that yet. Supposedly as I understand it when you have the right amount of tension there, the author claims it's more like the "intension" of lifting the perineum as if lifting a sheet of paper, the front and rear meridians align, the circuit closes near the anus and you can sense a flow of energy. Have to connect the meridians up above with holding the tongue to the hard palate too. He describes it as a kind of microcosmic orbit without energy movement, a static state of energy. He warns that orgasming expends your stored energy though. I've just begun to explore this. Interesting how all this stuff seems to connect up.

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@euphemistic actually I think I am doing exactly same as you. I'm trying the Mantak Chia method and feel a bit stuck because, although I had good results to start with, I just can't seem to move the sexual energy properly now so end up being very close to ejaculation for ages, precum pouring out just like you.

Also, because I'm trying to totally relax into aneros orgasms I'm only having very short weak ones maybe just calm seas like you describe. Not quite sure what's happening there I'm probably trying too hard and not really just enjoying them like I used to, they are nothing like the amazing orgasms I was having last week.

I think perhaps also I'm trying so many new things at once I'm confusing my body and like you undoing a bit of re-wiring. Never mind, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Your last paragraph is interesting.

@mog thanks for that. I'm trying to be patient, glad to hear it might pay off in the end. Not sure how I got my original super-Os it remains a mystery.

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Thanks for the replies. It's weird because the super o I had awhile back was in a completely relaxed state and happened so quickly and easily. Then I went through a dry spell after that, but soon I was able to have dry orgasms that felt almost identical to traditional o's. On my hot streak this came very quickly and frequently, almost continuously. Now I'm in another dry spell and it's a struggle just to have a penis based dry orgasm. Maybe this is just part of the process because I've basically just been following the pleasure and doing what feels good. Now that I'm in a dry spell, perhaps I'll concentrate more on relaxation and meditation than the drive to a penile dry orgasm. Maybe on my next hot streak I'll have some new type of orgasm located somewhere else. It's kind of annoying to have so many dry orgasms in your penis because it automatically seems to trigger that hard wired drive to push for orgasm and ejaculation.

It also seems like everything I do to keep relaxed ends up being a distraction. For example when I feel my ass clench, I can't unclench it with out becoming unrelaxed.

I'm curious to see if I can go on a mini hot streak as the new moon approaches. I'm not sure of what affect that cycle has because I haven't been paying attention that long. I know the week before the full moon I get a lot of sexual energy.

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I'm also on a dry spell aneros wise. I think we are all in sync like women having periods.

I know what you mean about the relaxation thing being more of a distraction that's exactly how I find it. One day I will crack it.

Having said that I just had my first proper orgasm by the Mantak Chia method, wow it was good!

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Part of me is kind of grateful for having a dry spell because I couldn't stop orgasming for a few days and I got hung up on penis sensations. Although it is frustrating not having orgasms like I was, at least now I can focus on other things besides my dick. I'm going to try to focus more on meditation and the prostate now that things have settled down, so hopefully I can experience some new types of orgasms once this dry spell is over.

I had a session last night, but only had a couple orgasms that weren't all that great. I did have some sort of deep pleasureful feeling in my prostate, but it never advanced beyond that. I may try some visualization techniques of me floating and see if that does anything. The floating sensation was my favorite part of the super o.

I'll have to look up the Mantak Chia method and see if that may be of interest too me. Definitely willing to try new things during dry spells.

What are everyone else's cycles like? Do you have one peak a month or 2? I'm hoping I can have a couple weeks out of the month where my sexual energy peaks instead of just one. Guess I'll know for sure in the next week if I can have a second peak of sexual energy or not.

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@orgazmo if you try his method watch out I've had loads of headaches from it, and gone and given myself a bad back now trying again and not moving the energy properly out of my back. I can move it up most of the time but seem to fail to move it down properly, and I think you are playing with something like Kundalini energy so it's powerful. I really need to keep practising the basics before I try to move full orgasmic energy again! Once you can move it properly though he promises full body orgasms. Like everything practice makes perfect I suppose.

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You're a doctor @smudgefish? A proctologist?

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@Sorena_ family doctor, but the only male in my practice, so I do a lot of prostate problems! (thread crossover?)

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@smudgefish Did you get this method from The Multi-Orgasmic Man book? I've been meaning to read it. I haven't had any more KS symptoms since my bout with vertigo. I still get a sensation of bobbing on waves sometimes during sessions or even when I'm just fapping, but outside of that it has cleared up completely.

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@orgazmo yes from 'Multi-Orgasmic Man'.

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When I went to bed last night, I decided to play around with something before I fell asleep. I tried focusing on my brain and imagining myself having orgasms throughout my body. This actually went better than expected and I was able to generate full body sensations. I never did have a proper orgasm though because I was too tired to keep doing it beyond 10 or 15 minutes. I did have full body pleasure waves though, so I'll be attempting this technique again.

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@orgazmo @smudgefish

Regarding your dry-spell/monthly cycles:
That ebook I shared in the "new-technique"- thread covers (towards the end) the issue of hormonal manipulation. I found it a bit complicated and wasn't interested enough about that subject. But as far as I understood, your physicaly arousal ability relies heavily on hormones which get somehow burned up in the process. So your cycles may be just a result of (lots of) excessive sessions, followed by a dry-spell due to a lack of hormones in your body afterwards. And your hot streak may be the result of your body, that refilled it's supplies.

Even Mantak's approach of ejaculation-restraint considers the hormonal side effects with a special diet and regular (but seldom) ejaculation.

I'm just wildly speculating here and I guess there is a scientific theory out there about monthly male hormonal cycles as well. But maybe you like to give it a shot and try to cut down the amount of sessions a bit and see if it affects your cycles.

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I've been spacing out my aneros session to about 2 times a week, maybe 3 if I'm on a hot streak. I do a-less before I go to bed, sometimes only a few minutes, sometimes a couple hours if it is good. I've also tried out the no fap thing, but it doesn't really seem to make much of a difference. Sometimes I just don't feel like I have much sexual energy, even if I go a few days without fapping or using the aneros. Sometimes I can ejaculate 3 times during the day and still have loads of sexual energy. The only for sure pattern I've noticed is the week before the full moon I'm a sex crazed maniac. Not sure if this phenomenon is just in my head or not, but it is something I've noticed for the last couple years. There is always a week out of the month where my sex drive goes crazy. The weird thing is, once the full moon happens, I'm already well into the downswing. It seems like my sex drive would peak with the full moon instead of before it if it had anything to do with it.

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That's quite interesting. Well I guess as long as you know your cycle and therefore can plan an fully enjoy your hot week, it's not all that bad 🙂

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I'm hoping I can have a 2nd peak in the next week with a new moon coming up. It feels like my sex drive is starting to increase a little bit again, but I guess I'll know for sure by the end of the week. Definitely starting to feel that deep sensation in my prostate again with some horniness starting to creep back in. Hoping I can have more than one week out of the month where I can orgasm with ease. That week at the end of July was intense. I literally could not stop having orgasms. It almost took over my life lol. I would be sitting at the computer and a pleasure wave would hit and within just a few seconds it would turn into an orgasm.

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@Orgazmo, welcome to the Full Moon Club! 🙂

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I've been unable to break through to an orgasm for a few days now. Possibly because I'm trying to relax and it's throwing me. I'm at the peak of sexual excitement for as long as I want to be, but it just won't turn into an orgasm as if my body (or is it my brain) won't let it. Last week I would have had an orgasm like that without any difficulty.
I have a feeling that the longer I keep the excitement this high it's building up to something big. I keep feeling like my whole body is just about to orgasm but despite trying to relax further, or even willing it into an orgasm it just won't happen. I have orgasmic flutterings all over me and that deep visceral 'just going into an orgasm' feeling everywhere, and feel as if my brain is going to explode into orgasm. Hasn't yet though.
I think it's part of rewiring. My body is experimenting with the next phase of allowing itself to go whole body I hope (I'm not even mentionning the SO). Once this breaks through it's going to be good. Maybe the fuill moon will help?

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Some new things happened last night during an impromptu a-less session before bed. I was able to to relax and feel pleasure waves wash over me just using my breath. It was always on the exhale I felt the pleasure waves. After 5 minutes the pleasure waves turned into a couple nice orgasms that were almost full body in nature. It felt like there was something bigger building too, but I was tired and I couldn't keep it going long enough to see. During the orgasms I got the bobbing on waves sensation again just like when I had a super o.
@Orgazmo, welcome to the Full Moon Club! 🙂


@smudgefish I've had those sensations where it feels like I'm about to have the most powerful orgasm ever, but still haven't been able to get the "big one". I've also had a lot of the same fluttering sensations for the last week, not just in the prostate, but all over.

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@orgasmo really hope you manage to get the full body orgasm soon.

The breathing is interesting. I'm sure that a lot of sensation is generated somewhere in the nasal cavity and it seems to resonate as I get close to orgasm, particularly when it feels whole body. I get the same pleasure waves as you. Not sure if it's to do with the pituitary gland being very close. You can stimulate it using upward eye movement or using kechari mudra, both of which can lead to similar sensations, I'm sure there's a link there somewhere.

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@smudgefish I've noticed sometimes I can amplify the pleasure by moving my eyes upward! I didn't even know that was a real technique lol.

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I think all the answers we could give have been given to you before.

You might be missing the bigger picture. Focusing on orgasm, goal, the instant, the techniques, the muscles... Is not helpful. SuperOs will come to you if and when they are meant to. Your job is not to produce them, you just can't on your own, but to welcome and surrender to surges traversing you.

They will be big or small depending on what's on the plate at that time. The only thing you can actively do is prevent them from fully happening. That's what happens when you disperse the energy either by voluntarily trying to de-route it to your own goals or by involuntarily eliminating the uncomfortable tension through shakes, tension, sneeze or whatever. Can you enhance the natural ? Well, probably, yes... but only of a tiny margin and that requires a level of mastery well beyond the "just let go" method. More likely you'll do it wrong and ruin what is there already. Just try and learn to welcome what is there. This is hard enough. Every voluntary or involuntary action by you has a very little chance of enhancing things slightly (barely at all) and a huge chance of ruining things big time.

If you want to focus on something, it should be on making yourself available in your general life. The rest is not up to you.

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IMHO your analysis is entirely correct.

To eventually achieve the very highest orgasmic results it's essential to keep completely relaxed and train your body and mind with minimal help from "you" to propel you up the arousal slope. That might seem unachievable at times before you learn how to do that but with continued practice you will have as good a chance as anyone to get to the "Super-Os".

I believe that by time-limiting one's practice to every other day and not overdoing your sessions to the extent of tiredness - in other words trying not to be impatient to get results - does eventually pay off.

That took me a few years to realise that, but it eventually worked for me.

Greetings Sir-Mog,

I agree with what you are saying here. An expression I remember reading on this forum was to focus on the sensation without trying to do anything with it. As if you are day-dreaming while looking at a peaceful scene. "The blank stare". Enjoy the pleasure/sensation without thinking of the specific thing that you are doing or even the location where it might be happening.

Relaxing, to me, is getting myself out of the way from where the sensations want to take me. Just know that if it doesn't happen for you this time, it will at some point. In the mean time, the sensations are fantastic. Enjoy them!


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Yeah all those easy orgasms I can push to are gone now so I guess that was just a phase. I'm back to focusing more on relaxation and just taking whatever feelings I can get. I had my first session in probably about a week last night. Just have been more interested in sleeping than having a session recently. I think my calorie deficit has me feeling a bit tired recently. The session went ok, some good feelings, but not many orgasms. It was still nice to ride again though after a week of not using the aneros or doing a-less.

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Things are cranking up again today. I had some very easy orgasms earlier. Something I'm realizing is at some point during a session, I will start pushing towards orgasms and the feeling of ejaculation too much. It helps if I get up and take a bathroom and water break to sort of reset that feeling. The past week I haven't felt like doing any kind of session and today it just sort of hit me. I'm wondering if my hot cycle begins around the new moon and ends at the full moon. So maybe I have a couple weeks where I get on a hot streak every month, then things sort of reset. I'm glad it is back, because the past couple weeks have felt like I had lost all interest in the aneros. What's weird is I didn't have that sweet achey feeling in my prostate, but the feeling in my dick where I just wanted jerk off.

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@orgazmo pleased it's back for you. Weird I am just the same, gone back to using the progasm and had a full body orgasm for first time in many weeks.

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Smudgefish, I can't send you a private message. Try sending one to me to see if that works

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