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Question about Female Ejaculate

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Hi, I don't know where else to ask this sex question; this is the only site I know where people discuss sex frankly and with knowledge.

My wife for the first time has been having orgasms during sex; she has only had orgasms masturbating. Now she has them with penetration; which is truly amazing. It's taken a lot of talk and work and whatnot to get here. Years, really, lol.

So, something has been happening that I am a bit confused about. Sometimes when she cums, she gushes a liquid from deep in her vagina. It's not her urethra; nor does it seem to be urine. But, neither is it the thick creamy substance I have experienced with other women when cumming. It's a very thin liquid. And it accompanies what appears to be a very contractile, clenching orgasm.

This happens when I'm hitting her in a certain spot very deep (I'm 7.5" x 5.5) - likely the anterior fornix - and once we found it, she wants it there all the time haha.

So 1. I don't think it's the result of g-spot stimulation, at least not primarily; g-spot stimulation alone doesn't do a lot for her, and certainly not orgasms like this. And 2. the liquid is NOT emitted from the urethra.

These two things^ are normally associated with what is called "squirting". Instead it's from stimulation fo a very deep spot and the liquid is emitted from deep in her vagina.

Can anyone shed light on what is happening?

Sorry if this is an inappropriate topic for this forum.

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Hi, I don't know where else to ask this sex question; this is the only site I know where people discuss sex frankly and with knowledge. Can anyone shed light on what is happening?

I can't answer your question but I can direct you to a more authoritative, knowledgeable website. Check out If you join their site (it's free), you can ask your question there and I'm confident they can give you a definitive answer.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks very much rumel! 🙂

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How can you be certain it’s not from her urethra or one of the surrounding glands? I have been with 15-20 women who have squirted in my presence. What causes it is different for everyone (deep penetration, Gspot stimulation, urethral stimulation, even anal stimulation), as well as how it comes out. However it always comes out of the urethra and the surrounding ducts as far as I am aware. It just comes out in very different ways. Sometimes it sprays in a stream or a squirt, sometimes it gushes, sometimes it slowly sweeps out. In the latter two cases it is impossible to tell where it is coming from, as it is not directional. Especially while penetrating her, with fingers, a toy or your penis, the fluid comes so quickly that it gets everywhere before your realize where it is coming from, and it quickly seeps into the vaginal cavity, as penetration creates a vacuum effect. I could be wrong, and would love to read any literature you dig up, but according to everything I’ve read, excessive gushing (and not the white cream you mention or the clear sticky slime some women have) comes mainly from the bladder and other glands, and out the urethra. Which is fine, if your partner likes it!

In any case congratulations on her newfound pleasure, both in having orgasms and in discovering squirting. And awesome that she likes it! Some women like it, some don’t, and some get no pleasure from squirting itself, but it accompanies normal orgasms. Amongst those who like it, sometimes it is an orgasm in and of itself, sometimes a release with no orgasm.... and many more possibilities, that I am not capable of enumerating because I am not a woman and all I know is what women tell me. And everyone is different, just like us with our prostates...

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How can you be certain it’s not from her urethra or one of the surrounding glands?.

Because when I'm deep in inside her and she starts to orgasm I can feel the liquid being released and drenching my cock from the tip to the base.

Of course it's possible I am misperceiving things; after all during these moments I'm not exactly cool and collected. But it definitely feels different from anything else I've experienced with women.

Definitely true that everyone is different; men and women both!

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@Katzy i know what you mean, because I have felt that too— it is especially clear because the “squirt” washes away the slipperiness of natural lube or synthetic lube, requiring further application of synthetic lube in most cases, if you continue vaginal stimulation and penetration. I never analyzed it before, and above I just surmised about negative space creating a vacuum, but that makes sense. That vacuum effect is why women have vaginal farts after penetration, especially in certain positions . So unless her anatomy is drastically different from most women, or my research is wrong (the latter is very possible), I think it is a case of misperception. My guess is she starts “leaking” long before either of you realize, and when she really gushes, the liquid is already everywhere, so you can’t tell where it is coming from. Most women who I have helped squirt (or watched squirt) don’t realize that is happening right away. The question “did I just squirt” is common, as is the surprise at the size of the puddle on the sheets.

In my experience it is rare to see it actually squirting out of the vagina (though porn would tell you otherwise). My “technique” for helping women squirt is digital— I massage their g-spot in a particular way, while simultaneously licking their clit/labia as well as gently (or forcefully) pressing above their mons veneris if they like that. So my face is often right up close while they are squirting, and even then I get the impression that it seeps or splashes out from everywhere. The fact that the urethra is just above the vaginal opening and much intercourse/fingering takes place with the woman on her back only adds to the illusion. Anyways... your a lucky guy, that she squirts AND that she likes it 🙂

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Interesting, thanks.

Many of the comments seem to coincide exactly with my experience. I am sticking to what I know I experienced. Perhaps it hasn't been verified - and maybe it cannot ever be verified in principle - by a lab or some sort of research, but the absence of evidence either way (and it seems extremely inconclusive and spotty) doesn't trump my own experience.

This reminds me of all of the egg-head idea/falsehoods that are supposedly based in research and are repeated about training with weights. Experience trumps those conclusions every time, in my book.

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@Katzy @me want tools

that article is interesting BUT if you read the first two comments your run into the common counter argument: there hasn’t been enough testing of large groups to know what it actually is. Results (and in this case analysis of results) are skewed based on researchers gender, experience in life, and what they WANT to see. That is the case for all scientific experiments, sadly.

If if you’ve ever done male squirting, it is similar. It isn’t urine per se. But it definitely is composed of the same stuff.

in any case the article is spot on in saying that those who like it should do it, and that there should be no pressure in making squirting essential to sexual encounters.

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@ divine oblivion yes, I agree with all of that. 🙂

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