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Question about a tip I read.

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That you shouldn't contract very heavily, staying with light contractions and letting the toy basically do the work for you, but the question is this. If I don't feel the toy on my prostate (and I am getting good at dialing in anal prostate pleasure feelings) should I then contract harder? Does letting a toy sit in me with me barely contracting going to do anything if it isn't rubbing my prostate?

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For me... paying attention to contractions means I'm "listening" to the muscles and their tension. But what I need to be listening to is the pleasure that exists separately to that. Listening to nerves that may not be the same as the ones responsible for contractions.

Does letting a toy sit in me with me barely contracting going to do anything if it isn't rubbing my prostate?

IMO, yes. I've had good times just letting the aneros sit there. Feeling it gently leaning against my prostate, and tuning-in to the subtle feeling of that. So I'd begin there. When the pleasure rises enough, the contractions will happen as they need to. I get more mileage from gently grinding my hips than I do from manual contractions anyway. Find the pleasure first, then figure out what kind of contractions or movements complement what you're feeling. I don't think it works the same way as penis stimulation, where you can pump and pound feelings into existence... doing all the boring work up-front for the big payoff at the end.

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IMHO @Clenchy answered this well with truth and confidence. There is a reason the "do-nothing" approach is discussed in the Forum so much: it works! So to answer your question, yes, insert the Aneros and just lay-back and relax! Take your time. The rest will be up to your body, and believe me, your prostate will know that someone is "knocking on the door!" At that point, the contractions will probably be automatic, perhaps slightly at first, but as your pleasure builds they may become more intense and more frequent and you will be on your way to another great session! BTW, remember that the Aneros is stimulating other internal parts of your anatomy like your anus and rectum in addition to your prostate.

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Do Nothing is the only method that really works for me. I think it allows your body to freely do what it needs to do without any interference. If you try to contract a certain way, or hold something, etc. then you're basically saying you know what to do more than your involuntary spasms/muscle contractions do. And that's sorta crazy. Just let your body figure it out - when something starts feeling good that it likes, it'll know and it'll be almost impossible to stop your muscles/twitches/spasms from doing something that feels good. And when that feels good, it leads to more involuntary reactions, which feels good, and leads to more, etc. etc. etc.

It's a positive feedback loop - don't interrupt it by thinking you know what's best.

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