Hey guys,
How much of an effect does using aneros stimulators have on raising the PSA number of a blood test? I have had doctors tell me that about 2 wks are needed after a DRE for blood antigen levels to return to normal. Would it be the same, more, or less for using aneros stimulators? My Urologist is mildly cocncerned with my PSA levels and I have had biopsies in the past because of it. NOT THE MOST FUN I'VE EVER HAD! Does anyone out there have any experience with this. Thanks in advance and good vibes to all.
i would think the aneros and a dre would have the same effect.
that said, if you do a search for PSA on this forum, i think you will find guys who have very low PSAs even after using the aneros.
in my case i had an elevated one, layed off the aneros for a couple of weeks confident that it would improve, and the next one was even higher.
in sum, to be safe, lay off, though i am not sure it makes any difference.
I've had a few PSA tests since using the Aneros and have only had the very slightest change while using it - like .1 or .2 change. For best results though I've heard it makes sense to wait 3 to 5 days between use and your test.
Hard to believe this thread is so old, but it seems like it shouldn't be!
I just had my first PSA test in quite a few years, so I was overdue. Age 61, results were 1.4 ng/ml. (Normal is considered 0 to 4.0 ng/ml.) My last session was on Saturday, and the blood draw was on Wednesday, so a good solid 3 days (1/2?).
I must say I was nervous about the test, as my sessions have been pretty frequent over the last year, and I wasn't sure 3 days was a long enough break. I guess it was, although I have no record of what my previous tests were, as I have moved since, and it was around 2012 or 2013, way before Aneros.
So, keep at it, gentleman!
Regards, Charlie