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Prostate/anal orgasm? Is there a difference?

Bill Bately
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I've been an aneros user for around 10 years and have loved it. I have quite a variety of devices. I've also experienced aless sessions as well. Certainly all a godsend. I've never experienced anal play, or sex, aside from my aneros experiences, which have been many. But I'm always curious, what's happening when I experience these mind boggling dry Os. Is that prostate stimulation, or anal? How do you know? What makes it feel that way? Do users find one device hits one type, while another device spawns another type of O? Any comments. And, to take it further, what about aless? Is that prostate or anal stimulation? And, incidentally, how does aless stimulate, without a device?

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What do you mean by “anal”?

the definition of anal is of or relating to the anus or the anal, that is the sphincters and the short anal canal. But, in the world of sex, the word anal has come to encompass the rectum as well. No one says “rectal” sex, though that would be just as valid. The equivalent would be if people said vulval sex or labial sex instead of vaginal sex.

I am not too knowledgeable on anatomy but there are lots of muscles in our pelvic basin, and ton of nerves. So there is a ton of variation possible, on a gradient, depending on the choice of toy (or none), body position, muscles activated (or not), and focus.

My perception of where things are happening is pretty muddled by the intensity of the orgasms themselves, but I definitely have distinct types of orgasms that I can recreate by certain combinations of factors listed above. The one I feel most in my anus is on all fours with my butt in the air, with or without a toy.

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I can relate to your confusion. I’ve been enjoying prostate pleasure for about a year and a half now. I definitely know what the Super O is and the varied range of orgasms based on positions and different toys used... I’ve found myself recently pondering the anal orgasm as I think I can tell now that there is a slight difference in where the pleasure resonates from. For example if I’m doing the usual anal contracting with aneros inside me and I’m allowing myself to just feel the many shocks of pleasure centered around my anal canal, I believe I can feel the rising pleasure and orgasm mainly in my anus... which for me triggers a deeper more intense orgasm of the prostate and full body. It’s hard to articulate all of that but essentially I do believe that we can enjoy an anal orgasm separate from the prostate and/or together! I think when we go into Super O mode we are overloading our entire pelvic and anal region with intense pleasure, so it will always be tricky to truly understand the how and the why... honestly I’m just happy to be along for the incredible ride 🙂

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Its always hard to know where the pleasure comes from since we are talking an inch and a half ? between the anus and the prostate.I have always considered the "warm pleasure" I feel at the outer anus at the begining of a session to be an anal orgasm which spreads to the prostate.Its kinda like the image of a light frost melting off your windshield with the fan on high if that makes any sense.

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In my experience:
Anal orgasms are more free-form pleasures spread over the pelvis region. Just the feeling of the toy going back and fourth feels nice. Prostate orgasms are specific to a location (how specific can vary), and yield certain sensations.
The biggest telltale between what your feeling can be figured out on what direction a toy's bend is facing. This is more noticeable with traditional toys.
For instance, using a toy for half an hour with the bend facing your behind. Then half an hour with the toy facing the front/prostate.

The difficulty with pinpointing prostate sensations can often be two things: [LIST=1]

  • There's generally less needed to do in enticing anal orgasms. Quite often the orgasms follow along with prostate ones, so they end up being mixed up.
  • From a personal view, it's partly genetics. Some people have pretty sensitive prostates, others not so much. How much pleasure you can derive from the prostate may not add up with other users. Perhaps that's another reason why journey lengths for users vary.
  • Elaborating on numero dos, the most common description for hitting the P-Spot is a feeling "like needing to pee", with a sweet pleasure attached. This is what I've seen users describe feeling, myself included, when first inserting the toy for a session -- —followed by this sensation just vanishing within a minute for the rest of the time, sometimes never coming back. Even after all this time, it's an enigma that I've found hasn't received any solid answer or advice sadly. Typically the theory is the prostate has moved from being pressed, armoured up through the rectal walls over arousal, or not getting enough practice.

    Despite that, arousal and pleasure are still just that. I think they ultimately lead to similar points, is just getting enough of it, and doing so eventually gets other aspects of anal play to swing into gear,— including the prostate.

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    So I'm still hanging on the question if anyone knows or has a theory, what causes Aless ? I'm a 3 month newbie and have has some good aneros sessions, but some of my aless sessions are way more intense. Albeit my aneros sessions are catching up. What causes aless ? For me they can come out of nowhere. 3-5 days after a session sometimes. Especially if I'm driving, or just sitting on the couch. Thx.

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    So I'm still hanging on the question if anyone knows or has a theory, what causes Aless ? I'm a 3 month newbie and have has some good aneros sessions, but some of my aless sessions are way more intense. Albeit my aneros sessions are catching up. What causes aless ? For me they can come out of nowhere. 3-5 days after a session sometimes. Especially if I'm driving, or just sitting on the couch. Thx.

    Quite a big part of arousal is also the mind. There's synapse between your thoughts and body — erections happen this way, for example.
    Fantasising could elicit horniness, and the opposite is true. Physical pleasure can draw out dirty thoughts. It's fundamental, in a way.

    And it's that fundamental aspect which leads to Aless vibes being so strong. It's not just that one element though, as muscle memory can play a part. Often when I have a really good session, the following day my body feels pumped on arousal around the time that session from yesterday happened.

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